Poetry Series

Paper Poetry Publication Endeavor

Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry
4 min readMar 26, 2021


Image by the Author

Dear Paper Poetry Readers,

Hello, Bonjour, Olá, Salaam, Hola, Nǐn hǎo, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag, Namastay, LOVE

Hope this letter finds you happy and healthy. With too much going on around, the Paper Poetry cosmos too is in tandem with the world. Only the dimensions are different, thankfully.

Creativity is our fodder and passion our tool. We play with words in different forms, poems, sonnets, rondelets, twittles, haikus, tankas.

We make the words twirl and swirl in symphony and express our vast and deep emotions in crisp and concise words. Don’t you agree? After all, you as a poet attest the saying,

Brevity is the soul of wit

Themed Poetry Series

Poetry Series is our mini endeavor which we inaugurated last month.

It is a monthly project. Every month, we will approach a poet with a bouquet of passionate themes to express their thoughts as part of a poetry series. They may choose the one which entices them the most.

They will be required to submit four poems on that particular theme. One poem in a week.

It is a great opportunity for a poet to explore a theme in depth while showcasing their work.

The poems will be displayed prominently on Paper Poetry’s homepage with special mention in the newsletter.

We will also be handling the social media publicity for the same.

If interested in being our Poetry Series writer, kindly check the section Invitation for Poetry Series lower in the post.


We commenced the themed Poetry Series with a phenomenal poet James G Brennan. Applause to you, James.

James chose to craft his four poems on the theme UBUNTU. It is an African proverb that means I am because we are.

In his Ubuntu-Mbira, he takes us to the Shona people of Zimbabwe where they play an instrument Mujuru Bira. Ubuntu was the name of the band and the music wherein they ask the spirits for advice, blessings, and good crops. They are all in it together.
I am because we are… together.

In his second poem Across Oceans of Hope, he gives a passionate cry to humankind to wake up from our deep slumber and realize our true nature that we are indeed ONE. One mind, one soul, one spirit connected via a collective consciousness across the ocean of hope.
I am because we are… connected.

James manifests that we all are born from a single source in his third poem, Birth. We may have traveled far and wide, and experienced things differently, but we must not forget we all have sprouted from the same seed from a common womb, the precious holy Mother Earth. Our colors and borders do not define us. We are one. I am because we are.

His fourth and the final piece in UBUNTU is Expansion, where he implores everyone to own UBUNTU, tend our garden, our home, our planet, and make us one again. I am because we are.

I invite you all to check the splendid symphony he has created with this theme.

Next in line
Our next in the series is a Paper Poetry writer Claudia S. Gold who goes by the name Penofgold on medium.

She will be writing on the theme, Mizpah. It is a Hebrew word that means the emotional bond with someone separated by distance or death.

Her first in the series is Morning Eileen, wherein she is oozing oodles of Mizpah on the loss of her loved one.

With Eileen’s dwelling in the heavenly abode last year, our dear Penofgold dedicates her words of gold to Eileen and the rich emotional bond they shared… share beyond time and space.

I urge you all to read this and you will be absorbed in her Mizpah

Invitation for Poetry Series

You could be the next. We invite you all to write for our themed poetry series. If this is enticing enough for you, please feel free to:

  1. Write an email to paperpoetrymedium@gmail.com with the subject line “Poetry Series writer request” OR
  2. Drop a private note to this story with your email to connect OR
  3. Mention it in the response below.

We will reach out to you.

Concluding note

An artist has an undying penchant for art. We believe s/he is seeking to quench this artistic thirst by exploring new vistas. Via the themed poetry series, we wish to provide this creatively fulfilling opportunity for the soulful poet in you. Come, explore a theme of your own choosing and claim a special place on the Paper Poetry page.

We all need an iota of UBUNTU for a loving, caring, and sharing world. This can be achieved by feeling MIZPAH, a deep connection to one and all. And this is what Paper Poetry Publication is all about.

Paper Poetry Series I -UBUNTU — I am because we are
Paper Poetry Series II-MIZPAH — Deep emotional bond between people separated by distance or death
Stay tuned for the upcoming series.

Meet the Paper Poetry Team

Image edited by the Author. © All Rights Reserved 2021

Thank you,
Stay Happy and Healthy.
Suntonu Bhadra, Carolyn Hastings, Indubala Kachhawa.



Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.