[ANNOUNCEMENT] Official Rate3 Token Sale Dates

Official Rate3
Official Rate3
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2018

Our first round of KYC has concluded on 31 March 2018, 10PM SGT (GMT+8). Successful whitelisted participants should have received an email by now, please email official@rate3.network if you have not received.

Here are the important details moving forward:

  • Start of 2nd round of KYC: 9 April 2018, 10PM SGT (GMT+8)
  • Start of Pre-Sale: 16 April 2018, 2PM SGT (GMT+8)
  • Start of Public-Sale: Start immediately after Pre-Sale tokens are sold out

You can access the KYC portal here, after the start of 2nd round for KYC on 9 April 2018 10PM SGT (GMT+8).

More details on the Pre-Sale — in terms of bonuses, min/max allocation, ETH address, recommended gas fees — will be published within the next 3 days, so do stay tuned!

Useful Reminders

  1. If you are unsure about how to complete KYC, please do refer to our step-by-step guide here.
  2. To protect yourself from scamming and phishing, please read our message by Rate3’s CTO.
  3. If you feel equally inspired by Rate3’s wider vision and want to join us in our journey, read more about our ongoing Proof-of-Care campaign
  4. We are making good progress in both our technical and partnerships roadmap. In terms of technical development, Rate3 is running on dual chains (both Stellar AND Ethereum) and you can learn more about our dual-chain protocols. Partnerships-wise, we are tremendously excited about how Rate3 will be partnering with BrahmaOS for the future of offline payments.

