Top Stories published by Offchain Labs in 2019

How Arbitrum Rollup works

Recently I posted on how Arbitrum Rollup compares to competing systems. But I didn’t say much about how Arbitrum…

Cheater Checking: How attention challenges solve the verifier’s dilemma

Yesterday I wrote about the cheater checking problem: how to make sure that parties who are supposed to be checking others’ computations are really doing so, rather than lazily guessing/assuming that the…

How to Run Your Dapp on Arbitrum

I wrote previously about the benefits of using the Arbitrum platform, from our team at Offchain Labs. Now let’s look at how developers will be able to run their code on Arbitrum to get its scalability, speed, privacy, and compatibility.

How Not to Solve the Verifiers’ Dilemma

Our team at Offchain Labs was happy to see that the new Flow blockchain proposed by Dapper Labs tried to address the Verifiers’ Dilemma. We think that’s an important problem. Unfortunately their solution fails to solve the Verifier’s Dilemma, for two separate…

Flow is Still Flawed

Dapper Labs has responded to our previous post about flaws in their new Flow protocol. They graciously thanked us for our critique and offered some kind words, both of which are appreciated. But unfortunately the changes to their design don’t fix all of the problems with Flow.

These were the top 10 stories published by Offchain Labs in 2019. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2019 by using the calendar at the top of this page.