Butt Of the Joke! Quick & Dirty! Audio Erotica!

July Westhale
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4 min readApr 20, 2020

Dear Pulpitx,

There is a rubber tree in my next door neighbor’s yard that is larger than any rubber tree I’ve seen in my life. My housemate, Val, often says of it “I thought rubber trees were indoor plants.”

The one in my living room is a sad, four-leaved thing, transplanted earlier this year when I had to suddenly move out of my house.

Rubber trees tend to be indoors.. here. In California. They thrive outdoors in other parts of the world, and my neighbor’s radical angiosperm both gives me life, makes me little sad (are you, too, displaced, sweet tree?), and also brings to mind other places: Peru, Colombia, Bolivia. Because we cannot travel, I look to the rubber tree.

Let PULP be your rubber tree, this week & always. We love you. We are just going to keep coming back to bring you the best of what we’ve got, despite the climate.


July (+ Katie)

Friday, Or, You Just Wanted To Sleep, by Kelsey Swintek

“It’s getting late-ish. You’re wearing that skirt that you love because it’s soft to touch and hugs your hips in just the right way. It’s a good hair day. It’s shiny and your part isn’t being weird. You chew on your straw and look up and some guy is staring. You don’t know him but without your glasses on you think he’s hot. He catches your smile like a fly ball.”

A Love Letter To The Sick And Disabled During A Pandemic, by Katie Tastrom

“While it’s a love letter to you, it’s also a love letter to myself. A tether to my community of crips who are out there existing when all I can do is cry and try to squeak out a few words through all the Ativan in my bloodstream. And I know I don’t owe anyone anything, but I owe it to myself to keep trying to connect in the ways that I know how, and this is one of them.”

PULP It Like It’s Hot: The Time My Ass (Almost) Became The Butt of A Joke, by Ena Dahl

“My first long-term boyfriend, who took both my virginities, was a huge Broadway musical fan. He’d sing along to songs, like the hit from A Chorus Line:

— Tits and ass can change your life. They sure changed mine.”

Aural Erotica During Social Isolation, by Steph Auteri

“It seems silly to think about sexual pleasure at a time like this. In the midst of a health crisis. At a time when people are losing their independence and their jobs and their lives.

But one thing I’ve come to learn while writing about sex these past 18 years is that sexual health is an integral part of overall health and well-being. And for those who are losing their goddamn minds right now, or who are feeling isolated or vibrating with anxiety, sexual pleasure can be a balm.”

The Pulpit Presents: Make It Ritual, by July Westhale

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July Westhale

co-founding executive editor of medium.com/PULPMAG. Writer, translator, professor, media roustabout. Gender queer (she/they).