Top Stories published by Planet 4 in 2018

Planet 4 is software, not a design

In the latest Engagement Community Call two provocative agenda items drove the community — organisation — tech discussion: , the first “We suck at International Campaigning” and the second “Is the Greenpeace brand dying?

Past the Prototype

Planet 4 Looking Forward

Table Of Contents:
Version 2 (V2): P4 MLP

V3: Personalisation: Give more User Control
V4: Visualizing Impact: Show us the data
V5: Let’s get social: We all want a better world
V6: Let’s get local: Charity begins at home
V7: UGC + Content…

These were the top 10 stories published by Planet 4 in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.