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Opera Criticism in a Modern World
Editorial materials, reviews, interviews, and essays. My way to improve the opera industry. I’m Polina Lyapustina and I’m currently writing for operawire.com. No story is a part of Medium’s metered paywall.
Note from the editor

Born in Russia, I hold a Master degree in Economics. During my studies, I started to work with visual arts and later opened my own gallery of contemporary art and design. I’ve written articles and criticism for Russian Art Newspaper, Hypertext, and Sobaka magazine. Later I used to work as an information and UI/UX designer for 8 years until I decided to start writing about art again. I always note, that I use a design approach on everything I do, and the only reason to criticize is to make things I like better. My operatic experience started after I moved to Lithuania. Since that time I travel across Europe, trying to catch the most engaging performances. I also keep abreast of modern indie operas. In September 2018 I started to publish my reviews on operawire.com, and later extended my role covering Paris and Munich and interviewing singers for this site. I also wrote a few articles for Canadian Schmopera. Lately, I started to work with the Lithuanian National Opera, where I give lectures and write editorial materials.

Go to the profile of Polina Lyapustina
Polina Lyapustina
Journalist, Opera Critic, Essayist, UX and Product Designer, Mathematician and Heavy Reader