Top Stories published by Provoost on Crypto in 2017

Historical Bitcoin Core Client Performance

After reading about performance optimizations on the Bitcoin Core blog, I wanted to see a chart of that. I couldn’t find one, so I spun up a bunch of EC2 nodes and set out to measure how long it took each new version of the bitcoin core client to sync the…

Debugging Bitcoin Core Functional Tests

I was trying to improve the functional tests for bumpfee, a Bitcoin Core wallet feature that lets you increase the fee of a transaction that’s unconfirmed and stuck. Unfortunately I introduced a bug in the test, which I’m still in the process of tracking down…

A Short History of Replay Protection

This article is based on the slides I used for a presentation at the Hong Kong Bitcoin Developer meetup on November 1st, plus some feedback I received on the Slack. This was before SegWit2x was called off, but in the interest of (my) time, I haven’t…

The Consensus Path To A Bitcoin Hard Fork: Part 2
Rusty Russell

Opt-in hard-fork without alternate transaction history?

IETF’s RFC 7282 is an eloquent document which describes important aspects on consensus, and worthwhile if you want a more nuanced interpretation than “widespread agreement and disagreements addressed (even if not acommodated)”.

Provoost on Crypto
My thoughts on Bitcoin and other interesting projects.
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