Top Stories published by panGloss Law in October of 2007

Back in the USSA

Interesting snippet from Computing Weekly

The proposed sale of 3Com to Bain Capital Partners and China’s Huawei Technologies has drawn the attention of U.S. lawmakers because it involves sensitive security technology.

ILAWS launch

ILAWS is now duely launched, and even hads a fair wind, appropriate metaphors for a maritime city like Suthampton; we broke bubbly on its virtual hull, courtesy of our very generous sponsors Thomas Eggar, after hearing a marvellous lecture from the indomitable Chris Reed on “Doing Business Online” which…

UK Linking Site Closed Down

An interesting if rather sketchy report from The Guardian that UK-based TV Links site has been closed down after a raid by a combination of Trading Standards officials, Gloucester police and FACT (Federation Against Copyright Theft). The question is what were the grounds? The…

These Newfangled Tubes of Yours

Or, posting from my sick bed, YET AGAIN. Grumf.

Colleagues have recently brought to my attention this delightful video
which is a parody by some colonial types of the case Donoghue v Stevenson put to the backing of the Police’s Message in a Bottle (a popular beat combo…

panGloss Law
A UK-based law blog by Lilian Edwards
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