Archive of stories published by Provoost on Crypto

Decoding a BIP-70 Payment Request

I was trying to understand BIP-70 Payment Requests a bit better, mainly because I am confused by BitPay’s claim that they can somehow block “mistaken” transactions:

We can also analyze transactions to make sure an adequate bitcoin miner fee is…

Historical Bitcoin Core Client Performance

After reading about performance optimizations on the Bitcoin Core blog, I wanted to see a chart of that. I couldn’t find one, so I spun up a bunch of EC2 nodes and set out to measure how long it took each new version of the bitcoin core client to sync the…

A Crime on Testnet

On a warm summer day I crave a frappuccino. Unfortunately drugs such as caffeine, sugar and cacao were declared illegal decades ago. This happened because young unemployed college graduates often felt triggered by loud caffeinated rich people. Sugar was causing mass obesity and was also a…

Debugging Bitcoin Core Functional Tests

I was trying to improve the functional tests for bumpfee, a Bitcoin Core wallet feature that lets you increase the fee of a transaction that’s unconfirmed and stuck. Unfortunately I introduced a bug in the test, which I’m still in the process of tracking down…

A Short History of Replay Protection

This article is based on the slides I used for a presentation at the Hong Kong Bitcoin Developer meetup on November 1st, plus some feedback I received on the Slack. This was before SegWit2x was called off, but in the interest of (my) time, I haven’t…

These were the top 10 stories published by Provoost on Crypto; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Provoost on Crypto
My thoughts on Bitcoin and other interesting projects.
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