Go to Patient Perspectives
Patient Perspectives
Healthcare can only improve if we share ideas to make it better. Patients and those working in healthcare have valuable experiences. This is a place to talk about those perspectives so we can better understand one another. We must be patient to see each person’s perspective.
Note from the editor

The voices of patients and healthcare workers often get lost in the medical system. I want you to share them. Stories from people who have experienced health issues, their journey within the medical system and their advice on how to improve it for others. Likewise, you can tell us about your path to good health and any advice you’d give others from what has worked for you. Email me (julbarkan@gmail.com) or comment to contribute.

Go to the profile of Dr. Julian Barkan
Dr. Julian Barkan
Family Med Physician/Learner/Reader. Writing to express my thoughts, sometimes teach, and mostly learn. Editor of Flipping the Script/Patient Perspectives
Go to the profile of Tim Fong Literature
Tim Fong Literature
Hi :) My dream is to share the lost wisdom of old-school psychology. Let's share ideas!
Go to the profile of Karen Wettstein
Karen Wettstein
I studied the "Art of Small Talk.” 💕 Horses & dogs My favorite quote from a restaurant menu: "Life is short, ride your best horse first." Affinity TBD.
Go to the profile of Ebrahim Shahid Arshad
Ebrahim Shahid Arshad
I'm a fitness enthusiast and tech-savvy economist dedicated to exploring how technology can empower healthier lifestyles and economic understanding.