Cøsmos Network: Gravity DEX testnet competition is on, 18.55M ATOM were delegated to 65 Cosmos Hub validators, How IBC creates value for the Cosmos, IBC is now live on Akash, Sentinel initiates bandwidth sharing on the IBC testnet, Secret Binance Smart Chain Bridge is live on testnet, Injective partners with UMA, Bytom collaborates with Polygon, and more!

Published in
12 min readMay 5, 2021


Biweekly update on Cosmos ecosystem vol. 47, 21st April — 5th May

Greetings, Space Cowboys and Astronaut Girls!

These two weeks have gone so fleetly! So here is our fresh issue of ‘Cosmos ecosystem biweekly’ — Paradigm’s traditional report which covers various topics from projects’ development updates, governance proposals, collaboration news, interviews, and more!
As you probably know, last month, Tendermint acquired DeFi liquidity innovator B-Harvest, creator of Gravity DEX, the first interchain decentralized exchange created for the Cosmos Hub. Gravity DEX enables trades between any two Cosmos tokens — a $90 billion market including ATOM, BNB, LUNA and CRO — or any tokens beyond the ecosystem. Built with the Inter-Blockchain Communication, Gravity DEX will enable permissionless, trustless exchange of digital assets throughout Cosmos and other blockchain networks while integrating liquidity pools across dozens of protocols efficiently with its Equivalent Swap Price Model (ESPM) Automated Market Maker (AMM). The next phase of the Gravity DEX rollout includes a weeklong testnet competition for traders, arbitrageurs, and bug bounty hunters to earn prizes totalling more than $200,000 in ATOMs and 10 sponsored tokens from the Cosmos ecosystem. The competition runs from May 4 to May 11 with prizes awarded by May 18. Each participant will receive testnet tokens totalling 10,000 USD in ATOMs and 10,000 USD each in 3 randomly selected assets from the Cosmos sponsors and other Ethereum tokens. As of May 1st, over 25,000 users have registered for the incentivized testnet! Help bring interchain DeFi one step closer to Cosmos!
Cosmonauts, if you’ve ever wondered how IBC creates value for the Cosmos Hub, the team just published a deep dive article in their blog. A must-read!
Also, the review process for the applications received under the Tendermint’s delegation program has been completed. 18.55M ATOM were delegated to 65 Cosmos Hub validators who have added tremendous value to the growth of Cosmos.
As for the Cosmos ecosystem news: Akash was the third Cosmos chain to enable IBC transfers and the second one to connect to the Cosmos Hub. Moreover, you can now play Minecraft on Akash. Since May 3rd, Sentinel’s bandwidth sharing is available for testing on the Cosmos IBC testnet. Yieldwatch integrated Band Protocol oracles to power smart DeFi dashboard on Binance Smart Chain. Chainlink VRF is now live on Binance Smart Chain, bringing verifiable randomness to BSC developers. The Secret BSC Bridge has launched on testnet. IRIS Foundation announced a new Ecosystem Development Program. Injective partners with UMA to launch innovative synthetic products. Bytom collaborates with Polygon to empower the cross-chain and DeFi on more blockchains. Bluzelle Roadmap Update — 2021 was published. Terra’s April 2021 community update is here. Crypto.com becomes the first cryptocurrency exchange to announce global travel rule AML compliance using CipherTrace traveler. Kava Labs introduced the Kava SAFU fund. The Cobalt Upgrade launched in the Oasis Network April 28th. A new Oracle Analytics Cloud innovation was announced. BitSong’s Delegation Program round 2 is ongoing. Community interview on Regen Network with Gregory Landua is out. THORChain’s monthly Treasury Report was published. And more!
That’s all for today! Stay in the loop!


Github metrics:

Gravity DEX Testnet Competition, Mainnet Launch on Cosmos Imminent

Tendermint has acquired DeFi liquidity innovator B-Harvest, creator of Gravity DEX, the first interchain decentralized exchange created for the Cosmos Hub. Gravity DEX enables decentralized trading between any two Cosmos tokens — a $90 billion market that includes ATOM, BNB, LUNA, and CRO — or any of the galaxy of tokens beyond the Cosmos ecosystem.

Built with the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC), Gravity DEX will enable permissionless, trustless exchange of digital assets throughout Cosmos and other blockchain networks while integrating liquidity pools across dozens of protocols efficiently with its Equivalent Swap Price Model (ESPM) Automated Market Maker (AMM). The launch of Gravity DEX is a fundamental step in enhancing blockchain interoperability within the Cosmos ecosystem.

The competition runs from May 4 to May 11 with prizes awarded by May 18. Each participant will receive testnet tokens totalling 10,000 USD in ATOMs and 10,000 USD each in 3 randomly selected assets from the Cosmos sponsors and other Ethereum tokens.

During the competition, participants can:

  • Deposit tokens into pools to earn rewards
  • Trade tokens with the aim of maximizing their return

>25,500 players will now be competing for a $200k pool prize in the first ever trading testnet for the Cosmos interchain DEX.

Head over to gravitydex.io to swap, pool & arb with the best in the space.

Korean | Chinese versions

Korean Guide | Chinese Guide versions

Deep Dive: How Will IBC Create Value for the Cosmos Hub?

Whether you’re familiar with Cosmos or looking to find out more, one of the first terms you’ll run into is IBC (Inter Blockchain Communication). Of the industry-leading developer tools that make up the Cosmos tech stack and enable its expanding ecosystem, IBC is the biggest game-changer of all.

So, what exactly is IBC and why is it such a big deal? Perhaps more importantly, how will it create value for the Cosmos Hub and its native ATOM token?

18.55 Million $ATOM were delegated to 65 Cosmos Hub validators who have added tremendous value to the growth of Cosmos.

Cosmos Governance


#45 Community Fund Governance Proposal For Gravity DEX Incentivized Testnet Prize Pool PASSED

This governance proposal is to ask Atom delegators to allow the spending of 5,000 Atoms for the Gravity DEX Incentivized Testnet (Trading Competition) from the Cosmos Hub Community Fund. By voting Yes, the voter agrees to send 5,000 Atoms from the community fund to the multisig address which is controlled by 4 multisig committee members, who will distribute the Atoms to the competition winners.

#46 Prop 34 Continuation Proposal IN THE VOTING PERIOD

The Cosmos community approved Proposal 34 on 2021–01–20 allocating 129,208 ATOM to implement a comprehensive ATOM marketing plan executed in collaboration with key community stakeholders. Proposal 46 is requesting an extension of the time allowed to spend the approved budget and allocate existing funds for additional ATOM-focused priorities.

Awareness and social encounters

Cosmos HackAtom is Coming to Ho Chi Minh City

Cosmos and KryptoSeoul present their first in-person hackathon in Southeast Asia. This time, they’re bringing the Cosmos HackAtom to HCMC, Vietnam. For 72 hours straight, the HackAtom will host Vietnam’s best hackers in the Propzy Innovation Hub. Teams will compete to take home a piece of the $10,000 prize pool worth of ATOMs, rewarded to the best teams that build Interchain-compatible applications.

Apply here: HackAtom HCMC

  • Registrations close on May 16, 2021

More details >>>

May 24–27: Consensus 2021 by CoinDesk:


Information from Mintscan.io:

Top 10 validators:

Cosmos Markets

Information from Coinmarketcap.com:

Information from Coinlib.io:

Top Cosmos Ecosystem Coins by Market Capitalization:

Ecosystem updates


  • Incentivized Testnet: Phase 1 Recap: Last month Agoric launched their incentivized testnet. Now they share the story of 150 validators grinding through Phase 1 to deploy their nodes, test the network, and win prizes for their deployment and monitoring tools


-BSC Support — Developers on BSC will be able to used Bluzelle DB on Mainnet

-NFT Support — It ensures that when Bluzelle-certified NFT’s are purchased/transferred, their content is always available.

IRIS Network:

-The Application Ecosystem Support Plan

-Eco-Development Funds Community Management Plan

-The Validator Reward Program

-Technology & Community Grant Programs


Secret Network:


Projects that are actively building on the Cosmos ecosystem


  • ATOM MEME competition winners:
  • Research report on Cosmos:

Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Cosmos community continues to grow! There is a stable increase in the number of subscribers of Cosmos social media channels these weeks.






Cosmos forum

Join Cosmos official Discord channel here.

Check out Tendermint and Interchain Foundation Twitter pages.

There are also Community-managed Channels. These channels are managed entirely by members of the Cosmos community and do not represent official Cosmos or ICF announcements.

Cosmos Validator Working Group

Twitter Cosmos China

Twitter Cosmos Korea

Twitter Cosmos Japan

Cosmos India Telegram

Cosmos Singapore Telegram

This is not financial advice.

Subscribe to detailed companies’ updates by Paradigm!

Medium. Twitter. Telegram. Telegram Chat. Reddit. LinkedIn.

Main sources

Cosmos blog

Cosmos Twitter page

Cosmos subreddit

Cosmos Youtube channel

Tendermint media

Interchain Foundation media

Ecosystem projects’ social media

Cosmos news by Adriana and Daniela

🪐Crypto Twitter in general

