2018 in Full-Spectrum

The Year-in-Review with NBT and Ventures

Next Big Thing AG
Next Big Thing Tank
4 min readDec 20, 2018


Want a glimpse of a massively productive year? Look no further. Despite the internationally hectic quality of 2018, we as a tech company builder with cross-industry ventures, focused on solving problems with smart solutions.

Join us in reflecting on last year’s accomplishments as we set the goal even higher for next year.

In case you missed articles we published via our blog and Medium publication capturing our 2018 activities, we offer you this year-in-review below, sorted into four overarching trends:

Impact, Highlights, Ecosystem, and International Relations.

Stay tuned for what’s to come in 2019, when we dive into educational partner projects, shake up the energy sector and address the global water crisis, among other big endeavors.

1.High Tech’s High Impact

Our C-level presented their visions and ideas, which are shaping the IoT and blockchain landscape in Berlin and beyond.

NBT’s CTO Jasmin Skenderi discussed the importance of data attestation and security.

NBT’s Founder and CEO Harald Zapp spoke internationally in Austin, San Francisco, China, and Germany, to name a few places; highlights included insights at CUBE and learnings from his Relayr roots.

NBT CIO Martin Buhl dived into the 4th Industrial Revolution and discussed our lean startup approach.

Harald Zapp at CUBE, during an interview with journalist Monty Munford. Photo by Dan Taylor, 2018.

2. Venture Highlights

Our ventures had some major wins. Here are a few notable milestones.

Our proptech venture METR made major headway with their M-gate, through R&D industry partnerships, and in closing a seed round.

AssistMe, our healthtech venture, spoke at ConHIT and Data Natives, raised financing, and grew their industrious team, shown below.

The AssistMe team.

In supply chain, our venture Evertrace made Germany’s top 100 startups. After completing a pilot project with +D Consortium, Evertrace is currently developing a platform for cargo insurance, real-time tracking and risk accumulation modeling. Read an interview with founder, Darina Onoprienko.

Our Economy of Things venture, Weeve hosted a Hackathon connecting Ethereum to real IoT products, showcased weeveOS at Moinworld–furthering diversity in tech, had their MQTTS adopted by Fraunhofer FOKUS, and expanded their network of advisors and partners.

3. Expanding Berlin’s Ecosystem

Our ecosystem is continually expanding. Join us in Berlin!

We moved to Factory Berlin, kicked off the de:hub for IoT here, initiated a local Hardware Massive chapter, and connected with other German hubs.

After launching a roadshow to bring IoT to SMEs across Germany, we also welcomed the Mayor of Berlin and represented Berlin in San Francisco. Finally, we capped off the year with a cozy Kaminabend for the IoT community.

NBT’s home — Factory Görlitzer Park, Berlin.

4. China & Germany Rapport

Don’t sleep on this one. Watch where these two countries are headed, together.

One of the most important global relationships to watch is that of Germany and China. According to Yahoo Finance, “China became Germany’s largest trading partner, with a trade volume of more than 180 billion Euros, which is more than the sum of Britain, France and Italy.”

On the heels of NBT CEO Harald Zapp joining an German economic delegation to China, we hosted Brinc’s Bay McLaughlin during Bay Day. We later received a visit from the Chinese Entrepreneurs Club (CEC) with some great presentations by our friends at Factory Berlin.

NBT’s CEO Harald Zapp (left) during the CEC visit.

Get in Touch

What a year, right? If you’re ready to support an idea or apply for a new role that might reshape your future, just reach out.

To keep up with us, sign-up for our newsletter and meet us over on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, too.

All images © Next Big Thing AG 2018 unless otherwise noted.

Originally published at blog.nextbigthing.ag.



Next Big Thing AG
Next Big Thing Tank

Europe’s leading venture studio for the Machine Economy that co-founds deep-tech companies with aspiring founders & corporates. http://www.nextbigthing.ag/