Top Stories published by panGloss Law in September of 2007

Chieftain of the Pudding race

Via Thomas Otter

The strangest business model yet — get telephone calls for free if people can listen in and append ads.

“There’s a new Skype competitor, dubbed ThePudding, on the Web. And ThePudding is completely free*. All you have to do is agree to let Pudding Media…

GikII 2 ppts: I’m in your legal system eating your brain

The GikII 2 presentation powerpoints are now all up and available and there is some fabulous stuff there.

It would be impossible and invidious for the chair to pick the best paper, but it is worth mentioning what was surely the…

Dawkins v You Tube and the World

More trouble with You Tube and the DMCA.

Let’s see if we can get this one straight.

Dawkinsites (“Rational Response Squad”) post videos anti-creationism on You Tube.

Creationists get said Videos taken down by claiming NTD — that said vids contained their copyright…

A Manifesto for Inertia in a Web 2.0 World

After three days of running conferences, firstly the SCL/Herbert Smith sponsored “Law 2.0” event, and then the glorious GikII, I am currently too braindead to do much other than stare into space, vaguely respond to my stacked up email, and make virtual…

Web 3,0 arise

Via Rowena Rodrigues’ e-identity blog — a very interesting piece bringing together some thoughts on web 2.0, the semantic Web , social software (not just social networking software) and a possible new approach for defining web 3.0 (or web thingy as Chris Reed has now famously christened it).

“For those…