The Distributed Execution of Processes

The 4th stop on my fact-driven journey

Martin Schimak ☕
Eventually Consistent


  1. Business Rules
  2. (Domain) Commands
  3. Aggregates and Sagas are Processes
  4. The Distributed Execution of Processes

In my post about aggregates and sagas, seen as processes, I used an example of my little family organizing a process to clear the dishwasher. Some people enjoyed the example, and some others thought it was a really, (like: really) bad one. I only loved the positive feedback of course, I am just human!

(Contrary to Nick Tune, who says he is not! I need to say this: the spontaneity with which you shared this at ExploreDDD was probably the finest example of ultra dry british humour I’ve ever witnessed!-)

However, even though I am human … as so often the critical feedback turned out to be even more important for me. Because whenever I am criticized I e.g. learn about a true mistake I made. Or I learn how my thinking or reasoning is perceived from another perspective or in another context, so I e.g. learn what I missed to write about or I learn which problems can be seen as separate problems and how I accidentally mixed them together. Or I learn that I should maybe express things with an improved language. Or sometimes I learn that I should not fight against…



Martin Schimak ☕
Eventually Consistent

I’m #storystorming your business 🤟 Modeling #DDDesign Collaboration 🍡 Processes, Sagas in Distributed Systems 👷‍♂️ @dddvienna @reactivevienna