Testing Scenarios

Mert Nesvat
Positive Movement
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2017

After writing our scenarious we interviewed with people to learn their reaction and investigate their emotional participation to the scenario. From general perspective we would say our first and third scenario were very effectual. Our participants were easily imagine themselves in our story. Although second scenario was also related with the others but it seemed overcomplicated due to explanation of the features to our participants.

Our interview had two sessions, first session with one participant and second with two participants total 3 participants. First session took 55 minutes and second almost 1 hour. We tried to note important points and personal attitude.

Finally those interviews made it easy to understand some important concerns and creative ideas regarding to our topic.

*Bold items indicates important points in the interview.

Scenario 1

  • He has long working hours 70 Hours per week
  • Only free time he has is coffee breaks for 5 minutes each approximately 4 times a day.
  • Quantified — Self (dig)
  • Health Privacy Issues
  • Price is important
  • Not using Brain Training App.
  • He put himself easily to Alex. There were lots of common points.

Scenario 2

  • Story is very realistic for him, he has many friends who has same issues.
  • Introduction is not needed for this kind of app.
  • He doesn't like notifications.
  • First exercise is most important.
  • Anonymous calculation of the average population.
  • Carrying headset is very boring.
  • He can give it a try for one week max.
  • Recording of the health data could violate privacy.

Scenario 3

  • Recommended gettings things done apps. (Toggl)
  • He has 4 years of toggl data. (maybe we could ask more info for further research)
  • He doesn't follow appstore updates or new popular apps. Instead he regularly reads blogs most important one macrumors.
  • He always uses last.fm and self-quantified is really important for him.
  • There are lots of feature in one scenario and he is little bit lost in it.
  • He doesn't want to use daily instead weekly one day in a week.
  • 3 or 4 hours of sessions in saturday long hours of period.



Mert Nesvat
Positive Movement

Loves computer-science and technology. #ios #chocolate also #cognitiveScience