How My Pins Went From Ignored to Saved 99K Times on Pinterest! (& Still Counting)

Sweta Sharma
Pinterest Marketing Tips


(Read to know the secret.)

Have a look at the given news⬇️

Source :

This isn’t the only news or social media post that vouches for the massive growth of Pinterest.

Pinterest, the visual search engine is making waves across the internet.

From YouTube to Google, Reddit to Quora, everyone is talking about Pinterest.

In fact, I talk a lot about this platform because I’ve seen its potential myself.

Starting from scratch, crossing 77 Million views, and getting ranked on the Pinterest feed for consecutive 7 times, everything as a Pinterest creator has been game-changing for me.

And, believe me, if you’re not creating content on Pinterest, you’re missing out on something huge.

Pinterest isn’t like the rest of the social media platforms and I’ve explained the reason in this post!

Now, when somebody decides to start creating content on Pinterest, the first thing that comes to their mind is — How to Grow on Pinterest.

Though there’s no single answer to this question, growing on Pinterest is a mix of several factors.

Your success on this platform depends significantly on your audience, engagement levels, content type, and various other factors.

Apart from the factors mentioned above, the pin-save ratio plays a crucial role.

Pin Save Ratio on Pinterest refers to the ratio or percentage of times your pins are saved by users compared to the number of times they are viewed or interacted with.

When your pins get saved frequently, it signals to Pinterest that your content is valuable, helping it reach even more users.

I’ve just reached 99K pin saves on my Pinterest profile. These are the stats!

Author’s Pinterest Analytics

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the numbers, let me make something very clear :

These numbers didn’t happen overnight.

They are the result of consistent effort, strategic planning, and some other key strategies.

In this blog, I’ll break down the exact 5 strategies that helped me achieve these results.

Stay tuned & follow along, if you want to achieve similar success! 🙌

1. Pay Attention to the Psychology of the Crowd

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.” — Plato

Photo by Madison Oren on Unsplash

This quote by Plato highlights the fundamental drivers of human actions and decisions.

It suggests that what we do is often influenced by our desires, our emotions, and what we know or understand.

On platforms like Pinterest, understanding these sources can guide how you create and present your pins to attract engagement and saves.

Here’s how each source plays a role:

  • Desire: People on Pinterest are often looking to fulfill their desires for inspiration, ideas, and solutions.
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Creating pins that appeal to these desires — whether it’s for home decor, recipes, fashion, or travel — can prompt users to save them for future reference.

  • Emotion: Emotions play a powerful role in decision-making.
Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

You need to remember this fact and use it while designing your pins.

Try & design pins that evoke some emotion, whether it’s joy, excitement, or curiosity.

These pins are more likely to resonate with users and encourage them to engage by saving or clicking through.

  • Knowledge: Offering helpful and informative content on Pinterest can help you increase your engagement and pin save ratio.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

When you share practical tips, guides, or useful information, you’re providing value that people find beneficial.

This builds trust because users see you as someone who understands their needs and can help them achieve their goals or solve their problems.

For example, if you share a pin with gardening tips for beginners, people interested in gardening will see you as a reliable source of knowledge.

Photo by Pelargoniums for Europe on Unsplash

They’re likely to save your pin to refer back to it later or share it with others who share the same interest.

This engagement not only increases your visibility on Pinterest but also establishes your authority in your niche.

So, align your pinning strategy with these three sources!

2. A/B Testing Pin Designs

On Pinterest, you can post different types of pins.

I’ve discussed them in detail in my Pinterest Master Guide.

A/B testing pin designs is a method used to compare different versions of the same pin to determine which one performs better in terms of engagement and effectiveness on Pinterest.

This process involves creating two or more variations of a pin with slight differences in elements such as images, colors, fonts, layouts, or even the call-to-action.

Here’s how A/B testing works:

  • Create Variations: Start by designing two or more versions of the same pin.

Each version should have a specific element that you want to test, like a different image or headline.

This is a sample of a pin designed by me. I can twist & tweak its fonts and graphics to create another pin and then check which one of the versions performs better!

Sample Pin Designed by Author!
  • Publish and Monitor: Publish these variations on Pinterest at different times.

Monitor their performance using Pinterest Analytics or third-party tools to track metrics such as saves, clicks, and comments.

  • Compare Results: After some time, compare the performance of each variation.

Identify which pin design generated more engagement and achieved your goals, such as driving traffic to your website or increasing product saves.

Finally, use the insights gained from A/B testing to optimize future pin designs.

3. Strategic Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most important steps in this whole pinning content strategy.

Do you know why?

It’s because by using popular keywords related to your niche, your pins are more likely to appear in search results when users look for specific topics.

This increases the visibility of your content to a targeted audience interested in what you offer.

The number of times people save your pins is directly tied to how easy it is for them to find your content.

In simpler terms, if you can make your content easy to discover by using the right keywords, more people will save it because they can find it easily when they need it.

I’ve written a detailed post on — How to Find Keywords on Pinterest. Give it a read here⬇️

4. Pin at the Perfect Time!

Pin timing is crucial on Pinterest as it directly impacts how your content is received by your audience.

Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

When you align your pinning schedule with when your audience is most active, whether it’s during lunch breaks, evenings, or weekends, you optimize the visibility of your content.

This strategic approach not only increases the chances of your pins appearing higher in users’ feeds and search results but also enhances the likelihood of them being saved and shared.

Now, the question is — What’s the Best Time to Post Your Content on Pinterest

This blog post has the answer⬇️!

5. Keep Pouring Content

Last but not the least — Stay consistent with your content.

Remember — There’s no shortcut to success on any platform.

Photo by Chris Curry on Unsplash

You’ve to put in the hard work to get to be noticed by people.

And, the only way to get noticed is by constantly sharing content.

When you post consistently, your profile stays active and people can find your pins more easily in their feeds and searches.

This helps you maintain visibility and encourages more engagement with your audience.

Also, by consistently sharing valuable content, you build a reputation for reliability and increase your chances of growing your audience over time.

And, as your audience grows, you get more chances of engagement and saves in your profile.

It’s that simple😊

Final Thoughts🎯

Try this 5-step framework, stay consistent, focus on delivering value consistently, and you’ll see success on Pinterest for sure! 😊

See you in the next value-packed article.

Till then, keep learning, and keep growing!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people on the team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟

Let’s connect, learn, and grow together! Follow me for fun updates and useful insights. Catch you online!🚀



Sweta Sharma
Pinterest Marketing Tips

Hey, I'm Sweta🙌 an editor turned content creator. I'm here to help you create, grow, and monetize🚀Join the Clan ➡️