Top Stories published by One-Tech Mind in 2018

Reddit audiophile largely impressed with HomePod

Judging from my analytics, this post on HomePod’s technology is proving particularly popular over the last week as launch nears. In similar vein, WinterCharm from Reddit’s audiophile community had an hour with HomePod and has great things to…

Nikola Tesla predicted the smartphone in 1926

I saw this through Daring Fireball and just had to share. Here’s the relevant bit of a Tesla interview with Collier’s magazine in 1926:

When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain…

Chrome and Firefox will support a new standard for password-free logins

Russel Brandom for The Verge:

Web browsers are building a new way for you to log in, announced today by the W3C and FIDO Alliance standards bodies. Called WebAuthn, the new open…

Apple offers extended three year repair program for iPad Pro Smart Keyboards

Jordan Kahn for 9to5Mac:

Apple has launched a new extended repair program for its Smart Keyboard for iPad Pro, allowing customers experiencing certain issues with the…

watchOS 4.3.1 suggests future support for third party watch faces

Guilherme Rambo for 9to5Mac found some interesting code in watchOS 4.3.1 that hints at third party watch faces:

[…] A component of the NanoTimeKit framework, responsible for the watch faces…

These were the top 10 stories published by One-Tech Mind in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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