Are you ready for the first distribution of NAT and DIP rewards?

Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2019

Next Monday is not just the first NAT distribution cycle but also the first release of DIP rewards!

A few short weeks ago, the Nebulas Nova testnet Developer Incentive Program which spanned 10 weeks came to an end. During this program, a total of 7 addresses were rewarded testnet NAS and will receive mainnet NAS to the same address that created the contract on the testnet.

List of addresses who qualified for testnet DIP rewards

Note: Additional addresses did receive NAS DIP rewards but the reward amount was a small fraction of NAS so only the top 7 will receive mainnet rewards.

Learn more about the completion of the completion of the Nebulas NOVA testnet program.

The first on-chain upgrade completed

On May 6th, 2019, the first Nebulas on-chain technical proposal entitled the “Arthur proposal” completed an autonomous upgrade to the Nebulas mainnet via the Nebulas Blockchain Runtime Environment (NBRE). This upgrade took place after successfully receive the approval from the community via on-chain voting. This upgrade improved both Nebulas Rank and the Developer Incentive Protocol (DIP) services by modifying their parameters and functions.

Once the Arthur proposal successfully completed its seamless upgrade to the Nebulas mainnet, the era of native on-chain incentives within the blockchain world had finally arrived.

How to receive DIP rewards

Developers who deploy smart contracts on Nebulas NOVA have the opportunity to receive native NAS incentive distributed by the Developer Incentive Protocol (DIP). DIP rewards are based on the Nebulas Rank of all deployed smart contract addresses and the top scored smart contracts receive a portion of the DIP reward.

The first release of the DIP reward will take place on May 13th, 2019. These incentives will automatically be sent to the rewarded smart contract creator addresses on the Nebulas mainnet and every week onward.

Nebulas Rank has been designed to build a positive feedback look within the entire Nebulas ecosystem through the use of the Developer Incentive protocol (DIP). The DIP reward will positively motivate developers to build high quality, decentralized applications (DApp) on the Nebulas blockchain. Through this method Nebulas is the only blockchain project actively rewarding developers for their continued creation.

The first NAT distribution cycle

Furthermore, on May 13th, the first release of the Nebulas Autonomous Token (NAT) will take place. Addresses who pledged their NAS or have a Nebulas Rank will receive the first NAT distribution cycle. In addition, NAT will be distributed every following week so be sure to pledge, increase your Nebulas Rank and utilize your NAT via on-chain governance.

For more information about the Nebulas Autonomous Token (NAT), check out these articles:

If you have any questions, please ask on the Nebulas community forum at

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Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.