[Mobile] iOS v3.0.0 & Android v4.1.0 update (Supports detailed options for YT, FB, and Twitch)

PRISM Live Studio. Official
PRISM Live Studio
Published in
8 min readJan 3, 2024

Hello, this is the PRISM Live Studio team :)
We’re excited to share the news of the PRISM iOS v3.0.0 & Android v4.1.0 update.

PRISM iOS v3.0.0
Scheduled update on January 18, 2024

PRISM Android v4.1.0
Scheduled update on January 25, 2024

The PRISM iOS v3.0.0 & Android v4.1.0 update includes the following new features:

  • Redesigning of the live streaming settings screen.
  • Detailed option support for YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook.
  • B2B service product support based on NAVER Cloud Platform.
  • Improved usability of RTMP overlay feature. (iOS v3.0.0 Only)
  • Japanese language support.
  • Performance and stability improvements.

let’s take a closer look at each feature with a more detailed explanation.

★ Redesigning of the live streaming settings screen

The live streaming settings screen of the PRISM Live Studio Mobile app has maintained its current appearance for a long time. In order to provide a more intuitive and improved flow, the live streaming settings screen has been completely revamped, as shown in the images below.

On the redesigned live streaming platform selection screen, you can start a live streaming by choosing the platform and linking it through [Account Login] or [Custom RTMP Input].

If you link through the [Account Login] method, the PRISM app can retrieve chat information and statistics from the platform based on the provided login credentials, allowing it to display the information within the app. Therefore, if possible, please link through the [Account Login] method.

This is the appearance of the live streaming settings screen when a live platform is linked, and a channel is selected.

Clicking the [My Channel] button in the card area displayed in the center of the screen will navigate to the My Channel list screen. From there, you can manage the platform channel list for live streaming and configure settings for multi-streaming.

Clicking on the areas such as the title of the live streaming will take you to the live streaming settings screen for the currently configured platform channel.

The above screen shows the appearance after clicking the [My channels] button to navigate to the My channel list screen.

There, you can add platforms for live streaming and configure the platforms to which you want to stream live. If you set up multiple platforms simultaneously, multi-streaming will be automatically applied.

★ Detailed option support for YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch

As mentioned earlier, clicking on the title or other areas in the main card of the live streaming settings screen will take you to the detailed option settings screen for the currently configured platform channel.

Until now, the PRISM app has not supported the configuration of certain options available on live broadcasting platforms. However, with this update, a significant number of options offered by the platforms are now integrated into the PRISM app. Please make use of the PRISM app for more detailed live streaming settings.

• Support for detailed options for YouTube

One of the most significant changes in the live streaming settings for the YouTube platform is the introduction of the scheduling feature. Until now, within the PRISM app, it was only possible to view and use scheduled live streams and there was no capability to schedule a live stream.

In the updated PRISM app, you can now schedule live streams and configure various options provided by the YouTube platform, including category setting, enable DVR setting, stream latency setting, license setting, and more.

​The above image depicts the screen for scheduling a YouTube live stream. You can select a schedule and configure various options for the live stream.

Upon scheduling the live stream, you can immediately copy the link for that specific live stream to secure it. By sharing this link with your audience in advance, you can boost participation in the live broadcast.

• Support for detailed options for Facebook

These are the live streaming settings screens for the Facebook platform.
For live streaming to Facebook, you can input the title and choose the location where the live steam will be published, such as the timeline, page, and groups.

If you have many pages and groups, the list will be paginated and displayed sequentially as you scroll.

If the list of pages and groups for live streaming is not appearing, please refer to the following post to ensure that the necessary permissions are properly set and granted.

[Permissions settings for the PRISM app or additional settings within Facebook may be required for Facebook streaming.]

• Support for detailed options for Twitch

These are the live streaming settings screens for the Twitch platform. In this update, support for Twitch streaming in the PRISM app has been enhanced, allowing users to configure various options provided by the Twitch platform.

These options include game and category search and setting, stream language setting, content classification setting, branded content setting, emotes-only chat setting, and followers-only chat setting, and more.

The images above show the game and category search screen as well as the followers-only chat settings screen. You can search and set the game and category for the current live stream, and detailed settings are available for follower-only chat.

★ B2B service product support based on NAVER Cloud Platform

As announced in the posting below last August, businesses can use the PRISM mobile app as a B2B product for their own services, and the features supporting this product are now incorporated into PRISM iOS v3.0.0 & Android v4.1.0
[Notice] B2B product plan for utilizing PRISM Live Studio mobile app for corporate services

​The PRISM Live Studio mobile app B2B product is scheduled to be registered with the NAVER Cloud Platform’s services on Thursday, January 25, 2024.
[NAVER Cloud Platform’s Media Product Group]

If you are considering utilizing the PRISM mobile app for your live service, please contact us at our representative email prismlive@navercorp.com.

Corporate live service users can use a dedicated login menu within the PRISM app for live streaming on their own live services.

Previously, for regular users to use the PRISM app, registration and login required signing up with a major social service account or using an email address.

However, for the B2B product, users can join and log in to the PRISM app by clicking the [NAVER Cloud B2B] button shown in the image. When users click the [NAVER Cloud B2B] button, they will sign up and log in to the PRISM app with their corporate live service account.

Once logged in, the corporate live service entry will be positioned at the front of the platform list for live streaming. Users can easily complete the account linking process for live broadcasting by clicking on the respective platform button.

Once the account linking for live streaming is complete, users can proceed to detailed settings for live broadcasts through a menu similar to the one shown in the picture.

If the corporate service supports the feature, users can select and utilize scheduled live streams from the corporate service within the PRISM app.
Additionally, users can set the public scope and choose the channel.

★ Improved usability of RTMP overlay feature (iOS v3.0.0 only)

  • This feature will be included in Android v4.2.0.

The RTMP Overlay feature, released in early 2023, allows receiving video from devices capable of RTMP streaming and integrating it as a single source for live streaming in the PRISM app.

You can refer to the following post for more detailed information about this feature.
[iOS] v2.10.0 Update (RTMP Overlay)
[Android] v3.8.0 Update (RTMP Overlay)

In this update, we have improved the usability of the RTMP Overlay feature based on user feedback.

The RTMP information is generated by the combination of the RTMP Stream URL and RTMP Stream Key. And we received a lot of feedback that it was challenging to distinguish between the two since they were displayed together in the previous PRISM app version.

Since the update, the RTMP information in the PRISM app’s RTMP Overlay is displayed separately for the RTMP Stream URL and RTMP Stream Key.

In the image above, the RTMP Stream URL is ‘rtmp://,’ and the RTMP Stream Key is ‘xxxx.’ Please note that excessively minimizing the RTMP Overlay area may hide the RTMP information.

Clicking the [Edit] button at the bottom of the RTMP Overlay takes you to the detailed screen for the RTMP video source. Here, too, the RTMP information is displayed separately for the RTMP Stream URL and RTMP Stream Key.

The displayed RTMP information can be shared externally through the [Share] button, allowing you to configure external RTMP streaming devices with the shared information and utilize the RTMP Overlay feature.

★ Japanese language support

PRISM app is currently the most downloaded live streaming app globally in all countries. Accordingly, the PRISM app supports various languages, and these languages are selected based on the language set on the device.

The PRISM app has previously supported English, Japanese (discontinued at a certain point), Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, Thai, Indonesian, Spanish, Portuguese, and more. With this update, Japanese is officially supported once again.

★ Performance and stability improvements

The PRISM Mobile app development team dedicated considerable efforts throughout 2023 to minimize errors in the app, and based on internal assessments, they believe they have achieved a very high level of stability at the current moment.

Nevertheless, despite these efforts, with the continuous addition of new features and ongoing changes in the app’s operating environment, they recognize the importance of not neglecting the maintenance of high stability.

In this update, there are many improvements in features, performance, and quality aspects that were not mentioned earlier. We will continue such efforts in the future, and if you still experience any inconvenience while using the app, please feel free to contact us anytime through our representative email. We always value and listen to all your feedback.

Wishing you a joyful and happy time in the new year. Thank you!

* Contact: prismlive@navercorp.com
* Discord: discord.gg/9j7mFY5g9a
* Youtube: youtube.com/@prismlivestudio

