Unveil the Truth by Challenging Myths in Life and Culture

Look for truth, and you will find it

Nicole Akers
3 min readMar 17, 2024


Photo by Wesley Faber on Pexels

In many aspects of life, we encounter narratives that are embellished or distorted over time. Whether it’s historical events, cultural traditions, or personal stories, the truth can often be obscured by layers of myth and misconception.

By uncovering these inconsistencies and bringing them to light, we not only gain a deeper understanding of the world around us but also challenge ourselves to seek truth in all aspects of life. Just as we strive to understand the true meaning of St. Patrick’s Day beyond the myths and legends, so too should we approach other aspects of life with a critical eye.

Let us also commit ourselves to unraveling the myths and legends that shape our understanding of the world. By doing so, we honor not only St. Patrick's legacy but also our own commitment to truth and authenticity.

What other things do we take at face value, but are more myth than truth?

Pub Crawl is on Tuesday

We hope that you are coming to Pub Crawl. We will be there. It’s Tuesday, March 19th. Desiree Peralta will be there on behalf of Publishous earlier in the day, and I’ll be there in the evening.

Join us! You can register here.

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Sending healthy wishes,



Nicole Akers

Teacher | Happy Mom of 2 brings amazing tips on parenting, learning, & lifestyle | 🐶 Mom | Bestselling Author | Founder of Publishous. Keep that smile.