“Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ”

Part 2 of 3 (the 1978 to 1980 guidance) by Aka, spiritual messengers of God


For what would you give of yourself in service of the preparation for the Anti-Christ’s rule? From greed? Lust? Envy? Jeaousy? Fear? Mistrust? Doubt? These words Jesus spoke come to mind: “You cannot serve two masters, for you will love the one and hate the other. You cannot serve God and money.” (See Matthew 6:24 and 21:12–13.)

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke July 23, 1978: We say unto you these words. The Anti-Christ now knows of his dominion and walks upon your Earth. A way is being prepared for his time and his rule.

That of the recent conference between your European countries and your own [U.S.A.] was a major part in the power he shall draw from.

The Bremen Summit was held 6–7 July 1978, on Progresses Towards Monetary Union. Is this the recent conference of which the spiritual messengers of God spoke on July 23, 1978? Did this precede the euro monetary system? Was this a step toward a one world government? How was this the major part in the power he shall draw from?

The other side of the coin will be that power he shall draw from China and Russia.

[Note: If you missed it, you can read part 1 (the 1970 to 1977 messages) in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ” here.]

In Part 2 (the 1978 to 1980 messages) the spiritual messengers of God give prophecies that seem to be spoken for a time and a place, yet, some seem to extend into the present and future. Some bring to mind prophecies written in scriptures. Are they part of a bigger picture we did not see?

Why would spiritual messengers of God choose these things to tell us?

Were we being shown these signs so we will learn from them and also learn to recognize what is happening as the preparation for the Anti-Christ continues? With this knowledge, can we see what is happening now, and not follow the Anti-Christ?

“The half times are over. Now it shall be one or the other — those who should follow the Anti-Christ, or those who should prepare the way and follow the Christ.”

“For those who are wise, let them see. And for those who can hear, let them hear.”

January 20, 1978, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, gave this message for the new year and beyond that time: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For glory be the children of God, and glory be those who should take His name in a sacred manner.

Throughout thy land at this time thy are experiencing trauma and illness. We shall explain in this manner.

The human body in its largest substance is fluid, and therefore, shall act in great accordance with both moon and sun, and other planets, and even meteorites in your galaxy. Therefore, in that manner, these should also affect the ozone belt. And in the same manner as you would have in the summer months, of a buildup of large amounts of positive ions, you are having the same pattern, only in reverse. With the increase in the storms in your area and the many other areas across your land, the negative ion buildup can exceed that of normal limits, causing arrhythmia in the system of the heart regions, anxiety which would bring forth the drama within your own lives.

You have yet another factor, and that is man’s interference with the weather itself. Properly used, these tools should be greatly enhanced into man’s hands — improperly used, or experimented with, as a weapon.

Jets spray trails of chemicals into the atmosphere to affect weather, block sun, and for many purposes, both peaceful and for military and corporate reasons. Several countries and private corporations have been doing this for years. Many people have gotten used to seeing these trails containing large amounts of heavy metal particles, such as aluminum, combined with about 20 other elements, linger in the sky as heavy metal particles, partially blocking the sun. NASA calls it sky whitening. Much can be done to affect weather with this geoengineering technique and also with microwave directed at regions of the sky.

The third part of this should be that of the experiment of your two greater powers, that of the Republic of Russia and that of the United States, in what you would call, ultrasound. This in itself could cause nervousness to the point that some would go mad. Others it would affect the heart. Other organs would be affected accordingly. Any weaknesses within the system would come forth in extreme manners.

Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW) are weapons of various types that use sound to injure, incapacitate, or kill an opponent. Some sonic weapons are currently in limited use or in research and development by military and police forces. Some of these weapons have been described as sonic bullets, sonic grenades, sonic mines, or sonic cannons. Some make a focused beam of sound or ultrasound; some make an area field of sound.Pictured is a Long Range Acoustic Device 500X in New York City. An NYPD officer stands ready with the LRAD 500X at an Occupy Wall Street protest on November 17, 2011 near the city hall. Photo by By Z22 — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33256395

These properties should all be taken into consideration at this time.

Other factors — as we have said before — those of the Black September or Palestinian Organization, which has coincided themselves with what you once knew as the Nazi Party, and has financed terrorism throughout the land, these properties and these people carry the mark of the Beast and are that that is in preparation for the coming — as you would say, in the preparation of the Anti-Christ and his reign upon the Earth.

Palestinians came together in agreement with the Nazi Party

The half times are over. Now it shall be one or the other — those who should follow the Anti-Christ, or those who should prepare the way and follow the Christ.

God has seen upon your Earth all these things. And none of these things are new; they are all things we have told you before.

More storms shall be centered into the proportions, lower proportions of Oregon, California, and across your land. In one sense of the word, these are good, for they shall help replenish your underwater supply of — but there is also that of the earthquakes that shall follow in short periods afterwards. That of the Mexico region shall be the most severe hit, at this time. Other proportions of your earth, that as you know as of Red China shall be affected by these earthquakes and so should the United Republic of Russia. As has been predicted, these shall continue, as such.

We shall also say unto you, beware of those who should come forth at this time with promises of returned wealth unto the people of the United States.

Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian president Anwar Sadat with U.S. president Jimmy Carter at Camp David in September 1978, after signing the Camp David Accords. Carter’s and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance’s exploratory meetings gave a basic plan for reinvigorating the peace process based on a Geneva Peace Conference and had presented three main objectives for Arab–Israeli peace: Arab recognition of Israel’s right to exist in peace, Israel’s withdrawal from occupied territories gained in the Six-Day War through negotiating efforts with neighboring Arab nations to ensure that Israel’s security would not be threatened and securing an undivided Jerusalem. A second framework (A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel) led directly to the 1979 Egypt–Israel peace treaty.

We shall say unto you that that who acts in peace and smiles in peace, and talks in a very mild manner, from your land, should by his own stupidity lead you into warfare, and lead the land of Israel into warfare. But fear not, for we have said before, the land of Israel shall be protected. And for those who should not carry the mark of the Beast, they shall be protected. And yet, there shall be those who should wish for death.

February 17, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be name of His children. And glory be the world, and universe, and galaxies upon galaxies that the Lord shall reign upon.

We say unto you that once there was a man who walked upon the desert. His lips were parched. His need for water was great. As he traveled from one oasis to the other no water was found. He knew that soon death would come upon him. His bones and body were tired. And he thought unto himself, “If I must die, then I should go unto my Maker in my own way.”

And so he knelt in prayer.

And an angel appeared before him with laughter upon his lips.

And he looked up into this stranger’s face and said, “Here I am about to die; why do you laugh at me?”

And the stranger said unto him, “You have gone from oasis to oasis and found naught of the water you desire. And your face has grown heavy with sadness. Yet the Lord would rather laugh than cry. Why do you not try this?”

This man thought, “This could not be an angel, for he appears to me with laughter in my day of want and need? How could the Lord send me such to help me pass across?” And he thought again, “This must be a gift or vision from the Devil.”

As though the stranger had read his thoughts, he smiled once again, and said, “Nay, I am not from Lucifer. I have brought unto you this day a gift. Try and [then] smile with me.”

The man thought for a while, “What had he to lose by smiling?” and so he smiled. His dry, parched face wrinkled and he began to smile.

And then the stranger began to laugh, and he began to laugh. And as he began to laugh, water sprang from beneath him. And he thought, “This must be an illusion.” And so, he rolled in the water and began to laugh, as his skin and his tissues soaked up the moisture. He thought, “Then this must not be an illusion.”

And the stranger still stood before him and laughed even more. And so, he drank of the water, and it was good and sweet. And the stranger left.

Soon he was back to his old self.

And soon other travelers reached his oasis. And they started to enter, and they too had long faces.

And he said to them, “You may not drink from my oasis unless you pay a toll.”

The other strangers had never heard of such a thing — “Money for water?”

And he said, “Nay, you must bring forth laughter.”

They too at first thought him mad. But for the want of water, they did smile. And soon they did laugh. And as laughter broke forth upon their faces, they entered and drank of the water.

And soon the word spread throughout the land of the Laughing Springs, they called it, the springs that cured all diseases, where man became whole again.

Finally men were traveling from far and wide to the Laughing Springs.

And as they entered, the angel appeared unto the man again, and said, “Why did you not give them knowledge, the knowledge that was with you when you first arrived here?”

And he said, “What do you mean? What knowledge did I have? What knowledge did I gain?”

He said, “You have each of them laugh before they may drink. Give them the knowledge that laughter can be one of the greatest cures of all. For the Lord, our God, made it easier for man to laugh than for him to frown — and He wished His children to be happy. And in that way the Lord could be happy.”

And so the man began to teach of laughter and its value.

You may think of this as a strange parable, but think one moment within your hearts. If laughter rang from your Earth this one day, one moment, around the Earth, and laughter brought good feeling, and laughter brought health, and laughter brought love — for without the laughter there would be no hope. And why is it that a man can laugh and cry at the same time? For it was God’s gift, the Laughing Spring within man’s eye.

You will long wonder, and say once again we have spoken to you unto riddles. Nay, we have not. We have brought unto you this day a gift that God gave man long ago. Bring forth your laughter. Make your world a joyous world. And the preparation for the coming of the Messiah shall come tenfold before you.

March 17, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the man who had seven daughters and seven sons.

And each of them, as they grew into maturity, went into the fields to harvest and plant the crops. And they could go unto the sheep, and therefore, tend unto the sheep. And they went forth unto the cattle, and they did tend unto the cattle. And all did prosper, far and wide. And the lands did multiply, for all worked in harmony.

Then one at a time they did seek mates. At first, as the mates were sought, and brought into wedlock, all was in harmony. And then there [were] those who came into the family who thought that their share was not large enough. And then there were those who said, “Should our father die, who shall inherit the largest portion?”

And soon those who tended the crops separated into their little corner.

And those who tended the sheep did separate into their corner.

And those who tended the cattle did separate into their corner.

The father worried, for how could he love one child more than another?

But yet, day by day their bickering increased, and soon there was bloodshed between them. And so he called them all together. And he said, “If it is the material things that thy should kill each other for, then we need them not. For we shall give away the crops and we shall give away the sheep and we shall give away the cattle.”

And each, as he said this, gave an outcry, “No!”

Then he said unto you [them], “Each of you — those who should tend the crops shall give feed into the sheep and the cattle. And those who tend the sheep shall give into the cattle, a share into the cattle and into the crops. And the cattle shall be given equally into those who tend the sheep and the crops.”

And still there was an outcry.

And he said unto them, “Then bring me each a shepherd from each of your flocks, bring me a tender of the cattle, and bring me a farmer of the land.”

And so they did go forth and do this.

And he told each of these, “From this day forward, my sons and my daughters, my daughters-in-law and my sons-in-law, or none of their children, shall share in any of the wealth. These things I do give unto and bequeath before God.”

That night they did come forth, his sons and his daughters, his daughters-in-law and his sons-in-law, and they did slay of him. And they did take his body and dismember it, and hide it into the three places that they dwelled.

And as the days came and went, the cattle began to die, and so did the sheep. And the land became barren.

And they all came forth unto their temples, all to bear false witness.

And the Lord, God, said unto them, “WHERE IS THY FATHER?”

And they said, “We know not.”


And so each of these decided that they would build new temples unto a false god, and they would bring forth the demons to help them restore the land and bring breath into the cattle and sheep. But the demons they brought forth only made warfare among them. And soon, they themselves began to perish before the land.

At last there was only one left from each clan. And they did bring forth into one place their father. And they did bow before the Lord, our God, and say, “Oh Lord, forgive us for that sin that we have committed, for we have broke[n] not one commandment, but all.”

And the Lord, God, brought the sun and the rain and new life unto the land.

Yet, unto the fifth generation of man it did take to restore the land. And that was the sins of the father and the mother unto their children.

A sign in front of a church Ray Elkins built in 1982 and dedicated to God says, “All faiths welcome.” It is but one example of what can be.

It is not that belief you should have in the worship of God that God should divide you; it is your own. The Lord, God, has said unto you unto His son, “MY FATHER HAS MANY MANSIONS. EACH IS GREAT TO BEHOLD. I GO THERE BEFORE YOU TO MAKE A PLACE.” He did not say which mansion.

If you should bring your prejudice into your religion, if you should bring your greed into your wants, then you shall destroy each other upon this land. And you shall die and waste away in a polluted land, for you will have polluted it with your sin, or your karma — one that can never be undone, only by yourselves.

We are here but for one purpose, the coming of the preparation of the Messiah. Heed our words. Heed them well. For there shall be those who have passed before you, and they shall prepare a way upon one side. And there shall be those who shall be born before you and after you, and they also shall prepare the way. As our Father has many mansions, so He has many children. He loves them all. Can you not love of your brothren and sistren in the same manner?

Build your houses, tend your flocks, do your work, but remember, the Lord, God, is with you always. Only you can disregard Him, throw Him aside. Only you can crucify yourselves.

April 7, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For in the days of the one thy should call, John the Baptist, as John had seen in the stars that the time was so that he should venture forth to prepare the way, he came forth in the land, as thy would know it, as the Dead Sea. And as he entered, and went forth unto the Jordan River, he began to baptize and to preach. And he said unto them, “Repent, for the one who shall come after me shall baptize of the spirit.”

And none could understand of his words. Yet many began to follow, and many asked him who he was.

And he did say unto them, “I am John.”

And they asked him if he were the prophets of old? And he did look upon them and say, “Nay, I have been here as long as ye.”

They did not understand these words he had spoken.

And then, as he baptized, he did baptize the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And he said unto Jesus, “Thy should baptize me.”

And Jesus said unto him, “Nay, baptize me, John.”

And John did baptize him. And as he brought him forth, he told unto his disciples to follow Jesus. [See John 1:15–51 and 3:22–36.]

And then, as the twelve were brought together, they did go forth, each one at a time, to be baptized again by John.

And John the Beloved came unto John, and looked unto him and said, “Oh, Master, baptize me.”

And he looked unto John and said, “And you shall be with your true master to the very end; forsake him not. Stand beneath the cross, and you shall receive the final baptism. For one drop of blood shall fall upon your head, and the blood of his body shall represent the spirit that shall baptize for thereafter.”

John of the Beloved receiving the revelation in exile on the island of Patmos

And John the Beloved became frightened, and he ran back unto Jesus and said, “Master, why do they call him John, the Baptist?”

And Jesus laughed in his usual way, and said, “Pray be it, John. But does he not baptize you and I? Has he not brought unto you the spirit of God? Has he not prepared the way for you and I, and all who shall come after us?”

But John the Beloved said, “But yet, Master, but I see death in his eyes.”

And Jesus looked sad then, and said, “Yes, these things shall be so, but the baptisms shall continue unto I return again.”

And so it has been throughout time, that the baptisms that you receive now, and the marks that are placed upon your forehead, therefore, never shall be the marks of [peace] placed there, for in the baptism you have accepted the mark of Christ, the mark of God, and therefore, the Anti-Christ can never mark thee….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [P____ L_____ ] asks, ‘What do you want me to do?’”

We say unto you, you have picked up the rose that lay at thy feet. Now reach for the candelabra. The light of God shall dwell where darkness was cast, for darkness could not understand the light and it did flee before it. And as the wine came upon thy forehead thy became as one, within one.

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The preparation for the coming of the Messiah must spread rapidly upon the face of the Earth. And the wine and the water must touch the foreheads of many, that not the mark of the beast may be placed there. For it is but a short time until the coming of the Messiah, yet a shorter time for the rule of the Anti-Christ. Both must be prepared for. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 10–22.]…

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [_____…North Liberty, Indiana]. She asks, ‘I have recently been employed in a situation caring for an invalid and her elderly mother. Although it seemed that there were lessons for me to learn, I have only felt frustration and confusion. If there is anything you can tell me to help me clear up my thinking, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner.

Glory shall be the meek, and glory shall be the mighty. And the meek shall learn from the mighty and the mighty shall learn from the meek. In the worst of things, there is a lesson to be learned, as is in the best of things.

You shall find many a man who shall stand in a garden of beauty and abundance and find fault. Yet you shall find many a man who shall stand in a desert laden with cactus and find all the beauty that should fill their soul, their spirit, and [the] immortal body of man.

Love, hope − for each is part of the spirit of man. For a dream yet unspoken − for a word, a sound yet unheard − for a song yet unsung − for a sky that is yet to be seen − for a wind that is yet to be felt − for the cool waters that shall rush by thy feet − shall be the love and the hope that shall dwell within the heart of all mankind. Into the worst of things, take these words and you shall find that hidden place within thy mind where God shall dwell.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [____] asks, ’There is one wish that I desire more than any other. Will you please walk strongly with me, and make your presence known day by day, as you have, yet more fully. I love you.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, glory be the name of His children, and glory be the name of His children who should prepare the way for His son. For the last shall be first and the first shall be last; yet they shall arrive at the feast at the same time.

For darkness and shadows are but the beginning of light. To feel our presence, you shall know within you we dwell − and for all of those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Yet the sun and the rain shall shine upon all.

And the Lord, our God, should say into all of you — and we should say unto Luke and Ruth and Paul, and to each of you — as the Lord has said before, “THESE ARE MY CHILDREN, AND I AM WELL PLEASED.” Glory be the name of the Lord.

And take unto the multitudes and feed them with the love that should come from your Lord − and let it flow through you − From every teacher, from every student, from every minister, from every shepherd, and from your prophet, and from every member, let it flow out unto the multitudes, this love, this gift of love.

And let it rise unto the heavens and you shall hear the angels sing unto thee. And let it rise from beneath the earth and up and through the roots of the trees and the plants and you shall hear the angels sing unto you. And let it come from the sea, and from the bottom of the sea, and from the waves, and the love shall rise up into thee − for the Earth shall be covered with love. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children forever and ever….

Let not greed dwell among thee. Let not mistrust dwell among thee, for nothing shall be greater than thee, and nothing shall be greater than the Lord, thy God. Cast aside, and let forth the blossom of the dawn rise within thee.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Now is the time of the Cherubim.

April 14, 1978: “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [5–206–2], ‘Why is the Southwest, the Globe area, chosen for this organization, Ray, and this work?’”

In the beginning five places were chosen. And four denounced the work and walked away. Now you have one. Yet it is spread upon the Earth. It is spread unto the other four places, and renewed faith has come forth. But the wisdom and the choice was that of our Father’s. And we may speak of our Father, but we do not have His wisdom.

We say unto those who stand still and quiet, with messages and thoughts within their mind, and questions to be asked, look around you. Look at the heavens and the blue of the sky. Look at the green and the flowers of the earth. And then look at your fellow man. And you shall find that none of you have been forsaken. Gifts have been given to each of you in an abundance of all things.

In springtime 2020, the church Ray built in 1982 south of Globe and dedicated to God stands on what then was called Christmas Star route beneath the former town of Christmas. The church lies beneath the vast heavens where God’s spiritual messengers soar in the Arizona sky above the Dripping Springs mountains. From there, the “water of life” from the healing springs Ray blessed drips and replenishes life upon the Earth.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

There will be those who shall fall, and those who shall help the others rise again. But beware the mark of the Beast.

May 19, 1978: Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New pestilence shall spread once again. Yet for those who should walk in the light of God, and seek in reality His words, and not their own, we say unto you, a way shall be prepared.

June 10, 1978, after Ministers and Teachers were ordained or renewed their vows to God at the seventh annual meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy that the spiritual messengers of God asked to be formed, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. For the Lord has seen, and the Council has seen — and that that we have seen, and that that we have heard, the Lord is pleased. For that that His children has brought unto the earth shall now reach unto the oceans and into the heavens, unto the many universes.

For in this day thy have set forth a new step.

And the Lord shall place a new star in the heavens for thee. And there, for all to see, they shall know the presence of the Messiah. No longer shall you wait and not know of his presence.

But we say unto thee also, the Anti-Christ shall know if it; beware. But we say unto him and to his followers, beware. And for all of the children who shall not wear the mark of the Beast, a new heaven and a new earth shall be prepared, and a thousand years of peace shall reign upon it — not as you count, for each thousand years shall be as one day to the Lord.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

And now we shall say unto thee –

the parable of the child who went forth upon the new morn and saw the light come forth upon the earth.

And he ran forth with his hands outstretched.

And his mother and his father ran after him. At the top of the hill they caught up with him, and [said], “Why are you running?”

And he said unto them, “I want to hold this new light I have seen this day.”

And the mother said, “But it is just the rising of the sun.”

He said, “I know, Mother; it is the rising of the sun.”

And the father said unto him, “You have seen other sunrises. What is so great about this one?”

He said unto the father, “It is the rising of the Son.”

And the father said — as the child stretched out his arms and formed them into hands of prayer, and the light came about the child — and the father and the mother both knelt by the child. And they sang, glory unto the Lord, for from the child they had seen the light, the light of the coming of the Son.

And so this star shall be the light of the coming of the Son, forever and ever.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

The Lord is well pleased into these of His children that He sees.

You have come from far, each to stand before the light. Yet the greater light is yet to come. Yet the light you shall see, and shall go with you, shall be the greater light….

Let peace reign upon thy earth and in the heavens, and feel the warmth our Lord has brought this day unto you. For He has felt the love and the warmth you have brought unto Him.

June 23, 1978: We say unto you, upon this land, this world you call your own, soon the writing shall be in blood. And war and famine and pestilence shall reign the Earth. And for those of His children who should not forsake of Him, He shall protect them.

Now is the time of the Anti-Christ. And for those who shall strengthen his reign, and who shall prepare for his reign, each shall do so in a separate manner. They shall deny their Christ. They shall deny their God — only if it suits their own needs. They will be too busy to attend your readings, to reap from their own pleasure. They shall be too busy in frolic, yet they shall be first to denounce you.

These words we have spoken shall fall upon deef ears. For as many words we have spoken, you have heard us not.

For in the sky now burns brightly a new star, the sign of the coming of the Messiah. And for those who shall hold the Lord’s name in righteousness, it shall be there for them.

We have told you the stories of many son[s] who should deny their father and daughters who should deny their mothers, for the land shall split apart, not only physically and morally, but spiritually.

Throughout all of our work, we have prayed that the Seventh Seal should never be opened, as we do so now. [See The Revelation, chapters 7–11.]

Let you all join in your prayers after this reading. Do not take away, or place words that we have not spoken, or meanings that we have not meant, for your own needs, or for your own wants.

Note: See “If Prayer from the Many Should Come Forth, the Seventh Seal Should Not Be Opened.

July 21, 1978, the spiritual messengers of God said: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner — glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We say unto you these words. The Anti-Christ now knows of his dominion and walks upon your Earth. A way is being prepared for his time and his rule.

That of the recent conference between your European countries and your own [U.S.A.] was a major part in the power he shall draw from. [Note: See the history of the European Union in 1978. Also, the Archive of European Integration reports the European Council [Bremen Summit 1978], Bremen, was held 6–7 July 1978, on Progresses Towards Monetary Union. Did this precede the euro monetary system? Was this a step toward a one world government, in the news now? Did U.S. President Trump address this at the U.N. on September 24, 2019?]

The European Union flag

The other side of the coin will be that power he shall draw from China and Russia.

Red China’ s flag is shown with barbed wire, showing totalitarian rule that is planned as a model for the one world governement, if it is successful, as George H.W. Bush and others said. Yet, on the right a bird flies – is it in freedom or for global surveillance?
The Russian flag

We warn you now, the war of Armageddon is about.

In the next ten-year period those who are there to prepare the way for his rule will do all in their power to lengthen it. They will do all in their power to destroy the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. They will do all in their power now to devour those who should stand and prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, the one from God. They shall infiltrate your churches, your countries, and do all they can to denounce the work that has been done and shall be done. The next ten years shall be the most critical time.

This one shall perform many miracles that should sway most of your major religions, for it shall look as though he shall bring peace unto the Earth. Within reality, and through the strength of peace, he shall gain his power.

We say unto you, beware. Do not wear the mark of the Beast. Beware, for those who shall say, “Destroy thy neighbor, for they do not believe as you;” beware of those who should say, “Mine is the only way unto God,” for our Father has many mansions.

Upon your Earth, and upon the heavens, the Lord shall build His armies.

And the Beast’s rule that should give unto power of the Anti-Christ shall soon be known unto you. And none may defeat him, even though you shall cut away his head. These things the Lord has laid before you in all of your scriptures. [See The Revelation, chapters 13 and 17–19.]

He has brought this knowledge unto you many times. The biggest problem shall be that man has never taken the Lord’s words as plainly as they have been written. They have said, “Oh, this is for another time.” “This is for someone else.” We say unto you, nay, now is the time.

It has also been written that none may trade nor barter, leste they wear the mark of the Beast. As these things take place, many of you shall be tempted. Many of you shall say, “What difference if I make if I trade or barter with the Beast? How can this rob me of my soul?” We warn you, you cannot barter with Lucifer.

The U.S. dollar (note of the private corporation, the Federal Reserve) shows the pyramid with the eye of Lucifer at the top, ruling over all in a “new world order” the Latin translates. Some other illustrations of the the top-down pyramid rule show the heirarchy in steps — from Lucifer at the top — to the Council of 13 — to the Commitee of 300 –to think tanks such as the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Comission, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and one other on International Affairs — to world financial control by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, Central Banks, tax revenue, and interest revenue — to world resource control by international corporations with interlocking boards of directors (the network of global control)– to world population control by religions, governments (including the intelligence community under which are the military, police, courts and prisons) and mass media and schools. Then at the bottom is the population and workers. One is not certain if the designers of the Federal Reserve intended all of this in the pyramid they put on their Federal Reserve Note. One the opposite side is written “In God we trust.” Is this a choice we are making that will determine our world?

Only through the might and the strength of our Lord — only through the strength you should grow and gain from God, shall you gain in the strength to not wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation 14:9–20, 15:1–4, 19:1–10, and chapters 20–22.]

July 28, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the poor man who worked from dawn to dusk, but to barely feed his children.

But upon one morn he woke, and he walked out unto the early morn and came back into the house and said unto his wife, “Come, wife, see the new morn.” His wife looked upon him in a strange manner. What difference was this, this morn that would be different from any other?

She walked out with him, and he said, “Behold wife, for here is a new world.”

She looked at him and said, “You talk quite strangely. What difference is this day from any other? What difference is this morning from any other?”

And he said unto her, “In my dream last night, I dreamed that this day was the day of the coming of the Son, and this morn would be a blessed morn, and our cup should runneth over. Let us go now and break bread and thank the Lord for this day.”

As they stood in talking, their children came forth, with laughter, and he said unto the children, “Look upon this, thy new world.”

And the children laughed with joy, and soon the poor man and his wife too laughed with joy, and their laughter rang across the land and began to cross the world. And as each heard unto the other the laughter and the joy, it was continued, much as a mirror reflecting into itself.

And as they broke bread and their moment of silence did come forth, their day, and moment of silent prayer, sudden they stopped. And the woman said unto the man, “What should we pray for? We have given thanks unto the Lord. But now this is a new world, and our cup runneth over; what shall we pray for?”

And the child said, “Mother, let us pray that the reign of the Son shall be long upon the Earth, and the joy we have felt this morning shall be an everlasting joy.”

And so it was, each day leading into another. The children grew into adulthood, and peace and joy did reign upon the Earth. Neighbor gave unto their neighbors and received from their neighbors the joy.

And then one day, a craft from another planet did arrive. The craft did — looked upon the Earth for many centuries. But this time, the craft did not look; it came forth and said unto the people, “We are here to see your joy and let it be ours.”

And from planet to planet, and galaxy to galaxy the joy did spread, the joy to do their work, to carry their burden, their love, their needs, as their cups did runneth over. And planets brought forth their gifts, and traded unto one another.

And you say unto this, “What knowledge can we gain from these words that have been spoken?”

And we say unto you, for joy to come from your heart it must be a new morn, that each day is a new world, a new creation of the Lord.

If you shall take these words into your heart, then each morning when you arise, rise with joy and laughter. Give that unto one another, and soon your new heaven and your new earth shall be upon the Earth, and the reign of the Anti-Christ shall be short, for he shall have nothing to reign over. He shall have nothing, for the earth shall be bountiful and he can give nothing, and therefore, with your joy in the Lord, and the joy in the Son, so shall you find that the mark of the Beast shall disappear from the Earth, from the galaxies, from the galaxies beyond galaxies.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks thy earth. Now is the time when those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ shall seem to reign over thee. It shall not be so, for only those who should be willing to sell themselves may he reign over, and for those who do shall wear the mark of the Beast. And the mark shall be placed by yourselves. [See The Revelation, chapter 13, 16:10–16, chapter 17, chapter 19, 21:1–8 and 22:10–15.]

August 25, 1978: We have said before, none shall interfere with this work from either side.

We have also told you, the Anti-Christ is now upon your Earth, and as he has entered of age, so shall his followers make his time ready for his realm. In doing this, they shall split churches, they shall cast down temples, for they are building one temple into the Anti-Christ. For those who have ears, listen. For those who have eyes, see. For “the blind may see, and the deaf shall hear.”

The temple pn Jerusalem is one example of which Jesus prophesied would be a sign before his return. (See Matthew, chapter 24.) Yet, many churches and temples have been cast down, and many churches have been separated into denominations, and yet, these continue to be separated by disagreements. One way of the enemy is to divide and conquer.

And so shall the mark be placed upon each of those who shall be his servant. And it shall be six, six, six [666]. And as the given time, as those who should join the Anti-Christ, it shall be placed upon their hand and their forehead. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

We have said before, for those who should walk in a righteous manner, fear not. For those who should go about this work, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, fear not, for his time is also here. Many shall cast themselves upon you. Many shall attack you. We say unto you, the coveth given unto Jesus is now given unto you. The promise of the Lord, God, unto His children who should hold themselves in a righteous manner, the Anti-Christ shall have no power over. Those who should attack you shall but only attack themselves, for they are destroying themselves. They are placing the mark themselves.

We shall emphasize again upon the binding together. Pray together. Stay together. Become as one. Now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the preparation for those who should prepare a way for his rule. They shall attack anyone who is preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah. But remember your inter [inner] strength.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

September 8, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children; glory be the name of those who should not wear the mark of the Beast.

And we should say unto thee unto these words − for we shall tell you this parable of a man who, as a child, knew not his place. And yet, as he went through life, he sought power. And for the receiving of this power, he did trade his soul.

This man became a minister. And he brought forth false images into his church. And the Beast did give unto him the power to bring forth these images.

And he did come before the people and speak words that he did not believe within his heart. He saw in all people only the greed to fulfill his needs.

Yet, this Beast one day would claim his soul, and that day did arrive, for the Beast did plant upon him his mark, on the hand and in the forehead.

We shall try to explain to you the difference of your word meaning, forehead, and that of both the Hebrew word meaning fore head − the foreskin that would be extracted, and was to be extracted, from a newborn child that they may be cleansed and not wear the mark of the Beast. This in itself was called the fore head, and the mark could be concealed, therefore, within the same.

The second part of the word, or the meaning of the same, would be toward the base of the skull. This, in itself, should be the second part of the same word, meaning of the same.

The next part, meaning that of the hand, in the back of the hand, would not necessarily conceive that that it would mean in your words, or the meaning of the same. You have a word which means the reading of the palm. The palm would extend from the thumb to the small finger. From that you shall find within the same that the mark shall be laid. The mark can either be laid on the surface or on the reverse side of the palm, or may be laid farther up to the pit of the arm; all would mean of the same.

You must realize, in the interpretation, your words have not come out to mean the same. We speak these words that you might know, therefore, where the mark should lie.

Now we say unto you these words, of this same person. Once in the servitude of the Anti-Christ and those who should prepare the way for him, the Beast shall prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, for the cutting away of the head, and the re-growth. And the Beast shall give power unto a man-beast. And it shall be the name of a man. You shall look, therefore, into your Bible, and look, therefore, into the words of Daniel; there you shall find a more complete interpretation of this time and that that confronts you, and how to deal with the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 13 and Daniel, chapters 7–12.]

Use these things that we shall give unto you. Use them wisely, but bind together. Bind and become one unto another as the strongest of strong ropes upon the Earth, stronger than the strongest chain. And remember − look at these who should crucify you, and pursue you and persecute you.


Remember that that they have done, for one day upon this Earth, as is happening now, a new religion shall sweep the Earth to take a place of the old. Will you then persecute these? We say unto you, nay, persecution is for fools who have nothing but idle time. But we have also told you to turn of the right cheek and then the left, and then let the mighty arm of the Lord do His work.

It must be done by binding together. If you do not, they shall sweep you away, as wheat. They will use you for their own purposes. This is but an example of the beginning your persecution, your times of trial.

You now have understanding.

With understanding grows wisdom and knowledge.

October 6, 1978: We shall say unto you unto these words. For within your churches now, those of the Anti-Christ shall move through and take positions of authority, through all of your churches. Now is the time when the mark shall be placed.

For those who are truly compassionate for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who have truly love for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who in truth shall prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who are preparing a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall stand but a short while, and then they shall be swept away.

We shall say unto you these words, of this peace, this peace that your President has hid behind. Egypt now prepares to make war as she pleads for peace − and she shall make it in such a manner that it shall look as though the Israelians are at fault. But we say unto this lands that the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall spread his wings and coveth − beware of Egypt.

Beware of the Palestinians who now plan to destroy your cities.

Beware of the Arabian gold which now is buying its way into your country.

All is part. For those who shall take control for the Anti-Christ, none other than them may barter or sell. It has been written. We said before, look unto Daniel, of the four beasts, and the last beast was made of iron. That beast was Rome. [See The Revelation 13:16–18 and Daniel, chapter 7.]

November 3, 1978: We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and that his presence is being felt, for those who are preparing his way.

But who can prepare for the coming of an Anti-Christ when they are busy preparing for the coming of the Messiah? For they will not have the time, for they love their Father so much that they cannot see, or not be tempted, because God has given you the best product in the whole world, yourselves. He gave you an earth and a heaven, and a universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, and universes beyond universes. All but await your touch. And they shall touch you, and you shall touch them. And the gladness and glory within the same shall be manifested into the heaven upon the Earth.

We have told you before that great temptations would be placed before you, and great trial. It sometimes seems cruel that we do this, but you must realize that our time has grown short, and therefore, we have had to use drastic measures. For when the time comes when we leave you in voice, our spirits shall remain among you. And so shall soul Ray’s, for soul Ray, is I and I am soul Ray.

We are not suggesting at this time that soul Ray shall depart from you, that he shall die as you are thinking. Quite the contrary. We shall do everything to prolong his life as long as you allow us. Yet his free choice we will honor also.

Yet, many things − the advancement of those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ are growing across the land, even into your Presidency, deception − this false treaty that he should have Israel sign with Egypt. We say unto you this, for he who should place his name upon this treaty with Israel and Egypt, look closely, for he shall be one of the heads of the Anti-Christ.

The Egypt–Israel treaty was signed by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, and witnessed by United States president Jimmy Carter in Washington, D.C., United States, on 26 March 1979, following the 17 September 1978 Camp David Accords.

But do not underestimate the Israelites. As we have said before, the descendents of Abraham may be changed as easily as turning a stone. But as Ishmael was given a promise, so must that fulfillment come also.

There are wars and rumors of wars. And great wars; the greatest of wars, has not happened yet.

We shall also say unto all of you, your inflationary depression has not ended. Inflation shall continue. And from it shall come a boom, a great boom, a great growth. There will he those who say, “Invest in gold.” The greatest investment shall be within land. We give you this, as knowledge, that you may protect the people, and the people may protect themselves, for financial disaster is as great and as much as damaging as an earthquake − and that you shall have a multitude of.

For those who should heed our words shall succeed.

For those who do not, some shall wear the mark of the Beast.

We say unto you, no one can harm you, only yourselves. It is when you are in the bottomless pit that sometimes you may only look up, for looking down you see nothing. When you look up, then you see the light. And all that is covered shall be uncovered and light shall be for those who want to see this light.

Go forth, uncover these things. Uncover ignorance. Let truth of many forms come forth unto you.

Let the beauty of the land, the sky, the heavens, the seas, and all forms of the water shine into thee. Let the plants, and the animals of all sorts be under your dominion. Let the heavens and the fowl, and the sea and all that live in the sea be under your dominion − and rule it well.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

November 10, 1978: But we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth now.

Now is the time when those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ are at work.

And you shall find those who shall say, “Come, see what I have to offer.” Look within the wisdom of your own mind. Do as we have said. You shall soon see that God has given you all things that your life on this plane should be complete. All you need do is pick it up.

As the year was ending, Aka told us one more part about those preparing a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. From this, and the many other examples we’ve seen, perhaps we are now coming to understand the difference between the ways of God and the ways of the Anti-Christ.

December 8, 1978: And now, we shall say unto those who say, “How could the Lord have such as this that went on in this place called Georgetown?

Pictures of those who died in Jonestown in 1978 were laid out at a 2011 memorial service. Photo by Symphony999 — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15783445

We say unto you, the workings of evil are about you. We told you that the preparation for the coming of the Anti-Christ was mighty, and his weapons were mighty.

You shall find two governments, in this case, with unclean hands. But first and foremost there had to be greed, greed of one man — one man who was like Judas, who started with a good heart, and then sold his people for silver. When those who would know [of] this did destroy him — this is the reason he did not die as the others, but was shot. [Note: Here is the Wikipedia account.]

Some may wonder, were these but prophetic words spoken only for a time and place long passed? Why are these being written for you today?

Yet, the spiritual mesengers of God tell us, “for those who are wise to hear, let them hear.” And “for those who are wise to see, let them see.”

Look deeply into them.

To the author, it seems the spiritual messengers of God are guiding us so we may recognize the ways and movements that continue into the future, by giving us examples. Is this lovingly spoken so we will recognize and not follow these people, ideas or movements––for they are part of the system the Beast is setting up in preparation for the reign of the Anti-Christ and Lucifer’s world dominion. Although individual names and events change, this knowledge can help us to see the greater planning of those who follow Lucifer behind these and similar new things in the future. That way, we can recognize this and make wiser choices.

At the same time, the spiritual messengers of God are giving us what we need to know to shorten the Anti-Christ’s reign, and to not allow ourselves and our world to be enslaved. May we remain free, and prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah and the long-awaited thousand years of peace, as God counts, new heaven and earth upon Earth. (See The Revelation, chapters 20–22.) For these are our Father’s loving plans. [Please join us.]

So, let us continue to learn from Aka’s words of 1979––in this battle for the hearts and minds. This battle between the armies of the Anti-Christ and the armies of the Messiah is written in The Revelation, chapter 19.

“For we have come but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.”

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” (Aka, December 1, 1972)

The spiritual messengers of God began with a parable January 12, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable, of this great nation, who stood as a nation before nations and a nation before God, and did proclaim unto all of its freedom and its citizens’ freedom.

And it brought forth unto it a leader who promised great things. And he did promise peace unto the Earth and good will unto men. And during his reign, at first he gave all appearances of bringing peace and good will unto men.

And then, he did turn his back upon his neighbors and the friends of his nation, one by one.

And he did turn them away. And he did say unto his enemies, “Come and be friends with me.”

U.S. President Jimmy Carter Carter meets with Deng Xiaoping, leader of China from 1978 to 1992. James Earl Carter Jr. was the 39th President of the United States from January 20, 1977 — January 20, 1981. Read the WIkipedia account.

And still he went into the house of the Lord among his people, so that his people would think that he was a man of God. And he did forsake unto the land of Israel, and forsake her in a time of times.

And when floods came, he did forsake his own people and turn his back upon them. And as the weathers began to change, he looked not into the meaning of the same, but gave away the storehouses of the people, and gave away of all their precious metals, and gave away their natural resources. For this man sought power. He sought power, not unto the Lord, God, but only unto himself. He sought riches, not unto his people, but unto himself.

And then, when earthquake and tornado did ravish the land, he did change the laws into such a way that soon he would own all the land for himself.

Instead of “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” the land gradually became a prison for all, but a weak prison.

And the neighbor unto this nation, they were used. And thousands upon thousands of people from their country came into this country. They came in the disguise of workers; yet they came to destroy, not to build back. They took from the land and took from the people, and gave nothing back in return. And still, this man did nothing.

People cross the U.S.-Mexico border fence illegally to enter into the U.S.

We say unto thee, beware of the Dragon.

The dragon is a symbol of China.

Beware of the Beast.

In Daniel, the beast was Rome. This shows Rome at night with Vatican City in the background.

Beware of those of the Palestinians, and those who would support the Palestinians, for they should bring forth your Black September, and they shall do the work of the Anti-Christ.

Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat, who founded the Black September movement in 1970 that became the Palestinian Liberation Organization, became known later as the “Father of Modern Terrorism.” He received much funding and financial support. Here he speaks at the World Economic Furum.

And the host of Lords [Lord of hosts] did say unto these, “AND FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST, FEAR NOT.” For it is written that they say now, “How long, oh Lord; how long?” [The Revelation 6:9–11.]

The Fifth Angel now walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. Radical changes shall take forth in your weather, and the land itself.

Yet, a greater fear lays before you, for those who should make friendly gestures into this nation prepare for war against it, an atomic holocaust that should lay waste unto the land.

February 2, 1979: We say unto you, once again you are facing a time when great destruction shall become forth upon your Earth. We have spoken to you in many words, and in many parables, to prepare you for these things. We have told you to bind together and grow in strength. We have told you that the great Sword hovers above you; where no water flowed water shall flow, and the desert[s] shall become green and bountiful, and land shall alter and change its shape. All of this is about you.

There is the Sword that should cut two ways. One shall cut away and reshape the earth; the other shall cut away and reshape mankind.

At first it shall seem for the worst of all things, for it shall be the best of times and the worst of times. And many gratifying substances shall come from the same. But as we have promised, for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall be fulfilled.

We have told you the parables of the food and wine that was provided by God, but left behind. Now we tell you, now is the time. Prepare this way now, for those who should approach your country in peace shall soon strike forth with their sabers and their daggers upon the backs of mankind.

The weather changes that are occurring are both of nature and man-made. Yet they shall, as you would say, get out of hand.

Jet aircraft emit a chemical trails in the sky of toxins, such a aluminum, barium and other heavyh metals, that are shaped like a pentagram. This geoengineering is done to change the weather, and for many other purposes not disclosed to the public.

The time shall come when God shall place all things in righteous[ness].

Many of those of the Anti-Christ shall take advantage of this time, and they shall say, “For look, I am your savior, follow me.”

We say unto you, we have come unto you in peace. We have come unto you with the love of our Father. We have come with the only riches we have to bear — the love, the understanding, the hope, the compassion of God.

We asked you, now, take haste. But within the haste, do not cast away good judgment.

February 23, 1979: We should say in this parable, that seasons may change upon the earth, and the earth may change upon the heavens, and man may change his form many times, but man shall remain man, and God shall remain God. And as the rays of the Lord shall come forth unto the sun and the rain, and the bountiful plentiness the Lord has provided He shall not take away. It shall but only change its form. For as we have said before, where no water flowed water would flow, that all the surface of the earth’s form shall change, and man shall change with this. For you shall see the time that lies ahead, of the Anti-Christ. But one day it shall melt away, and the earth shall blossom forth into the coming of the Messiah.

And the harvests of the fields shall be bountiful. There shall be sparse days, and troubled days, yet spring shall come again upon all the land, in all the hearts of all the people.

There shall be troubled times. You can live and let your lives remain in this troubled time, or you can lift up your hearts into the Lord, and believe in the Lord. And believe that the Lord, that all that He has placed upon the earth He may taketh away, yet He has never taken from you, except that that He did replace tenfold.

All things shall unfold. As in the book of Revelations, the earth shall alter and change, and so shall man. And a new man shall be born from the earth, and shall come from the heavens to link up as one. All of these things we have shown unto your prophet.

We have told you, now is the time to prepare. Now is the time to bind together. Now is the time to come forth, for you shall be persecuted. But if you are come together, bind together and let your strength flow. If you shall learn from those who should strike you, if you should learn that the mighty arm of the Lord shall protect you, bind together as many twigs should come forth and you shall not be broken. Through all the harshness and the harsh days the sun shall shine through. And each day of sunshine shall give you new hope for the spring.

Believe in these things, and your children’s children shall inherit a new heaven and a new earth. Believe not in these things, and there shall be no heaven nor earth. For the debt that shall be paid shall go unto thy unborn children, and their children’s children. And it should be so unto the fifth generation.

We have come unto you in the ninth year.

The spiritual messengers of God arrived nine years before with the brightest light in the heavens on March 26, 1970, and began speaking through Ray Elkins, April 3 1970. Will you please join us?

Great sabers shall soon be brought forth.

That of the Red Horse or the Dragon [China] shall rustle its saber in one place.

The rider of the red horse in Revelation 6:3–4 was givena sword from which to take peace from the Earth. The Sino-Vietnamese War was a border war fought between the People’s Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in early 1979. China launched an offensive in response to Vietnam’s invasion and occupation of Cambodia in 1978 (which ended the rule of the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge). CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1585655. The Sino-Vietnamese conflicts of 1979–1991 were a series of border and naval clashes between the People’s Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam following the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979. These clashes lasted from the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War until the normalization of ties in 1991.

And while you are looking in one place, the Bear [Russia] shall devour the land of Iran. [Note: There is much written about this, increasingly so as years go forth. Some say it was written in Bible prophecy.]

As we have said before, it shall start from France and the fuse shall go forth — and all that has been before and all prophecies shall now be fulfilled.

In 1973, Aka spoke of and gave Ray a dream that a fuse had been lit in France that went on to Israel. Ray cautioned that, if not stopped, it could ignite the world. You can read it in the June-July 2006 newsletter, Rays of Philosophy. Also see the prophecies in scriptures, such as Isaiah, Daniel, The Revelation, Zechariah, by Jesus in Matthew 24, and other prophecies.

We should say unto those who seek to prepare a place for the people, it would be better to remain where you are than to march into an open valley, as those who should march into Armageddon, for all who shall march in shall be destroyed. Do not be foolish. The place that shall protect the people must have natural fortification, such as mountains. It must have natural water, and sources of water.

As we have said before, as the weather shall change and continue, your greenhouses shall feed you in abundance. Take from these things that we are providing and showing you, and there shall be a way for all.

As these sabers begin to come forth and unfold, the Messiah is now upon your Earth — in the same land that he once walked in before. If the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread his wings, the Lord shall snatch him back up into the heavens, before the Anti-Christ can swallow him. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

We shall say this much farther to you, it shall not be long until we are ready to bring forth and deliver this one into thy hands for safe keeping. Yet only the prophet shall know of him.

And the prophet shall pass away, as all things pass away, and we shall come to you no more in this form. All these things shall come about in time.

To you, it may seem that all you do, and all things are in slow motion. Time is but a twinkling of the eye of the Lord. It is but a measurement made by man in the vastness of all things. Yet, it is important.

We have told of you these things that you may have the hope that is needed.

Mountains lie on both sides of the valley where Ray Elkins built a church that he dedicated to God in 1982. The water in the large underground reservoir is some of the most pure in Arizona. The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, guided Ray to this valley that was chosen as a safe place in time of disaster, in answer to the prayers and requests of many. In October 2000, Ray passed on after his health failed. It was followed by a 20-year drought. Aka was no longer able to speak through Ray in this manner since 1989. Yet, as Aka said, their words provide the hops that is needed.


And death may come in many forms, a physical death, or death or a means of discrediting the work that has been brought forth through the vehicle which we have chosen.

Many of these who should come forth — do not consider them stupid people. They have much learning, and they are wise and well-trained in the arts. Do not underestimate them.

Note: This has come true in many forms., on all sides of the church, from within and without.
Neighbors use the church for their purposes, sometimes without permission.

But we say also into them, do not underestimate the people, for those who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah shall never wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation, chapters 7, 12–14, 15:1–4, 16:12, chapter 17, 19, 20:1–6, chapters 21–22.]

Bind together. Bind together that your strength may be felt throughout the world. And when the time and strength and the binding has become as such, you shall rise from the earth to rebuild it. And those of your brothern and your sistern shall come from the heavens to assist you. And a new heaven and a new earth shall come forth. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

March 16, 1979: Because a person should reach high political or professional position does not mean they are wise, does not mean they cannot make mistakes. Love cannot be bought nor sold, nor bartered for. It must be given freely. Trust cannot be bought in any manner. Faith and hope — all of these things must come and be given freely.

Your President has made such a mistake, which your nation shall pay for.

Within 10 days of this message Aka spoke, U.S. President Jimmy Carter would place his signature as a witness upon the Egypt-Israel peace treaty which he led Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Began to make. By encouraging Israel to give away land for peace to its enemies, he sought to restart the Middle East “peace process.” In the photo, President Carter shakes hands with Sadat and Begin on the White House grounds on March 26, 1979, after the signing of the Egypt–Israel treaty, following the 1978 Camp David Accords. This treaty was received with enormous controversy across the Arab world, where it was condemned and considered a stab in the back. The sense of outrage was particularly strong amongst Palestinians, with the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, stating: “Let them sign what they like. False peace will not last”. On the other hand, the treaty led both Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin to share the 1978 Nobel Peace Prizefor bringing peace between the two states. However, as a result of the treaty, Egypt was suspended from the Arab League in 1979–1989, and Sadat was assassinated on October 6, 1981 by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Syrian President Hafez al-Assad severed all relations with Egypt after the signing of the peace deal, and diplomatic relations were not re-established until 2005, when Egypt once again enjoyed warm relations with Syria under the rule of Bashar al-Assad.

We have explained in the earlier part of this reading, you cannot pay a blackmailer, for they shall only return for more. You cannot pay murderers to go away, for they shall only come back and slay more of you. The Palestinians shall bring havoc upon the earth. They now have the support of those that you would know as the international Nazi party. They now have the support of the Communist world. They now have the support of what you would call your Ku Klux Klan. They now have the support of the John Birch Society. [And] some of these have become unwilling partners.

And many of these people, much as the Nazi party of Germany did spread itself upon the earth in blackness before and engulf innocent people to do their bidding, so this shall be once again, and it shall spread north, east, south, and west. The treason that shall take place in Israel shall light the fuse. It has already been lit from France to Iran. Now it spreads forth as a plague upon your earth.

More earthquakes shall occur, in the Houston area, in the Dallas area, in the Fort Worth area. And soon, as you have been blaming the weather upon the Russians, soon, as the earthquake and the tornados and the hurricanes, and those of natural events should occur, shall soon be blamed upon those of the Israelites.

But as these things come forth, if you should prepare yourselves in a binding manner before the Lord, then those of the Lord’s children shall not wear the mark of the Beast, and their children’s children shall wear the mark of God.

And that of the Christ child’s safety shall be assured, and the reign of the Lord shall be upon the earth….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Firstly, you made a comment about the Russians being blamed for manipulating the weather. Have they been manipulating the weather, or is this a false accusation?”

(Chuckle) I should say unto you, manipulation of the weather has been a four-sided event. Four nations are [involved], including your own. The one who should have such information as this time now wallows in Iranian oil, and sets themselves in the Israeli embassy….

The weather has been being modified for many years. Read moreabout this.

And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of the children of the Lord.

And [from] those who should come in quest from the land of the Californians, we should say unto you, look forth unto this land as a haven and a protector. But we shall protect you now where you stand, where you live. For those who should seek safe passage from that of Texas, we should say unto you, we shall make that of a safe passage at the present time. Each of you should come unto soul Ray for consultation, that the knowledge that we shall put in his mind shall be given unto you.

May 11, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee, as we have said before, your atmospheric conditions are changing. Where no water flowed water now flows, and the desert[s] shall bloom and become whole unto the people. These things we have said unto you before. Now you shall see the fulfillment of the same.

We have told you of the sword that should cut two ways, that that should cut away land and people. And the sword on one side shall slice down, and those who possess no souls and the spiritual substance of the same, shall be slain from the Earth, and the heavens, and they shall be no more. And the land shall split away, and tornados and hurricane[s] and volcanoes, and earthquake shall ravish the land. But the Lord, God, shall lay down His hand and place the protection for the people.

For those who should walk in the righteousness of the Lord, and should seek, in truth, to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors, so shall they be spared. For those who should seek vengeance, and should make war and plan war, at first it should seem as though they shall succeed, and then, the Lord’s hand shall come forth again, and the land shall be split away. All, of these things that we have told you before, is before you.

May 18, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

The Lord, God, laid forth a valley, and the valley was barren, yet He placed water in the valley, and all those things that were needed.

Is this parable about the Dripping Springs valley in Arizona that was on Christmas Star route to which the angels guided Ray to choose as a place for the people of God to come from near and far?

And the people that came to the valley came each for their own reason, and their own purpose.


Each of these things we have laid before you, and the tools, therefore, to do the same.

We say unto you, give glory unto the Lord, and He shall give glory unto you. Give praise unto the Lord, and He shall give praise unto you. Give hope unto the Lord, and He shall give hope unto you. Give faith unto the Lord, and He shall give faith unto you.

There shall be many sides of your wants in this valley, but your needs shall be provided for.

We have laid one piece of this valley before you. There are other parts that are also laid before you. And the means and the needs shall be laid forth to bring this into completeness, for as we said before, piece by piece and part by parts, it shall all become whole.

View near the healing springs Ray blessed in the early 1980s on the Drippinf Springs mountains, looking north to his ranch. On this hillside Ray prepared lots for people to bring trailers or mobile homes.

But we say unto you, bring not these things. Place forth unto you unto this valley a plaque and place the Ten Commandments, therefore, upon the same. For the Ten Commandments shall never change. “Thou shall not bear false witness.” If thy know this as a truth, and know all the facts of the same, then, thy shall bear witness. If thy did not know these things to be truth unto thyself and unto thy fellow man, bear witness not unto this. For there shall be many who shall thrust upon you foul abominations, half-truths, and falsehood. Let none of you do this into another, for this is the greatest of sin. For when you do this you have taken away the faith, the hope, and the love for the Lord from this person, for they shall feel the Lord has abandoned them. In truth He shall have not. For it is said that the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, and not the smallest of things shall fall upon the earth or the heavens leste He know.

As the spiritual messengers of God asked, the Ten Commandments are written on a plaque inside the church entrance. Beneath them on the mantle is one Ray had made that he placed at the healing springs (also as Aka asked each person to do). This Commandment reads, “You shall not bear false witness.”

Beauty is in the heart and mind and love that can be given unto one another. Abomination has no place to dwell. It can only build a lie and continue to lie, one lie upon the other, till all who sees it shall know the truth.

The Lord, your God, gave unto your hands the one known as Jesus of Nazara. At no time did Jesus say, “Hate unto that man. Curse upon that man. Spit upon that man. Cast stones upon them.” Nay. He said unto you, “Forgive one another.” Yet, you hear him not.

As of all things and as of all times, your times and events are but before you once again. From the land of Mexico war marches toward you. It is but a kindling fire. Which one of you shall take all that you have and bear witness before God? The Lord, God, does not want you to suffer; He does not want the blood of the lamb. He wants you to live, from life unto life.

Many of you shall be tested, and tested again. And each shall become a link in the chain that cannot be broken. Let he, who shall come forth, and see the light of day in the night, and the night in the day, know of where our words come from. [See The Revelation 20:1–6 and chapter 21.]

We say unto you, have you ever thought that your greatest doubts are those of the Anti-Christ whispering in your ears, to divide you, to conquer you, to destroy you, to cast you unto the four winds? Do not let this prevail. Pick up the staff and the yoke, and bind together in greater strength.

Cast aside all petty thoughts. When they enter your mind stop and think, “Is this my own mind talking to me, or is this Lucifer?”

June 9, 1979: The Anti-Christ shall spread famine among you. He shall cause doubts in your minds of one another. He shall do all that is possible to split you apart. He shall take daughter and mother, he shall take man and wife, father and son, and cause doubt to reign in your minds. He shall plant the seed of jealousy among you, and greed.

We say unto you, open the door that we may enter, and cast the doubt aside.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

June 22, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

And many came forth throughout the world, for the star that had been predicted of the birth would appear in two places upon the Earth. One would mark the beginning of the Anti­-Christ.

This drawing shows the hyperbolic trajectory of Comet Bowell and the dates from 1977 to 1989 it approached, rounded the Sun and left the inner solar system. When Aka spoke these words June 22, 1979, the comet had not yet been discovered after it crossed the orbit of Saturn . C/1980 E1 was not discovered until February 11, 1980, by Edward L. G. Bowell. A close approach to Jupiter on December 8, 1980, accelerated the comet briefly and kept it on path to eject it from the Solar System. The comet came closest to the Sun (perihelion) in March 1982. Comet Bowell’s orbital length from end to end is 74,300 AU (1.17 light-years). It orbits over a period of approximately 7.1 million years. Drawing by Tomruen — own work CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=67261571

One would mark the beginning of the Messiah.

Comet Bennett, formally known as C/1969 Y1 was one of two brilliant comets to grace earth in the 1970s, along with Comet West. This light in the heavens was discovered by John Caister Bennett soon after Christmas, on December 28, 1969, while it was still almost two AUs from the Sun, The comet reached its closest distance to the Sun on March 20, 1970. Then this brilliant light in the heavens passed closest to Earth on March 26, 1970 (Good Friday, as some were reading Jesus’ farewell words in John, chapters 13–17 about his promise to return. The light receded, peaking at magnitude 0. It was last observed on February 27, 1971. Accounting for differences in time zones, this photograph of comet Bennett on April 4, 1970, by K. Lubeck from Hamburg Observatory may have been taken at the very time the spiritual messengers of God first were recorded speaking through Ray Elkins’s unconscious body on April 3, 1970, in Globe, Arizona. The U.S. Naval Observatory says that April 3 was the most likely date when Jesus gave his farewell address at his last Passover supper . The spiritual messengers he asked the Father to send arrived with this heavenly light a few days earlier, possibly on March 26. Their coming is described in “We Give This Message from Our Father.

And those of the might of the world first were afraid of both births. And then they gathered around about, and did discuss and did argue. And each took up sides.

But long before the [birth] of each side, the Lord, God, had made preparation for people who would prepare their coming, for those of the Messiah.

And that that should come from Lucifer did come forth upon the Earth to make preparation.

Those who were preparing the way for the Messiah at first came in great humbleness, and as they prepared, a greatness did begin to glow within them. But soon they began to argue, yet they could not understand within themselves why they felt the way they did. Why should their jealousies overcome them? And what were they really jealous of? These things they could not understand.

And they looked unto those who would prepare the way for the Anti-Christ; there was no argument among these people. They were precise, and exact [in] each step that they took.

The difference between these two [was] God, in those He had selected, gave them free choice. Lucifer in those that he had selected had not given them free choice; therefore, there was a dictatorship, and a one-knowing among those who would prepare for the Anti-Christ.

There were those who could see this, and they went unto each of those who would prepare for the coming of the Messiah, and said, “Let us come together; let us cast away all things. Let us say no bad things about each other. Let us serve but one purpose, that of God.”

And it did come about that the shepherds and the ministers and the teachers did stand together, and lay before them, and pledge their allegiance to the God Almighty and the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And they laid away all their arguments and petty thoughts, and said, “Let us be one.” And the building came forth and all that was needed was provided by God.

And the politicians went on arguing, striving to cut away [the] food, fuel, all of these things.

Yet these people said, “What difference does it make what they take? We shall provide. We shall lay aside these things for all of our people.”

See Aka’s guidance in “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine: Food for Thought.”

The Lord, God, has said unto you, in the first of the readings when we came unto you, that He would see to your needs, but not always your wants. The Lord, God, did not say what you could have and what you could not have. The Lord, God, did not say, “This is the only way,” even unto our name and the spelling of the same; He left the choice to you.

We have told you before to bind together, that if you did not bind together you would be broken, one by one, separate and apart.

These things, which we cherish the most on the Earth, from the sun to the moon, to the least of the things upon the Earth, were all gifts of God unto His children. For He did say unto you, “ALL OF THESE THINGS I DO GIVE UNTO YOU OF MY KIND — FOR EVERY FRUIT THAT GROWS UPON THE EARTH, FOR EVERY FLOWER.”

And then it did come about into the final days when the earth should shift, and earthquake and tornado and weather changes did come about. And the people became frightened, yet they knew not what they were frightened of. It was not that that they could alter or change. And they again began to fight among themselves. Yet they [knew] not even what they fought about or what they argued about. And they made false accusations against each other. And these accusations consumed much of the leader’s time.

We say unto you, at the end of this parable, that the springs of life, which [should] give you a beautiful planet and all beautiful things, should place upon you the yoke of love, hope and faith, and trust unto one another.

The healing springs were blessed by Ray, as Aka asked they be after the madonnas were placed there in the early 1980s. Aka then asked people to clear the way under where the springs drip from the mountain on the southest edge of Ray’s ranch, to build a dam that would provide water for all our needs when the time comes. The spiritual messengers of God also asked that trees and roses be planted along the pool of water to make the springs of life a beautiful place to come. They were providing for all of our needs, if we would prepare a place for this time and also for the Messiah’s coming by preparing first within our body, soul, spirit and immortal body and also bind together. The thousand years of peace, as God counts, and the new heaven and Earth upon Earth can begin within each individual person at any time we wish.

Do not say unto yourselves, “[These] other one[s] shall not do this or shall not do that.” What difference does it make whether they do or they do not? Go forth with the yoke of love and perform the task. If you perform it with love, then love shall come from it and to it, and therefore, those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ may not enter.

It is though you are preparing the kingdom of God. Lucifer may not enter the kingdom of God, and the temple of God is within you. Therefore, the kingdom and the temple should become one. And therefore, those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and the reign of the Beast, they shall come and they shall go, as a storm, leaving some bad memories, but many lessons you shall learn from it.

You say, “Why should the Lord, with all His might, let this happen, with all His knowledge? Shall the Earth end tomorrow?” And we say unto you, no. It shall only change its form once again. The question is, who shall reign upon the Earth, God or Lucifer? Who shall reign in your hearts?

Take it one day at time, one hour at a time. Forgive unto those who have trespassed against you, as the one known as Jesus did say, and the one known as Buddha did say, all in the same words. Do you not know that Jesus of Nazara did go unto the land of Buddha, and all of other religions, and was accepted — and is accepted unto this day? They only call of him by a different name.

What difference is there in a name? The meaning of the heart, of the soul, of the immortal body, is [of] the same. Throughout time, in normal — we use, as you use, the word, God, yet once a planet was called, Yahweh, and those who came from the planet did call their God, Yahweh, Jehovah.

Was the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter once a planet called Yahweh, before the Great Wars when it was destroyed?

What difference is there in the word — the meaning, the meaning that you shall stand before your God, each of you separately, or together.

Forgive one another. Cast aside all your petty grievances. Throw them aside. Take them not with you from this room. Cast them now aside. Open the door. We shall help you. We shall help you in the purification of yourselves, if you will let us. We have no desire to rule you. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“If thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside.” The meaning has long been sought for. The meaning is, if hate dwells within you cast it aside. If jealousy dwells within you cast it aside. If you cannot forgive yourself, know that the God you love has long forgiven you. Even when you did not ask He forgave you and loved you. If the Lord, God, can do this, why cannot you forgive one another and love each other, and love yourselves?

We shall say unto these words. We cannot trespass where we are not wanted. We may not enter where we are not asked. But we do say unto you, for those who should ask healing in our name, and in the name of the Lord, our God — the one God, the one holy God, the one pure God, the one who should be the one before all others — loves you, and will continue to love you. He is there with you; allow Him to enter. Cast aside ill feelings. Forgive one another. Love one another. Take the Ten Commandments. Do not twist them or turn them. Take them in their simplest form, and know that they are given to you with love from God.

September 19, 1979: Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

There shall come unto you many false prophets. And they shall come unto you, those who should perform miracles before your eyes. For as you must realize, as we come forth with the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and we are five alive upon your earth now, there are those who should also come forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, and he is alive upon your earth now.

Antichrist — detail from a fresco at Osogovo Monastery in the Republic of North Macedonia. The inscription reads “All kings and nations bow before the Antichrist.”

The greatest trial is yet before you. And his name you shall know, for the first step of the Beast has been let into power…. [inaudible.] For he who should sign a false treaty with Egypt and Israel, the one who placed his name upon this document, is false. You are feeling not the beast. We say unto you, if you shall be wise, you shall see and you shall hear, and knowledge shall flow unto you, for the name shall be as a number, six hundred and sixty-six, and the number shall be as the Greek words were placed into numerology, not as you know it, but as they knew it at that time.

We shall say unto you, if you all look unto the Book of Revelation, by John the Beloved.

The number of the Beast. Fragment from Papyrus 115 (P115) of Revelation in the 66th vol. of the Oxyrhynchus series (P. Oxy. 4499). Has the number of the beast as χιϛ, 616. Around 2005, a fragment from Papyrus 115, taken from the Oxyrhynchus site, was discovered at the Oxford University’s Ashmolean Museum. It gave the beast’s number as 616 (χις). This fragment is the oldest manuscript (about 1,700 years old) of Revelation 13 found as of 2017. Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, known before the Papyrus 115 finding but dating to after it, has 616 written in full: ἑξακόσιοι δέκα ἕξ, hexakosioi deka hex (lit. “six hundred and sixteen”). Papyrus 115 and Ephraemi Rescriptus have led some scholars to regard 616 as the original number of the beast. According to Paul Louis, “The number 666 has been substituted for 616 either by analogy with 888, the [Greek] number of Jesus (Gustav Adolf Deissmann), or because it is a triangular number, the sum of the first 36 numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6+…+36 = 666)” The beast’s identity and the beast’s number are usually interpreted by applying one of three methods: (1) Using gematria to find the numbers that equate to the names of world leaders, to check for a match with the scriptural number, (2) Treating the number of the beast as a duration of time, or (3) Linking the scriptural imagery and symbolism of the Antichrist with characteristics of world leaders who oppose Christianity.

Now we say unto you, look unto Job, unto Joshua, unto Isaiah, but most of all, look unto Jonah, and Jacob.

We shall give further information on this each reading from this point further, that there shall be no doubt in your mind, no doubt at all.

The Lord God be with you, forever and ever.

October 12, 1979: You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [_____] asks, ‘If a person receives baptism, and then makes their friends those who are Satanists, what happens to them?’”

For those who should be baptized in the name of the Lord, that that they have given into the Lord shall belong to the Lord. For those who should make that unto themself, that shall belong unto themselves. For those who have made that unto their brotheren, that shall belong unto [their] brotheren. But for those who should worship Lucifer, they shall have nothing, for Lucifer has no use for a nothing.

There are those who would think that Lucifer would be as an ignorant source or a stupid source. We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and those who would prepare the way for it. Do not underestimate these people, for if you do, you shall become one of their willing tools.

November 30, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

There was once many people brought together in another land for the preparation of the coming of the one you know as Jesus of Nazara.

And all things were prepared in the heaven and upon the earth.

And the birth was a just birth, and both heaven and the earth rejoiced.

And upon his entry into manhood, and his studies behind him, he did bring together twelve.

And even those closest to him did not know him, for they argued and bickered, one unto another, and did bring forth the death of this one. And after the death and the resurrection of the same, it was only through the resurrection did the eleven come back together, for Judas had killed himself.

In this time, and upon the earth, there was that that would soon to come, which [was] the beginning of the Anti-Christ or the Beast of the same.

We say unto you, bind together. If thy brothern offends thee forgive him, and forgive thyself. If thy cannot do this then walk away and let another stand in your place, for the work that you do this day is the greatest work that shall be done in all times.

Light the candle in your hearts. For soon you shall celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, that of the Messiah. And soon, you shall know of his coming once again. For as you celebrate this you call Christmas, know that he celebrates it with you.

If you shall do this in your meditation, allow him now to enter, and you will have made the first step for the preparation.

Do not let these things the Anti-Christ places before you to separate and devour you. Do not bear false witness.

December 7, 1979: There are some upon your earth who say, “I speak for God.” Only on rare occasions does anyone speak for God. We were sent here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have not demanded anything from you.

We have not said, “Slay thy brothern,” or “Destroy each other,” for we may not say these things, for they are not the way of God.

And God should speak into the least of things upon the earth, should they listen.

But there are some upon your earth who build for the Anti­-Christ, and they shall turn religion against religion,(sigh). God sees this, and knows. And those who should take from another in this manner has sinned beyond all sins, for they have taken from themselves their own spiritual substance that was a part of God and cast it aside.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Antichrist (figure on the left, with the attributes of a king) by Herrad von Landsberg (about 1180), Hortus Deliciarum — 12th century

Let us learn now from what the spiritual messengers of God taught in 1980, as they continue to add to our understanding.

January 4, 1980: All that God places before you He places for a time, to fill your need, to take you one step closer to your own, made destinies. There are those who think they have been cast down, when the truth is they’ve only been cast upward.

We say that wars and rumors of wars are about you. And sometimes your politicians play foolish games. We say unto you, bind together. Love one another.

January 11, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee, unto this parable.

There was three ministers unto God, each who was self-proclaimed, each thinking that their way was the only way. Each lived in a different land, and each spoke unto their own people. And each said unto the people that, “God says this,” or “God says that.” And in each of these lands the people did believe into them.

And soon, they were telling the people that the people in the other lands did not believe in the same God that they did, and therefore, they should make war unto them.

But in each of these lands lived three wise kings. And a wise king said, “Nay, for not to let — the people shall not spill their blood. Instead, I shall not send armies. Since there is a difference of opinion between you, let you who say you speak for God come together and settle your differences.”

And the three kings went forth with the three self-proclaimed spokesmen of God. And each said, “There must be rules set that each should speak in turn and not interrupt the other.”

And so, the first rose and said, “There is but one God, and these are His commandments. There are ten commandments, but the third commandment is, ‘Thy should believe in Me.’”

And the next rose and said the same.

And the next said the same.

And the three kings talked among themselves. And they said, “Let these who think they are the only ones who speak to God stay and talk. And we shall send throughout all our kingdoms in search of a wise man who should know of God, for it is very apparent that these men want to be greater than God in the eyes of the people.”

And so they sent forth upon their kingdoms, and in each kingdom, into the least of places, unto the shepherds, did they bring forth wisdom.

And the shepherds met, and they talked of common knowledge, because all three knew of the sheep and their ways. And therefore, they knew of the ways of the people, and the ways of God. There was no quarrel among them.

And the three kings said, “Let these three shepherds lead our people together in a righteous manner.”

Now these three who had made themselves self-proclaimed spokesmans of God became angry. They went back into their lands to excite the people against the kings and against the new spiritual leaders. Some would follow them. And they did come back unto the land where the three kings met, to make war.

And the three shepherds said unto the three kings, “Do not send an army before these. If there is to be a battle, let us three shepherds come forth against these who are self-proclaimed.”

The armies that the self-proclaimed had recruited thought this over. “Why should they die? Why shouldn’t those who had said that they believed the most come forth?”

Each time that the shepherds stood one of them fell, until they were all laid into waste.

Yet, the shepherds went unto each of them and healed them. And this greatly surprised these.

And the king[s] said, “Why should you heal them? Why do you not slay them?”

And the shepherd[s] said unto the kings, “‘Into the least of these things shall not fall without our Father’s knowledge.’ Unto the least of the sheep, and those should who wander astray, are the ones who need us most.”

So each took on these self-proclaimed as their helper. And each went back into the land. And all the lands multiplied, and there was plenty.

We say unto you, there shall always be those who are self-proclaimed, those who say unto you, “Do not believe God in this way; believe in God my way.”

He is not speaking for God, for our Father has many mansions. All are great to behold.

February 1, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this way, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

It came upon the Earth that nations made war upon nations. And this did exist for many, many years.

And then it came upon the Earth when three great nations emerged from all the others. At first, they grew mightier and mightier for fear of one another. And the world stood back and said, “Who can defeat these?”

And then, one nation said unto itself, “We must start a war between these great nations. And it looked into the prophecies that had been written, and it was their desire that the fulfillment of these prophecies should come forth now. But they did not look into the prophecies of the old prophets, they looked unto only their own. They forgot of the old prophecies and that of Armageddon, and they did build and conceive a great bomb. And they did implant the bomb in one of the great nations.

And the great nations thought only their enemies, of the other great nations, could have of such a weapon, and they did retaliate. And the wars of Armageddon did begin.

And the Lord looked down upon them, and He did split and turn the land. And He gave unto the Seventh Angel the power to strike unto the earth with the blade that cuts both the land and mass[es].


And those of the elders pled unto the Lord, “Have done with it.”

Yet the Lord’s heart was heavy. And He stood and said, “NOT BY MY HANDS SHALL IT BE DONE. IT SHALL BE OF THEIR OWN.”

And so this one, of the countries, invaded one land after another, afraid, therefore, of the other nations. And this country did step forth and take, therefore, of vast oil reserves and fuel of many types. And all the other nations became afraid, until there were two nations standing alone.

And then from the land of Israel came the voice of the old prophecies, and the battle of Armageddon began, from France to Israel.

Tel Megiddo with archaeological remains from the Bronze and Iron Ages. Photo by AVRAM GRAICER — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36308008

We have told you of another time, yet it could be your own, now. For the Palestinians are quiet now, but they are working in earnest. Those of the Russian continent have made but puppets out of the world. And yet, you have another power who hungers for the world; it is afraid of the Bear. That is that that you call, China.

Chinese honor guard

We have told you before to prepare — [to] prepare a place to bring stores. And we say unto you, it is but the whispering of a wind that keeps you from a war at this moment.

It is but the words, “One nation under God,” that has held you sacred unto the Lord.

We say unto you, lands and many lands shall come aflame as this great threat continues.

And the Anti‑Christ and those who prepare the way for his coming are making great progress.

We say unto you, love one another. Take that that the Lord has given you. Hold the name of the Lord sacred in all things. Do not allow the mark of the Beast to come upon you.

For a Rose has been planted in the hearts and souls of many. It has passed from hand to hand. We have told you many times this word, love, which you use so often, yet know not the meaning of — you are close now. Love is when you put forth another person before yourself and expect nothing in return. Love is the heavens and the earth and the universe and the galaxies brought forth as leaves of a rose, a bud ready to blossom. Let the fullness of this come into your hearts. Let our words go not unheeded.

Plant the fields, for the time grows short.

February 8, 1980: We say, look unto the east, into the heavens, and a new sign shall come forth on the 9th day of March of this year, and it shall remain unto the heavens unto the 13th day. And unto the 13th day, it shall be plain for all to see. And this mark is the mark of the Anti‑Christ, for he now places claim to his dominion. Look upon it, see it, and gain knowledge from the same. For nothing, save that of the Lord, may last forever.

Was this the sign discovered after Aka spoke? Three days later, February 11, 1980, a non-periodic comet was discovered by Edward L. G. Bowell. Where was it March 9–13, 1980, and what was the sign? Aka answers March 14, 1980, a few messages below. As the comet continued approaching, on December 9, 1980, it passed within 0.228 AU of Jupiter, which accelerated the comet briefly. Look how close it came to the Earth in 1981 after entering the inner Solar System. Then it passed closest to the Sun March 12, 1982, C/1980 E1 had an orbit with a distance of 74,600 AU (1.17 light-years), and a period of approximately 7.1 million years. The comet has a hyperbolic trajectory that will eject it from the Solar System with a higher velocity than any other natural object ever observed. May we cast the Anti-Christ’s rule from the Earth with utmost haste.

March 7, 1980: As the Seven Angels did come forth in the creation of the Earth, there came into them the dis­cussion of man’s thought form, and what could be done about it.

And one of the spirits said, “This could be a bad thing, for think of all the bad thoughts that man might think, and leave behind for other men to stumble upon.”

And then the other said, “But think of all the good things that man will think, and leave behind for men to stumble upon.”

And one said, “Yes, but that would be interference of freedom of will.”

And they decided they would take it unto the Lord, God.


And so the Seventh Angels, or the Seven Spirits, said unto the Lord, “We shall accept your wisdom, and we shall watch and we shall see.”

And they did watch as man passed forth and left forth upon each thing he touched the thought form, the memory of himself. And each person touched and retouched, and in a manner, it was a way of passing forth love, affection, and also fear. It was a way that, from generation unto generation, that man might one day touch himself, once again, and know by the touch that he had been there.

And so it is as each of you touch one another with your minds, you leave behind a memory of that touch. There are some whose touch might be deadly, yet it cannot affect one whose touch is whole and in one unto another.

You wonder why we have brought this parable to you. If the thousand touches came together and magnify in love, then a thousand shall become a million, and a million shall become ten million.

There will be many who shall say unto you, “This is a bad touch, and this is a good touch.” Decide for yourselves. Make your own decisions. You are a stubborn lot, you sons and daughters of Abraham. But I say unto you, it is because of your independence that you shall cast aside the Anti-Christ and become one unto the Lord, your God.

In your lives you have touched wealth in the desert, and roses in the mountains. Take all these thoughts into your next lifetime. There is yet much destruction about you through earthquake, tornado, hurricane, and flooding. Yet those of the Lord, wherever they have touched, God shall know and see, and their needs shall be taken care of….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question for the sake of our membership in general. Would you comment on any impending financial crisis in this country in the coming year or so?”

Yes, we see your need. And we shall say unto you unto these words. You have a bad leader who has brought this country near its death. Yet there are those who should pick it up and put it back together again.

We shall say unto you, that as two brothers were taken, the last shall be the greater, and could be the difference whether this country is led by the nose by the Anti-Christ or not.

Were the two brothers U.S. President John Kennedy and Senator and former U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy? Days before his assassination in November 1963, President Kennedy had signed an executive order to issue U.S. dollars backed by silver from the U.S. Treasury, rather than the Federal Reserve notes issued by a private international company, the Federal Reserve. Robert was assassinated June 6, 1968, after he just won the California Presidential primaries in the 1968 election. In the 2016 U.S.Presidential election of Donald J. Trump, and then the 2020 replacement with Joe Biden, did we see Aka’s prophetic words above coming true once again?

We told you before, the one who would sign the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt would be of the false prophet and would be of the Anti-Christ, and it would be a false peace.

The March 26, 1979, Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty was signed by Egyptian President Anwar Al Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin at the encouragement of U.S. President Jimmy Carter, whose Presidency was from 1977–1981. Now, today, we must look for and recognize the signs of political actions that would be false and of the Anti-Christ in this world, seeming to seek peace, yet planning for war? Could this include agreements the Middle East, as those with Iran about nuclear arms?

But hear our words. Many shall stand before you and say, “Choose I; choose I!” And many shall stand before you and lie and say, “Look at me, how great I am.”

We say unto you, this country that has been blessed by the Lord must continue….

The Constitution of the United States of America provides guiding laws for “one nation under God.” Yet, do those who prepare for the rule of the Anti-Christ seek to weaken and possibly destroy it to gain control of the world for those who follow Lucifer?

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.


We say these words unto you − bond together, and the needs shall be taken care of.

March 14, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words, the parable of the sun.

For there were three wise men who sat to deliberate the greatness of all things of God’s creations. And each would mention a different planet, until one mentioned the sun, a huge, as you would call it, hydrogen bomb, a planet burning into infinity.

And some said, “Is this a planet being born, or is this a planet dying, this star they call the Sun?”

And the wiser of all three said, “It is not where we use the name, son. We have used the name son unto our children, the male-born, as it has been used unto the one, of the Son of God.”

And they said into one another, “But how shall we know all of these things? What is the real truth of all of our deliberation? None of us has ever visited the moon, the sun, or any of these places. How should we really know of their existence?”

And then there stood among them a forth. He was neither young nor old. He was not dressed in rich attire, but that of a plain robe. And he said unto them, “I say unto you these words. For the day shall come, when as my Father, and in His knowing, that the stars shall be the stepping stones for man. And do you not think that my Father, out of all this vastness, only performed His miracle of life upon one of these planets? And that there is only one sun, as you would know it?”

These men thought, and they asked him, “But we speak of a star, and we speak of a man, and the sun that gave life unto man, and the man that gave life unto the son, and God that gave life unto all things.”

And he said, “How shall we know these things you speak are true?”

And he said unto them, “One day man shall walk forth into your galaxy and galaxies beyond galaxies. He shall walk into this universe and beyond. And as he reaches these far-away places they shall be as his home, for all things will be in order, and a sun, wherever life shall be found, so shall be a sun — and a son that shall bear fruit unto his Father, and a son that shall bear fruit unto man and the Earth, and the planets and planets that shall bear the spirit and form of man.

You say unto us, “Once again you have spoken as unto riddles.”

And we will say, nay. For one here has in their mind a course that they should take. And man has navigated by the stars for a long time. But each of the captains for the ship has used that of a sextant, or an instrument to measure the movement of the stars, and their movement across the skies, across the oceans, across the universes….

You have questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question in regarding the sign in the sky that we were to see, Aka. We wonder if what we saw, the three stars by the moon, was what we were supposed to see, or was there something else? We had some stormy weather.”

We say unto you that the sign stayed in the sky for almost a month, and came into its full being, and pointing toward the planet Mars, and Saturn, and brought forth unto you unto the sixth star. And this, as it should be, would point the way unto a comet that shall appear upon the Earth this year.

And as it had been written that this one would come forth with a comet, and be known with the coming of this comet. The rest you have known from our words….

The dates of Comet Bowell’s approach and when it was closest to the Sun show in this graph by Tomruen — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=67261870. Astronomer Edward Bowell discovered it February 11, 1980, after Aka announced this sign of the beginning of the Anti-Christ in a parable beforehand on June 22, 1979, as it crossed Jupiter’s orbit into our inner solar system. The comet passed closest to the Sun March 12, 1982, as the graph shows. One might wonder, what happened when it neared Juspiter to speed it up and change it’s trajectory to cast it out of the solar system more rapidly than any object ever known? This happened at the time Aka told us, June 22, 1979, of this sign of the Anti-Christ’s beginning. As spiritual messengers of God, were they protecting Earth in war in the heavens, as part of the armies of the Messiah? Are they seeking through their messages and spiritual presence with us to gather an army to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah upon Earth of people who will also cast him out?

We shall tell you the story of Jonah. And he did come forth and warn these cities of their destruction if they did not change their way. All these things may happen, the destruction of this land. Yet again, as we have told you before, your thoughts may turn and divert this, and hold this land. But it must be your will and your asking….

Now we say unto you unto these words. Now is the time of great decision, a decision that should bring your country forth as one nation before God or it shall cast your country back as a Sodom and Gomorrah. It is your choice in the next few months to make these choices.

You heard our words at the last reading. Take from them. But remember, this country was built by the people, for the people, and all the people. It must stand that way. If you cast prayer from your lives, you cast God from your lives.

If you allow radical people to disrupt your lives, you cast God from your lives. If you allow radical people to disrupt and destroy, then you shall have no country at all and it shall become as the whore of Babylon.

It is a precise time, and many powers are at work at this time. And the greatest power is the Beast that should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and his reign. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–18.]

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

March 28, 1980: As we have said before, the great Sword stands forth above your land. One side shall slice the land and part it. The other side shall divide men and part them.

Where there was no water, water shall flow. That that was a desert shall blossom forth as a garden. And yet, where waters flowed, water shall cease to flow. And the water shall be the spirit of men.

The Fifth Angel stands poised above your land and walks. Earthquakes, volcanoes, all of these phenomena shall now come into its greater stead. Look and see, now, that the words we have said unto you are true.

Do not let those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ to influence you. Stand fast. Be great in the eyes of yourselves and in the eyes of the Lord. Be mighty, that you stand together, one unto the other.

March 28, 1980: “Yes, Aka, someone has asked, ‘When hatred is given and we return love and receive only more hatred in return, how do we deal with something like that?’”

(Chuckle.) If you should project love in its truest form, hatred shall be overcome. For love is like a great wave, washing against the sand. The greater the wave the more sand it moves. If love is like an ocean wave, it’s a never-ending process. There is nothing upon the face of your Earth, if love in its purest form is projected into it, cannot be overcome.

Other people shall say unto you, “The way to overcome the Anti-Christ is with arms.” We say unto you, the way to overcome the Anti-Christ is with love.

For love in its purest form projected into hate, and the hate becomes confused because it knows not what it receives. It has [exposed some] mixed feeling [of] the love and hate. And then the battle must be fought within the one who hates.

For it is like the two sides of man, one in each, fighting for survival.

Love shall triumph.

April 4, 1980: And now we say unto you, of the spring of life in the valley, where the water flows and begins to seep into the ground, there a pool of 16-by-30 measures should be placed. This pool should be made from 4 to 8 foot, and should be lined with stone and mortar that the water may come from the springs of life and flow out.

And yet, we shall say unto you, that of the prophet unto you, the robe shall be changed. The robe that is now shall be encased and placed nearby the spring. A new robe, and it shall bear only white, shall be brought forth. For now, a ten-year period has passed, and now we shall take you forth into newer things and transitions.

And angels shall walk upon the Earth and talk to many. For now the armies of heaven shall descend upon you to make way and to prepare for the coming.

Many shall hear voices, but we say unto you, make certain that these are the armies of God, not the armies of Lucifer. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

The army of God with Archangel Michael war with the army of Lucifer and casts them down to Earth. [See Daniel, chapter 12.]

June 7, 1980: “Yes, Aka. What is wrong with praying for Lucifer?”

Because Lucifer is in competition with God; he thinks he is a god. And he is not. And he shall bring forth his son upon the Earth, and you shall call it the Anti-Christ, and it shall be in his image. And much work at this time is being done for that preparation, of his coming.

And he shall reign for four-and-a-half years once he has come into full power, and no armies may defeat him. And none may trade nor bargain leste they have the mark of the Beast upon them.

Yet those who should take the mark of the Beast shall try to hide as the whore of Babylon falls. And they shall be stung as by scorpions, yet they shall not die and they shall pray for death.

For those who take not the mark of the Beast you shall trade among yourselves and you shall survive.

A farmer’s market

And the Lord’s kingdom shall be known and become upon the Earth.

And Lucifer shall be bound for a thousand years before he is released and learns that there is but one Lord, one God, and “There shall be no other gods before Him.” [See The Revelation, chapters 12–22, and Deuteronomy 5:7.]

July 18, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; gory be the name of His children, forever and ever. And we say unto you this parable. For three strangers met upon the mountain. Each had come forth to find wisdom. Each had reached to the highest point that he could see, that he might be closer toward heaven, and God.

But when they met upon the mountain each was surprised, for each felt that when they reached the mountain they would be alone.

And so they sat in discussion.

First, one said unto the other, “I have come to the mountain to find the wisdom and the knowledge that I might take it back to my people, that they should know what should come after life.”

And the second said, “I have come upon the mountain to seek the knowledge of what comes after birth.”

And the third said, “I have come to seek the knowledge to take to my people, that that lies between death and life, and life and death.”

They looked into each other.

And then, before them stood a stranger unto them. And he said unto them, “Each of you seek answers, yet each of you hold the answer for the other. For you who seeks the knowledge of death, and that that comes after, I should say unto you, it is life. For you who seeks the knowledge that should come after birth, there is death. And for you who should seek the knowledge that should come in between, and thereof, I should say unto you, once you have chosen to be born upon the Earth, or the many earths, that is the beginning of life, and a journey.

“The journey may be a pleasant one or a hard one, but it is of your own free choice. It is the choices that you shall make for yourself. But should you influence another to follow your path in not a righteous manner, then you shall re-live this again and again, in the same lifetime.

“And then, when the journey ends and death comes, it is but a beginning. For at first, you shall sleep, for as the four seasons come upon the earth, so are the four seasons of man. There is the spring of new birth, and the summer of growth, and the autumn to take stock of the growth, and the winter is for slumber. So it should be, even after you pass from one life unto another.

“The return to this earth, or any other, shall be of your own choice once again. But you do not stand and wait for that day of return.

Some of you shall choose to linger close to your loved ones. And even some of you shall become their guides, for it is true that those who should pray unto the Lord for guidance shall receive it from both sides.

Some, then, shall choose for higher learning upon the other planes. It is still freedom of choice.

Yet, there are some who after death and life have forgotten from which they came. They have become so cruel unto mankind and themselves that they have destroyed the soul, the spirit, the immortal body, and therefore, they become that of the lost souls, to wander endlessly until they should see the light. It has been written that upon the arrival of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, he who should come again, the Messiah, who should have had many names before that, ‘all those who have gone beyond shall rise again.’ And so it shall be true, for new birth shall be given into them, and they shall judge themselves. [See The Revelation 20:11–15.]

“The wisdom you seek, take it three ways unto the Earth, but give it to another that a fourth way may be shown, for is it not true, ‘our Father has many mansions,’ and all His most gloriously awaits His children.”

The three seemed to awaken as though from a sleep, and the stranger among them was gone. And where he stood was the fire.

Each looked unto the other, and asked each other questions. And yet they said, “Of this stranger we all dreamed of, was he real? Was he a part of our imagination? Was he a gift of God, or a gift of Lucifer?”

Each left the mountain. Each found the fourth person to give the knowledge to that they had received.

And from three, and then four, and then a hundred, and hundreds became into the thousands and into the millions, the word spread of the new becoming, the coming of the Messiah.

Words that are spoken are never forgotten. They are like life. They are energy. They float upon the winds of time, only to return again and again.

May word of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah spread like wildfire.

September 19, 1980: Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Four of the wisest men upon the Earth, from the four corners of the Earth, had decided to come together, that they might learn from one another and take back into their own lands that that they would receive. And so they journeyed far across the land, through the mountains and deserts, and through the valleys. And they did come forth upon a mesa.

And they brought with them those who would stand in attendance and help each one. As they came together, each one who attended the other at first were jealous, for they felt that their teacher was greater than the other three. But then they decided there must be a greater knowledge on the other side or from the other person. And they reached out to learn from the others. And they said among themselves, “We must elect one of the four which [will] be greater, and stand to lead all of us.”

The four had heard all these things. And none did comment. They stood in their own places, and found their own seats among the fire that gave forth the light and the warmth. And they said unto one another, “First, let us pray unto the Lord that this meeting should come out to fit into His greater pattern. Then let each of us contribute our knowledge, that we may take from one another.” And so, they did do so.

Photo of campfire by Emeldil at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3782539

And one of the wise men said unto the others, “I have brought this message for you, for I believe in your truth, I believe in your knowledge. I have brought this message from my people that was given unto us — to love one another, to share with those who would allow you to share, to give of the knowledge as a free thing.”

And another shepherd said, “I hear, and I too have come from my people. And our greatest gift that we may bring unto you is faith, the faith that binds us together in peace and love, the faith that we [will] accept your gifts in such a manner that it shall not insult you, nor insult God.”

The third said, “I have come forth, and I bring the gift of hope, [in] the hope that I too, and our people, shall accept your faith and love in such a manner that it shall not offend you, and not offend God.”

And the fourth sat for a long time. And the other three said, “Have we offended you?”

And he said, “No. It is just that your gifts are so great and so beautiful I have taken into myself that I must bring forth thought. And that is a gift I may bring you, the thought that love, hope, and faith may bring eternity to our people, may bring life and health and happiness, that all these things may spread out unto you. Let us link ourselves together. Let the soul substance of each of us join in the center, and let it feed from there unto the four corners of the Earth.”

And so they brought forth unto the souls, not only of themselves, but the souls of the land they had come from, the souls of the people who were willing, and supported them in their journey. And it was a beautiful blending of light and sound that came forth in the center. And all was in awe of such a beautiful sight.

And then they said, “Let us sleep and eat, and then, in the morrow we shall talk further.” And so they did sleep and they [ate].

And then, of the second day the first wise man said, “I bring you knowledge of one who should come. He is coming to bring peace unto the Earth. And he has said unto us to prepare a way. I bring you this gift.”

And the second said, “I too bring this same gift.”

And the third said, “I too bring the same gift.”

And the fourth, once again, was very thoughtful. And they said unto [him], “Have we offended you in any way?”

And he said, “Nay. But I too have brought this gift. But I must show you that those gifts that you have already given are what we need to prepare the way.

“Let us do this, that we shall always remember. Let us build a house upon this ground, and let it reach to the east, the north, the south and the west, to the four corners of the Earth. And let us make it into a round building that may touch all the universe. And let it come out and around, and let it be known, that there shall be no more wars, nor hate, nor greed, nor jealousies of any kind, for now there is no room for this.”

Again their helpers began, each to say how much greater their masters were than the others.

And the fourth came and said, “Let us trade helpers, that they may learn.” And they did so, and they left. And in three years they returned to the same place. And there before them stood a beautiful building. It was round; it touched the four corners of the earth, and it had four doorways. And each did enter from a separate doorway and form their circle.

And the first said, “It is strange, brothers, but why do we have four doorways?”

The second said, “The four doorways is so that we may not go out of our way to enter the building.”

The third said, “But why do we need four doorways? Can we not all enter all together, in the same way?”

The fourth thought long and said, “The four doorways shall represent the many mansions of our Father. Each person who enters this building may enter with their own beliefs, their own way of worship, into the house of God. Yet, let us place one doorway, that we may all enter as equals before God.” [See The Revelation 21:9–27.]

And the discussion began of where the doorway should be. And before them into the center of the light that they had transformed into energy came forth one clad in a brilliant, beautiful robe of white, one whose color was neither black, nor yellow, nor red, nor brown, nor white.

They looked upon him in amazement and he said, “You have done much to prepare the way for me. I have entered by none of your doorways, for it is the spiritual substance which I have brought here. And being the spiritual substance, God shall see, and know, and hear, and feel, and love, and hope. All of these He shall do, as you do, and as I shall do. I shall not tell you where to build your doorway, but if you shall prepare the way for me, the doorways must be in your heart. And they should not need to be four, but one.” And he left.

And each spoke up rapidly and said, “Oh, there were so many questions I wanted to ask him.”

And the fourth said, “He answered all our questions. We just did not hear him. In each of our lands we have great libraries where his words are written in many languages across the face of the Earth, and we have heard him not. Let us hear him. Let us put the doorway to our hearts in this building. Let us enter through the doorway with our hearts, our souls, our spirits and our immortal bodies. Let [they] become light unto the Lord’s. Let there be greatness and [psalms]. Let joy ring out from our hearts unto all men and all mankind. Let this place be as a mirror — and from it, many doorways shall be built across the lands. Let us hear his words and know they are true. But to know if one is true, you must first hear and understand, so I bring you unto this day, understanding.” They all left.

And the third year they came back, only this year there was one doorway, entered by the north, and one small exit that a person could leave, [by] the south. And they sat down together. And they cast the energy into the circle. The soul, the love, the hope, the faith of all mankind [grew] into the circle.

And again, the one appeared into the circle. And he said unto them, “For I am the oldest of you and the youngest. I am the wisest, and the most dumb. I laugh with a light heart and heavy heart, for I am all things that you are. For I come from my Father to tell you these words, for you are His children, who is well pleased.”

We have told you this parable. It is only a parable, a story of understanding.

Love one another as you would wish the Messiah to love you. Love one another as you would wish God to love you. Ask not what God will give you. Ask not what God may do for you. Ask deep in your hearts what you shall give and do for God.

Let there be laughter in your hearts, and songs in your minds. Let the true meaning of what we have said here today come to you. Let it surround you like a lover. Let it mold into your ever-being. Let it be.

Take not from our words, nor add to. But let each one, as teardrops upon your earth, take that that should fulfill their needs. Bind together. Cast aside these things we have spoken of. Cast them aside and let the beautiful, [who] All-being, enter into you.

If another comes to you with negative thoughts, you do not need these.

If another comes to you with anger, you do not need these. You do not have to pick them up.

If another comes to you with greed, you need not pick this up.

Pick up and cherish in your heart, in your soul, and allow that to enter into you which [would] make you a whole being. We have not left you. We have not forsaken you. We have not ceased to love you.

There is a time for all things. Let that time begin now, in you, in each of you. Let it reach into your souls, into your spirit. Let it become your immortal bodies, blended with God, and know that He loves you.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

You have all been through great tests, trials, and tribulations. You have all felt the heavy hand of that that we would call the Anti-Christ, and his movements, the Beast who goes before him to prepare his way. Accept not this mark. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–22.]

November 28, 1980: For as the Lord directed the Seven Spirits to go forth and create the Earth, they came forth and created mountains and lakes and forests, and all things in abundance, and they did bring forth all things of their kind.

And as they created the fowl of the land, and the seasons of the land, they were each discussing this one thing. “What should we bring forth unto man in the time when the earth sleeps that should bring gladness into his heart? For the flowers have bloomed, and the greenery is gone from the earth for the trees to sleep.”


And so it was, and so it is. For across the land this one small bird appears, and whenever man sees it, it brings gladness to his heart.

Yet, as man has developed, and time has passed, there was those who would destroy the cardinals of the Earth.

And we say unto them, nay, that shall never be. For even as the land shall change its form, earthquakes shall occur, and they shall continue in force through the pathway that we have given you. As we have said before, the great Sword now is above you, and beneath you, and all about you. It shall be the splitting away of man and earth. That that was desert shall turn into gardens. And that that was forest shall be laid level by the might of the earth. All these changes shall come, but the cardinal shall stay with you to let you know that even in the time that approaches, the time of the Anti-Christ, that even the Anti-Christ cannot destroy the cardinal and its gift from God of hope unto man. For in each of you, deep inside, is the Spirit of God, and only you may cast that out. If you choose to keep it, then the cardinal shall remain in you forever. And the hope of man and God shall come into fulfillment, and the day shall come forth when war shall be no more, and peace shall reign upon the Earth.

As you approach these days ahead in your preparation for the celebration of the one known as Jesus, the Son of God, the firstborn, then we say unto you, make extra preparations in your heart. Know the cardinal lies within you. Let hope flash within you.

We know that at this time when trials and tribulations have grown heavy, that hope is almost in despair. Yet hope and faith, and the knowing that you are one with God shall bring you through these times.

As you have seen, many loved ones who have passed away at this time, know this — that God is with you and with them. Know that nothing from either side may interfere with this work. It shall progress and proceed [forth], and coveth the Earth and the planets, and all universes.

The slow part of loving one another begins in the understanding. It shall become hard for you to understand those who wear the mark of the Beast. It is not your place to judge them. It is not your place to defeat them. It is only your place to know that they shall not place the mark upon you. [See The Revelation 7:9–17, 12:7–17, chapter 13, 16:13–16, chapter 17, 19:1–2, 11–20, 20:1–6.]

March 13, 1976: We say unto you, for those who should hear, let them hear, for those who should see, let them see. For we have come not to change the Laws of Moses. We have come not to change the words of Jesus, or Mohammed, or Buddha. We have come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have come not to take you from you religions, but to bring bread and wine within them.

We have come not to bring sorrow to the earth, but to bring gladness.

Continue to part 3 of 3 of “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ,” (the 1981 to 1989 messages).

If you missed part 1 of 3 (the 1970 to 1978 messages) click here.


The words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God, are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins of Globe, Arizona, through whom they were spoken.

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"Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'"

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.