DAOs: Uniswap V3 on Moonbeam & Gnosis Chain, Index Coop implements dynamic quorum for metagovernance, API3 launches quantum random number generator, Bancor 3 goes live, Gnosis introduces Safe Guardians program, FWB x OpenSea, and more!

24 min readMay 14, 2022


Biweekly report on decentralized autonomous organizations vol.25, 30th April — 14th May


  • Index Coop implements dynamic quorum for metagovernance
  • Uniswap to expand beyond the Ethereum ecosystem to Moonbeam, a Polkadot parachain. New research shows that Uniswap v3 has deeper liquidity than leading centralized exchanges
  • The Aave snapshot vote to add sUSD as collateral on OptimismPBC passed successfully
  • API3 launches Quantum Random Number Generator - the first “true” random number generator for smart contracts, allowing them to access truly random numbers that are highly secure and freely available
  • BadgerDAO’s BIP 92: Digg Restructuring approved. BIP 93: Council 2.0 is live on the forum for feedback and signal voting.
  • Bancor 3 goes live with impermanent loss protection for liquidity providers. A number of proposals passed successfully
  • AragonDAO is voting on where to direct charitable funds to help the people of Ukraine
  • DAOhaus SZN3 veDAO is live
  • Compound Treasury received a B- credit rating from S&P Global Ratings
  • Gnosis’s GIP 42 is live, GIPs 44&45 are on the forum. Applications to become a Safe Guardian are open
  • MakerDAO’s Greenlight & Ratification polls are active. A Maker Vault was used to finance a shipment of Australian Beef from Brisbane to Hong Kong
  • Balancer’s proposal on Securing a BAL Reactor in Tokemak CoRE3 was highly debated. 1st anniversary of Balancer V2
  • Idle launches Meta Delegate program
  • Akropolis X Symbiosis collaboration, Akropolis X Celer Network
  • KyberDAO KIP- 20: KNC Ecosystem Fund Allocation passed. KIP-19 executed and the DAO is changed to clear coinbase concerns about its setting
  • mStable considering to rotate the community signers in the DAOs for the next 6 months
  • The Nexus Mutant community discussing the proposal to allocate capital to Maple Finance. Partnership proposal Nexus Mutual x DDDX.io is live
  • PieDAO’s UMA KPI Options for DOUGH Staking 2.0 proposal is live. [Epoch-7] MerkleTree Notarization passed
  • The PoolTogether community discussing PTIP-72: Single-sided POOL staking with IL protection on Bancor
  • Synthetix releases a new liquidation mechanism (SIP-148) that will greatly strengthen the protocol. SIPs 198 and 222 are in testing
  • Yam’s Contributors Comp renewal declined
  • MolochDAO grant proposals are open for voting
  • GitcoinDAO governance process V3 is under discussion. Owocki requests proposals for ImpactDAO Category Creation and Impact Certificates. Season 14 Voter Guides are here
  • The Commons Prize voting has officially started
  • Lido deploying an additional CurveFinance pool to improve the liquidity around the stETH:ETH peg
  • BanklessDAO funds the Season 4 with KPI stipulation.
  • FWB x OpenSea partnership
  • ApeCoin staking pool allocation reloaded
  • Juicebox proposal to one-time JBX distribution to each member of the reserved JBX list passed
  • Forefront creates hilarious governance meltdown with Nicolas Gauge
  • The DAOist presents an overviews of the recent Global Governance Gathering
  • Active proposals: Balancer, GitcoinDAO, GnosisDAO, LidoDAO, MakerDAO, Nexus Mutual, Synthetix, PieDAO, Uniswap
  • New & ongoing discussions: Aave, Compound, Index Coop, mStable, Yam Finance, Curve, Yearn Finance, BancorDAO, Akropolis, PoolTogether, API3, Idle, KyberDAO, Kleros, BadgerDAO
  • And more!


Blockchain technology is already radically transforming the financial system. However, properties such as trustlessness and immutability aren’t only useful in monetary applications. Another potential application is governance. Blockchains could enable entirely new types of organizations that can run autonomously without the need for coordination by a central entity.

“Instead of a hierarchical structure managed by a set of humans interacting in person and controlling property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of humans interacting with each other according to a protocol specified in code, and enforced on the blockchain.”Vitalik Buterin

DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous organization” and can be described as an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created by its elected members, that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

In simple terms, a DAO is an organization that is governed by computer code and programs. As such, it has the ability to function autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

Like how DeFi is programmable money and how NFTs are programmable media, DAOs are programmable organizations of people.

DAOs Ecosystem Statistics


Top DAOs

The rating is headed by Uniswap and Gnosis. Two weeks earlier the second position was occupied by BitDAO.


Global stats


Leading DAOs


Read & Listen



AragonDAO is voting on where to direct charitable funds to help the people of Ukraine:


The Commons Stack

Recent blog posts

Commons Stack Review: Sprint 38:

The AI Commons, Algovera #16:

Badger DAO


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions: Badger Discord

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

The Badger Maxi’s Guide to Citadel:



Recent blog posts and news


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.

Index Coop


Index Coop: Implement Dynamic Quorum for Metagovernance: A dynamic quorum allows for more community participation.

DAOs are sometimes plagued by lack of broad participation in the formation, discussion, and implementation (voting for or against) of proposals. This can lead to the outsized influence of those who hold a large number of tokens. Index Coop has tried different approaches to solve the participation problem, and this proposal seeks another iteration: instituting a dynamic quorum for metagovernance. The quorum for a given vote (currently fixed at 5%) would fluctuate depending on participation, helping to ensure that, whenever participation allows, the community decides. When participation falls short, the decision-making authority of the MetaGovernance Committee remains as a failsafe. [See the discussion / View the Proposal]

“Quorum for metagovernance voting will be reduced linearly from 5% down to 0% as support increases (on a per-proposal basis) to inspire greater decentralization and allow for greater participation in Index Coop metagovernance by the community.”


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Find latest Index Coop proposals here.

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



There were no active KIPs these weeks.


To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

DAO Fundamentals with Kleros | Kleoverse:


Recent blog posts

There were no active proposals these weeks.

Ended votes

Find out all proposals here. Check them out on GitHub.


Active Polls

Closed Polls (2 Polls — Ended May 02)


New and ongoing discussions

Read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision.

Governance Portal, Governance Forum

Governance and Risk | Ep. 190:



Recent blog posts and news

Uniswap: Deploy Uniswap V3 on Moonbeam: Uniswap to expand beyond the Ethereum ecosystem to Moonbeam, a Polkadot parachain.

This proposal, submitted by Blockchain at Berkeley and Nomad, hopes to secure approval to deploy Uniswap on Moonbeam, a Polkadot parachain with EVM compatibility. The major benefit of such a deployment would be expanding Uniswap beyond the Ethereum ecosystem — which would go some way towards fulfilling Uniswap’s multichain vision.

“Deploying on Moonbeam will expand the Uniswap community to include users of the Polkadot ecosystem, helping Uniswap on its journey to become a leading product in the multichain world.”

Deploying Uniswap on Moonbeam would also allow for the testing of a module developed by Gnosis and Nomad that facilitates cross-chain governance outside of the Ethereum mainnet. As the proposal states, “it is important that new chains have a trust-minimized arbitrary message passing solution to facilitate secure, decentralized governance of a deployment of Uniswap.”

Additionally, Moonbeam will contribute $2.5 million to the Uniswap Grants program to support those who are working to develop multichain experiences with Uniswap.

The proposal passed both a consensus check and a temperature check and was originally submitted on May 7; the proposal was then canceled (to update license language) and re-submitted. Voting opens again on the evening of May 12 and will end on the evening of May 18. [See the discussion / Vote!]


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Yearn Finance


Recent blog posts


There were no active proposals these weeks.

Check out the latest YIPs discussions here.


BanklessDAO: Season 4 Project and Guild Funding: As the title suggests, this proposal specifies the funding of projects and guilds for season 4 (which runs from May 2 through July 29) and puts it all to a vote. Funding requests were received and reviewed by the DAO’s Grants Committee, which approved and put forward the expenditures in this proposal. In total, 13 guilds (e.g. Writers Guild, Operations Guild) were funded for a total of 8,652,061 BANK and 1.2 ETH, and 15 projects (e.g. Bankless Academy, DAO Dash) for 13,363,509 BANK. The exact amounts for each are detailed in the proposal. The proposal also contains the noteworthy stipulation (see interesting post here) that 50% of funding will be held in the Grants Committee multisig until halfway through the season, at which point each project must demonstrate that they are making progress toward meeting their self-identified KPIs. (Guilds must do the same at the end of the season in order to be funded for the following season.) As links writes in the above forum post, “[t]he Grants Committee has decided to take these steps to help promote accountability and to aid us in the stewardship of the BanklessDAO treasury.” [See the discussion / View the Proposal: 81.69% voted for]

Friends with Benefits: FWB x OpenSea Partnership: With this proposal Friends with Benefits gained approval to form a multi-phase partnership with the leading NFT marketplace OpenSea. The collaborative effort aims to benefit both parties: FWB’s creative community will gain special access to the largest and most widely recognized NFT marketplace while OpenSea hopes to “deepen its connections with emerging creatives, exemplify their commitment to web3 native communities, and move NFT culture forward.” Specifically, FWB will “takeover” OpenSea’s homepage for three days this coming June, curating all content and participating in social media promotion; in August, OpenSea will sponsor an IRL exhibition at FWB Fest; and OpenSea will fund the inaugural season of a new FWB podcast. OpenSea will provide $250,000 in support of these efforts to showcase the FWB community. The proposal describes how “the partnership will decentralize the process of curation” and provides metrics by which to measure success. [View the Proposal: 98.84% voted for]

ApeCoin: Staking Pool Allocation Reloaded: This proposal, submitted in conjunction with AIP-21 (which also passed), resuscitates AIP-5, which was defeated in March because of the “absence of caps in the staking process.” The absence of caps is undesirable because it could lead to dilution of the staking pools by whales. Where AIP-21 assigns caps to the number of ApeCoin that can be staked by NFT held (BAYC, MAYC, BAKC), AIP-22 presents the total ApeCoin allocation for each staking pool and delineates the three-year staking time frame. The self-described goal of both proposals is as follows: “in order for ApeCoin to become the preferred token of web3, early NFT adopters and existing and potential ecosystem participants should be incentivized through participation in activities benefitting the APE Ecosystem.” There was significant criticism of the original proposals as well as the revised ones — see Cobie’s recent take describing the “death of staking.” [See the forum post / View the Proposal: 95.36% voted for]

Juicebox: One-time JBX distribution to each member of the reserved JBX list: The distribution JBX tokens from the treasury enables more voting power. This proposal sought to distribute one million JBX tokens to each of the 16 members of the reserved JBX list in order to give already incentivized DAO participants more voting power — and so leading to further decentralization, the proposal argues. The 16 members of the reserved list, identified by their .eth addresses in the proposal, are already trusted members of the DAO, and the 16M JBX distribution is only 9.7% of the treasury’s JBX holdings. The JBX in the DAO treasury has not been used for voting, and this proposal aims to “put more JBX to work” by distributing the tokens to those who would use them. [See the discussion / View the Proposal: 63.84% voted for]

  • Variant issues a primer on the state of web3 and the ownership economy
  • Forefront creates a hilarious Governance Meltdown with Nicolas Gauge:
  • Syndicate’s recent $6M raise brings its total to $28M from 300+ investors, operators, companies, partners, customers, and DAO:
  • Filmmaker Kevin Smith has partnered with Legendao to launch a 5,555-piece generative art NFT collection of horror anthology:

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That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated!👥

