Aggregates and Sagas are Processes

The 3rd stop on my fact-driven journey

Martin Schimak ☕
Eventually Consistent


  1. Business Rules
  2. (Domain) Commands
  3. Aggregates and Sagas are Processes
  4. The Distributed Execution of Processes

Going to ExploreDDD Denver 2018 and presenting my thoughts about events, commands and long-running services has really been a cool personal success for me. :-) After my talk literally nothing (nil, zero) happened! Neither was I asked a single question, nor did I get a single mention on Twitter! :-) Nick (you are an awesome combination of Martin Fowler and Eminem) made me smile, though … because he caught me with a worried and bad face and observed - I was going on the stage to the music of Michael Jackson: Bad!

Michael Jackson in Vienna, 1988 (Zoran VeselinovicCC BY-SA 2.0)

Now I could of course think such obvious silence surrounding me is a really, really bad thing. But I believe it mostly just meant that I caused quite a few people to think with me, and digest. While I cleared my lectern, people slowly started to come forward and ask very good questions, like e.g. if this very last consideration of mine was “command sourcing”? But no, it is not! And then later, step by step … quite a bit positive feedback popped up on that really cool conference feedback wall. On a personal level I was approached by many more people - not only after my talk, but in…



Martin Schimak ☕
Eventually Consistent

I’m #storystorming your business 🤟 Modeling #DDDesign Collaboration 🍡 Processes, Sagas in Distributed Systems 👷‍♂️ @dddvienna @reactivevienna