My Bisexual Asexual TV & Movie Crushes

Since I don’t experience sexual attraction, my crushes are based on other things

Esther Spurrill-Jones
Prism & Pen
Published in
5 min readJul 22, 2022


Poster for Jupiter Ascending movie, showing Channing Tatum & Mila Kunis in black leather with a large orange planet behind them, a spaceship to the left, and the Earth to the right. Below is a futuristic-looking cityscape.
Yes, both of them | Public Domain image from Flickr

I recently wrote about the movies that made me bisexual, where I talked about some of the crushes I’ve had on fictional characters, but since James Finn has since challenged us to write about our queer movie crushes, then and now, I thought I could write about some of the other crushes I’ve had on fictional characters.

I’m asexual and bisexual, so sometimes it’s very hard for me to pin down what exactly is a crush for me. Since I don’t experience sexual attraction, my crushes are based on other things like romantic attraction and aesthetic attraction.

In previous articles, I talked about Jareth the Goblin King and Sarah in Labyrinth, Éowyn, Legolas, and Samwise in The Lord of the Rings, Jack and Rose in Titanic, Westley and Buttercup in The Princess Bride, and Neo and Trinity in The Matrix. I don’t want to rehash things, so I will talk about others here.

The first one that comes to mind is Barry Allen as portrayed by Grant Gustin on The Flash on CW. He’s just such a good and kind person, and he’s really cute too. There is something androgynous about him, isn’t there?



Esther Spurrill-Jones
Prism & Pen

Poet, lover, thinker, human. Poetry editor at Prism & Pen.