Polkadot: The second batch of Kusama auctions is well underway, Kilt has been onboarded as Kusama’s seventh parachain and went live, Gavin Wood has written up a primer on XCM, Khala rolled out Para-2 testnet, The Crust mainnet launched, Zenlink partners with the Manta Network, Microsoft Japan announces support in building the Astar & Shiden ecosystem, Humanode testnet soon, and more!

Published in
18 min readSep 9, 2021


Biweekly update on the Polkadot ecosystem vol. 19, 26th August — 9th September


  • The second batch of parachain slot auction began on September 1st. Teams are competing to get a slot on the Kusama relay chain to start their own individual parachains.
  • After winning the sixth parachain auction, Kilt is now being onboarded as Kusama’s seventh parachain (6-auction winning parachains, plus Statemine). Approximately 8,000 network stakeholders locked up KSM in favor. The momentous day is finally here: KILT Protocol is live.
  • Bifrost Runtime has been upgraded to the new v0.8.3 release, which opens the Democracy, Council, Treasury, Bounty and Tech.comm. modules. What’s more, Bifrost will support Basilisk, Altair and Calamari with its SALP protocol in the second batch of the Kusama slot auctions and releasing its contributors’ bonding liquidity.
  • The Altair crowdloan has now officially launched, and it is ready to receive your KSM.
  • Interlay is aiming to win a slot with their Kintsugi canary network — bringing BTC liquidity via a trustless bridge to the entire Kusama ecosystem.
  • Sakura Finance is giving away 15 million SKU to be awarded if the Parachain Auction slot is secured, with an upper limit of 100,000 KSM to be raised.
  • Genshiro crowdloan is live, users can stake their KSM here in support of Genshiro.
  • Basilisk crowdloan #2 has been launched.
  • Moonbeam announced an integration with Magic, a plug and play auth and key management solution. Moreover, C.R.E.A.M. Finance expands to Polkadot via Moonbeam.
  • Zenlink SlotVault launched. It is a solution to parachains candidates that will help them collaborate while performing crowdloan campaigns and will airdrop ZLK to all users who lock KSM/DOT through Zenlink SlotVault. Forby, Zenlink partners with the Manta Network to provide privacy protection for DEX. Also, Zenlink completes series A funding led by Alameda Research.
  • SDN token transfers have been enabled on the Shiden Network. Good news is, Microsoft Japan has announced that the company will provide a wide range of support in the areas of marketing and infrastructure for projects that are building on the Aster Network or Shiden Network. Star projects and influencers announce to join Darwinia’s Metaverse Evolution Land. Furthermore, the Fifth Continent of Evolution Land: Eden Continent is officially launched.
  • Khala, Kusama’s fourth auction winner, rolled out Para-2 (testnet for new token economics & TEE mining), updated their launch roadmap, and began deploying governance features along with their first democratic council member elections.
  • The Crust mainnet was officially launched at the 217th Era. Less than one week after launch, Crust Mainnet has reached over 1,400 PB in storage capacity. Additionally, Crust Network implements a decentralized distributed storage protocol utilizing Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX).
  • Robonomics participates in the 2nd wave of auctions in the Kusama network. Furthermore, Robonomics is now on Subscan explorer.
  • The $30M mark is behind for Celer. Non-custodial, open-source and trust-free bridge is available at cbridge.celer.network, 9 different chains and layer-2s supported, more on the way.
  • Tree from the NUTS Finance team has been accepted as the inaugural Acala Ecosystem Grant recipient.
  • Raze Network has shared the full version of its code.
  • ‘EDG Dev Digest’ highlighting Edgeware Community’s technical contributions and achieved milestones is out.
  • StaFi rMATIC App has been launched after completing community testing and security audit. Also, StaFi has launched the governance platform in partnership with Commonwealth, which is the crypto native, all-in-one community & governance tool used by many of the top DeFi projects.
  • The Humanode team gives you an opportunity to apply for the first-ever Humanode testnet that is going live in the upcoming month. Find the application form in our report below.
  • Kylin Network collaborates with Shyft Network.
  • ChainX governance forum on Commonwealth is open.
  • Amara has completed the deployment on the Moonbase Alpha network and will launch AmaraLend Beta soon.
  • In his keynote at SmartCon #1, Chainlink Co-founder Sergey Nazarov outlined a grand vision for the transition to a world of cryptographic truth.
  • Akropolis weekly updates were published.
  • Referendum 32, to increase the number of validators from 297 to 299, is currently failing with eight days left to vote.
  • Gavin Wood has written up a primer on XCM, the cross-consensus messaging format.
  • Former Diem Association director Bertrand Perez has joined Polkadot builder Web3 Foundation as chief operating officer.
  • Sub0, the Substrate Developer Conference, is taking place on 13–14 October this year
  • The Polkadot Encode Club Hackathon starts today.
  • And more!

Latest Polkadot News


Kusama Parachain Auctions: Second Batch

It is Parity’s recommendation to the Kusama Council that the next parachain auctions commence with the following schedule:

  • Auctions commence back to back with a two day period of initial bidding followed by a five day ending period (in the same manner as to the first five auctions)
  • Five auctions happen over five weeks with a pause for evaluation of overall network performance before a third batch of five auctions begins in a similar schedule

The following is the case assuming that no significant and unexpected issues are found with the relay-chain logic (in such a case all options should remain on the table for network governance including pausing or postponing any scheduled or on-going auctions.)

If these recommendations are observed then the schedule will look as follows:

Kusama’s First Batch of Parachains: An Interview with the Teams

An intense period of activity followed the announcement of Kusama’s first parachain auctions. Projects geared up to participate, the auctions played out and all 5 slot winner onboarded to the network. Since then, each has been working through their relative launch phases, network performance monitoring has taken place, and the second round of slot auctions proposed already. With the next wave of parachains auctions incoming, it’s high time for an update on the first batch of auction winners and what they’ve accomplished since winning a parachain slot.

This blog contains information provided by the projects Karura, Moonriver, Shiden, Khala, and Bifrost, in order of when they won their parachain slot*. Discover what each network does, their achievements so far, and the phases ahead on their respective roadmaps.

7th Slot Auction Progress:

Awareness and Events

XCM: The Cross-Consensus Message Format

Gavin Wood has written up a primer on XCM, the cross-consensus messaging format.

As the final Polkadot 1.0 release, complete with Parachains draws close, the Cross-Consensus Messaging format, XCM for short, is approaching its first production-ready release. This is an introduction to the format, its goals, how it works and can be used to achieve typical cross-chain tasks.

  • On September 23–24 join Unfinished Live to hear from Gavin Wood, founder of Polkadot, Web3 foundation, and Parity, discuss a decentralized future and how new technologies can fulfill the promise of a decentralized web. To register and for details:
  • Polkadot Encode Club Hackathon is open for your submissions! Register by September 9th and get to build new solutions for the Polkadot ecosystem and answer Parachain challenges in the hackathon with over $30,000 in prizes. To learn more and to sign up here.


Active accounts and the number of transactions (information from Polkascan)



Polkadot markets (information from Coingecko)

Polkadot Ecosystem Market Cap (information from Dotmarketcap)


  • Current Phase: Parachain Rollout

The launch of Polkadot began a year ago with the first four phases; the last — a move to complete decentralisation and permissionlessness — happened finally at the end of July last year. Now, phase five, the final phase in the launch of Polkadot is beginning.

Before being enabled by Polkadot’s network governance, parachains will be tested and optimized both on parachain testnets and on Kusama. Once the code has been fully tested, audited and benchmarked, and parachains are running smoothly on Kusama, Polkadot governance can enable parachains and begin parachain slot lease auctions.

Future Upgrades

Polkadot upgrades currently under development include upgrades to XCMP (Cross-Chain Message Passing) and the launch of parathreads. These and any subsequent upgrades can be enabled by Polkadot’s on-chain governance community once development, testing, benchmarking, and auditing are complete.

Ecosystem Updates

Overview of Polkadot Ecosystem V2021.08. Source.



Bifrost has developed an EOS network bridge that enables trustless cross-chain asset transfer by implementing on-chain light nodes with merkle tree verification.

  • Kusama proposal #129 Passes, Bifrost SALP to Decentralize Slot Bidding Contribution | Weekly Report 66: Bifrost Runtime has been upgraded to the new v0.8.3 release, which opens the Democracy, Council, Treasury, Bounty and Tech.comm. modules. At this stage, BNC holders can participate in governance but cannot run for committee candidates for the time being. In advance of the removal of the Sudo (Super Administrator) module, and with the passage of Kusama #129, Bifrost SALP decentralized slot bidding contributions via XCM ump transact will become a case for interoperability by parachains calling the relay chain Crowdloan Contribute across chains.
  • Bifrost will support Basilisk, Altair and Calamari with its SALP protocol in the second batch of the Kusama slot auctions and releasing its contributors’ bonding liquidity. Contributors who contribute through SALP protocol will be able to join the derivative mining with vsKSM, and receive Bifrost native token (BNC) as reward. Once a supported project wins the auction, the vsKSM will be tradable for swap between KSM and other assets effortlessly.


The ChainBridge allows Centrifuge to move fungible and NFTs between chains, enabling the financing of real-world assets in a variety of DeFi products.


ChainX, a crypto assets gateway, is planning bridges to several networks and has implemented a BTC to Substrate bridge.

  • ChainX governance forum on Commonwealth is open: The ChainX forum on Commonwealth is open for business. Now you can create, discuss and fund community projects on the Commonwealth platform. It’s all on-chain so the forum and on-chain mechanisms are fully integrated. Check it out here.
  • ChainX Dev Update August 2021: The summary of the work the PolkaX team has completed and get an insight into the various things they are working on.


Darwinia is building a permissionless non-custodial bridge protocol featuring efficient, low cost decentralization of cross-chain tokens and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) transfers, as well as other cross-chain operations.


Interlay is building a trustless bridge from Bitcoin to Polkadot.

Smart Contracts





Astar Network (previously Plasm Network)

  • Microsoft Japan announces support in building Astar&Shiden ecosystem: Stake Technologies has been working with Microsoft Japan under the Microsoft for Startups program. They announced that they will collaborate with Microsoft Japan to provide a wide range of marketing and infrastructure support to ecosystem projects and developers on Astar Network/Shiden Network.
  • Announcing the $30M Astar/Shiden Ecosystem Growth Fund
  • SDN token transfers have been enabled on Shiden Network. The smart contract features will be enabled soon, allowing developers to deploy both Ethereum smart contracts (EVM) and WASM on Shiden Network.
  • Astar has created an open community program where every community member can join and support the Astar ecosystem. The community program consists of two tracks: Community rewards (help the growth of the Astar ecosystem and get rewarded for your contributions) and Ambassador program. Find here all the details.


  • The $30M mark is behind. Non-custodial, open-source and trust-free bridge is available at cbridge.celer.network, 9 different chains and layer-2s supported, more on the way.







Phala Network

RAZE Network


Crust Network

Kylin Network



  • The Humanode team gives you an opportunity to apply for the first-ever Humanode testnet that is going live in the upcoming month. The participants will be able to go through a special biometric enrollment process and become human nodes, validate blocks, send transactions and take part in the 100 000 $ anti-spoofing bounty program by their partner FaceTec. Applications will be reviewed by the Humanode core and you will be invited in batches. The invitation will be sent out to the emails that you state in the application. The Link to the form.
  • Humanode Dev Report 5:The Humanode teams shared some bullet points to shine some light on the exciting advancements that they have been working on.
  • [Humanode Special Interview Series]: Dato, co-founder of Humanode: Dato discusses the project’s journey, the challenges that he faced in starting it, and Humanode’s greatest challenges now, he shares his vision for Humanode, and describes ideas behind the Humanode concept.
  • Humanode, unity within — EthBuilders NYC special event: On September 2nd, 2021, the Humanode team attended EthBuilders NYC special virtual event fully devoted to Humanode. They were speaking about Fath monetary algorithm, The Humanode DAO named Vortex, gave a presentation on crypto-biometrics, described Humanode tech stack, and discussed some of the Humanode use cases.
  • The Humanode Fireside took place last week. The team was talking about the place of Humanode in crypto. The recording is up on Humanode Podcast and YouTube channel.
  • Ethereum compatibility: Learn about the benefits of Humanode’s compatibility with Ethereum in our new article.
  • Biometric-based Marketplaces
  • Biometric-based Credit Scoring


  • Starting Tuesday, August 31, transfer RAD into your Coinbase Pro account ahead of trading.



  • Former Diem Association director Bertrand Perez has joined Polkadot builder Web3 Foundation as chief operating officer.

Social Media Metrics

Social media activity:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Polkadot Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com

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