A Taste of My Own Medicine

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old
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2 min readFeb 23, 2018
Bonus “Pull Quote” from the series

While trying to play a simple game of catch (roll, really), my daughter proceeded to give me a rundown of the rules she had just made (see photo above). This was somewhat poetic news to my younger brother and sister, who would loathe my own rule-making or tournament-setup when we played as kids. (In my defense, I was only trying to be fair with our usual 3-person pool of players for mostly 2-person games.)

Sharing this bonus quote affords me the perfect opportunity to let you know Medium has opened up Series — once only available to mobile users—to all its readers with a desktop version. If you’d like to check out what you may have missed, view the series now!

The last episode of “Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old was a little late, but almost didn’t come at all! Read the editor’s note in An Active Imagination (Weeks 5–6) to find out why…

And in case you’ve been hiding out, catch up with the first two episodes of “Pull Quotes,” read A Personality: (Weeks 1–2) & A Flair for the Dramatic: (Weeks 3–4).

Thanks for reading!


Daddy (aka Ernio)

