Workload Management Basics & How to Make This Process Trouble-Free

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker
Published in
6 min readMar 15, 2024
What is workload management?

Careful workload management is a vital part of many projects.

Managers and teams should know exactly that their workloads are well-controlled and balanced. They use reliable resource management tools with workload organization functionality and train a lot to succeed in this area.

In this post, we share common secrets about the world of successful workload management.

Let’s dive in to get more.

What is workload management?

Workload management is about forecasting, planning, distributing, scheduling, and monitoring workload. This process can be done at an individual, team, or organization level.

It can also involve task allocation, capacity management, asset prioritization, overburdening prevention, and more.

Why is workload management important?

Efficient workload management boosts productivity and helps maintain a healthy balance between personal life and work. When project managers create a resource management plan, they try to consider it.

What makes workload management important? The next picture demonstrates some obvious answers.

The importance of workload management

Typical workload challenges

Executives who organize and control workloads, have to always remember that any project should meet quality standards, align with business goals, and deliver within the set timeframes. They should consider roadblocks and challenges that may arise in any professional field.

So, what are the typical workload challenges?

  • The challenge of overallocation. This widespread issue arises when team members are inundated with more tasks than they can realistically manage within given timeframes. Such overallocation can result in diminished productivity, potential deadline misses, and eventual employee burnout.
  • The unrealistic deadline dilemma. Frequently, project teams are pressed by exceedingly tight deadlines, which can set impractical expectations regarding their workload. This often leads to heightened stress and a compromise in the quality of work.
  • The priority issue. Without clear task prioritization, team members may find themselves focusing on tasks of lesser importance. This typically leads to operational inefficiencies, resource constraints, and project delays.
  • Scope creep complications. Often characterized by ongoing or uncontrolled changes in a project’s scope, scope creep can exacerbate workload and resource challenges. It’s commonly the result of ambiguous project goals or insufficient stakeholder engagement.
  • Skill and knowledge shortfalls. In cases where teams lack essential skills or knowledge, it can lead to operational inefficiencies and work of inferior quality.
  • Communication breakdowns. Ineffective internal communication is a notable factor in increasing project workload. Poor communication can lead to various errors, misunderstandings, and the need for additional work.

Main workload management benefits

Successful workload management is not only about allocating project activities but also about optimizing the use of specific project management resources, maintaining a balance that prevents employee burnout, and enhancing productivity.

The picture below demonstrates some typical benefits that professional workload management provides.

Key workload management benefits

Now let’s look at the certain steps to optimize this process.

Consistent steps to improve your workload management efforts

Careful team workload management may involve various steps. They foster a positive work environment, accelerate the overall quality of work, and promote work-life balance.

Let’s explore these steps in detail.

Step 1. Choose a proper workload management tool

Modern teams spend enough time selecting appropriate project management and resource scheduling tools with workload organization functionality.

One of the top software solutions that deserves trust and your attention is GanttPRO.

GanttPRO for workload management

The Gantt chart maker is widely known in the PM world because of its neat project timelines and powerful resource scheduling. With its help, you can manage tasks, allocate work assets, and organize workloads easily.

Its online Gantt chart with resource allocation helps managers in various spheres, including marketing, IT, construction, retail, events, HR, healthcare, and more. The tool is used in large organizations and for small business needs. Freelancers and remote workers also appreciate it.

Step 2. Fill a timeline with tasks

To efficiently manage workloads, teams must first organize their projects into tasks and subtasks through a work breakdown structure. GanttPRO excels in this area, offering top-notch WBS creation capabilities.

With GanttPRO, organizing and visualizing task dependencies becomes a breeze, thanks to its intuitive drag-and-drop feature. You can also easily set Gantt chart milestones. Its dynamic Gantt diagrams update data in real time, allowing team members to immediately see their latest tasks and stay on top of project progress.

Step 3. Optimize resource visualization

The next crucial step following task organization is effective resource visualization. Consolidating and displaying all project management resources in a single, accessible location is highly advantageous.

GanttPRO enables you to bring your team together within the platform, allowing you to define their roles and establish costs and schedules. Additionally, it provides the flexibility to include and manage virtual resources such as people, tools, equipment, and more.

Step 4. Allocate resources

Though the task of delegating individual activities might appear simple, the overarching task of managing workloads can often be intricate. Effective resource allocation in project management is key to pinpointing and designating the right team members or resources for specific tasks.

GanttPRO facilitates the assignment of one or multiple resources to each task. You have the capability to set priorities, estimate task durations, and define task timelines. Furthermore, this resource management tool proficiently tracks time, enabling team members to record their hours spent on distinct tasks.

Step 5. Empower workload management

GanttPRO streamlines project management with its clear visualization of workloads and dynamic asset scheduling. By centralizing the tracking of resource workloads, it effectively monitors task progress and ensures optimal resource allocation. This prevents both underuse and overextension of resources, facilitating efficient and balanced project execution.

The feature of workload management in GanttPRO offers the following benefits:

  • Monitoring assignees’ availability.
  • Effortless task reassignment.
  • Customizable personal calendars.
Workload management in GanttPRO

Step 6. Prioritize communication & collaboration

Working closely with your team is crucial for success. To maximize your workload management system, remember to engage with your colleagues regularly.

Discuss your plans to redistribute resources for smoother workflow balancing. This can lead to a more favorable work schedule for everyone involved.

GanttPRO enhances this with its superior collaboration means. The platform makes it simple to stay updated, share documents, attach files, and communicate seamlessly at any moment.

Step 7. Focus on workload coordination

When employees constantly feel overburdened, it can rapidly lead to team burnout. Even with project managers striving to enhance workload management, it may be necessary to reflect inwardly.

Often, the root of the problem lies in the work coordination culture rather than the workload itself. Managers can set an example by showcasing a healthy work-life balance. Crucially, finding methods to prevent overwork and effectively conveying the broader goals is essential.

Step 8. Change & reassign if needed

In the dynamic realm of workload management, the key to success lies in agility and adaptability. Prioritizing tasks effectively requires a readiness to evolve and adjust strategies.

Keep a vigilant eye on workload levels, swiftly identify any emerging challenges, and respond proactively. By closely monitoring crucial processes, you can detect potential hurdles early on, enabling you to implement necessary adjustments to ensure project objectives are met efficiently.

Now it’s time to dive deeper into a real-life example. You can explore it in the full version of this article:

