Top Stories published by No Office in 2016

How a company without an office makes a great team… better?

Exactly 9 years ago today, I launched my productivity startup: Nozbe. I wrote this web application to help me get things done and decided to show it to the world. Back then, I was a one-man-shop. I did all the coding in…

How “No Office” makes us… better?

When I talk to people about the way we work at Nozbe, that we have a team of 30+ people (core team and collaborators) working from homes, I get mixed reactions.

There is no office…

I’m a big fan of the movie Matrix. It has quite a few memorable scenes. One of the best is when a boy is “bending” the spoon. In this article I’d like to explain how this scene has everything to do with how we get things done every single day:

No Office
“Work is not a place to go. It’s a thing that you do.”… or how to productively manage a team without an office.
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