PARSIQ 2022: Mid-Year Review

Published in
6 min readJul 8, 2022

PARSIQ has had a wonderful, productive year so far in 2022.

We began our year with a week-long, in-person session for our employees in Tallinn, Estonia. Our team experienced quite a bit of growth during 2021. So, this meet-up was an important opportunity for many of us to meet face-to-face for the first time; but, equally important was the fact that it allowed us all to come together and set the stage for 2022.

As we move into July, we are preparing to launch our newest flagship product, the Tsunami API!

But that is what still lies ahead of us… Now that Q2 is behind us, let’s take a moment to review all that has already happened this year!

PARSIQ Network and Product Updates

A major theme for PARSIQ during the first few months of 2022 was focusing on the evolution of our platform. Refocusing our vision for how PARSIQ fits within the world of blockchain, we laid out our plans for how we will redefine Web3 backend data accessibility.

You can read more about this evolution by clicking the links below:

In taking these steps, we unveiled a new product roadmap, laying out the milestones that will put us on the path of setting a new standard for Web3 data.

We are very excited to be building the new suite of products on our roadmap, the first of which (the Tsunami API) will be launched in July 2022!

We were also happy to report that the alpha testing phase of the Tsunami API has been a great success, now running on Ethereum, Avalanche, BNB Smart Chain, and Polygon! We also have our NFT Data Lake up and running as well. For more details, click the link below:

Because these products are so new, we’ve taken the time to create a variety of resources for understanding what these products are and how the fit into our vision for the evolution of the PARSIQ Network:

We have much more educational content planned, so stay tuned to learn more about the strengths of our new products and all of the problems they solve!

PARSIQ Travels the Globe

With our new suite of products on the horizon, the PARSIQ team took every opportunity to spread the word about our new offerings. So far this year, we’ve traveled across the globe, attending a host of exciting blockchain conferences and events.

Where have we been?

  1. ETHDenver |February 11–22, 2022 | Denver, CO
  2. Avalanche Summit | March 22–27, 2022 | Barcelona, Spain
  3. NFTLA | March 28–31, 2022 |Los Angeles, California
  4. Binance Blockchain Week | March 28–30, 2022 | Dubai, UAE
  5. ETH Dubai | March 29–31, 2022 | Dubai, UAE
  6. DevConnect | April 18–25, 2022 |Amsterdam, Netherlands
  7. ETHAmsterdam | April 22–24, 2022 |Amsterdam, Netherlands
  8. Permissionless | May 17–19, 2022 | Palm Beach, Florida
  9. NFT Connect | June 6–8, 2022 | Austin, Texas
  10. Consensus | June 9–12, 2022 | Austin, Texas
  11. NFT.NYC | June 20–22, 2022 | New York City
IQ team and PARSIQ community members at NFT.NYC dinner

To be sure, our work has been paying off! Together, these events have created greater awareness of our brand, broadened our network, and helped secure clients.

$PRQ Token Listings

Another exciting part of 2022 has been the multiple listings of the $PRQ token!

You can now buy $PRQ on Coinbase,, and Huobi Global!

PARSIQ Partnerships

On top of all this, we have continued to add partners and customers to our platform!

You can read more about these partnerships at the links below:

Plena Finance, Polytrade Finance, Qilin, DeNet, Brink, Fellaz , Attarius Network, Sub7 Web3 Security, FLUIDEFI , Cultural Places Travel Club, and GUMBALL 3000!

The last of these listed — Gumball 3000 — was an especially fun partnership to secure, as we were able to join on their massive North America Rally with branding across all 100+ participating supercars as well as billboards in all major cities along the epic adventure, starting in Toronto on 27th May, through the Indy 500, Nashville, Atlanta and Miami where the race concluded on the 3rd of June.


We’ve had some great growth in our community this year as well!

Our Twitter following has grown 40% in the first half of this year, closing June with over 56k followers!

If you don’t already, be sure to follow us!

We’ve also expanded our base, hiring a Chinese community manager and added Chinese options to our social channels. Check the links below:

Finally, the PARSIQ community took home the huge grand prize from the Into the IQVerse Battle Royale competition!

16 communities in total were competing for a prize valued at over $10,000. We were nowhere near the largest community, but everyone showed up, worked together, and we got the win!

As Casey Nash (Head of Community) put it:

As a team, we looked at the size of the PARSIQ community and didn’t know how we would do in this competition. Personally, coming from the community, I thought we’d do great! But win the whole thing!? AMAZING 🙏

These prizes are now being distributed to over one hundred members of our community.

Congratulations, once again, to the PARSIQ community!

$PRQ Incentives

Finally, we want to remind you about the $PRQ incentives we have been running this year.

  • The beginning of the year meant the end of our 1 million $PRQ reward program. If you have not claimed your rewards for that incentive, click the link to read the details.
  • Next, there was the Q1 2x Yield Boost incentive, which has also since concluded. For more information on this incentive, click here. (Link)
  • We also offered another 2x Yield Boost incentive during Q2, which ended at the start of July. The rewards from this program will be claimable on August 1st! Stay tuned for information on how to claim your tokens.
  • Finally, the Free $IQT incentive is still active! All you’ve got to do to qualify for free $IQT tokens is stake your $PRQ (or $MYST or $NIOX) on IQ Protocol. Simple as that! Read more here:

We’ve got an exciting future ahead!

We want to thank all of our community and partners for all of your support! We cannot wait to launch our new products during the rest of this year and beyond!

Here’s to a great second half of 2022! 🖖


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API, which will ship in July 2022, will provide blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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