Announcing The World’s First Token Permissioned Newsletter on Substack and Binance Smart Chain

Raven Protocol: Investors and Partners [Private Newsletter]

Raven Protocol
5 min readFeb 11, 2021


Dear Raven Protocol Community,

We’re really excited today to announce the launch of a private newsletter for our investors and partners.

What’s so exciting about a newsletter you ask?

Well, this one is a token permissioned newsletter built on Substack and Binance Smart Chain. You receive access to private posts and networking opportunities directly with other investors/partners of Raven Protocol. All of which have a vested interest in making sure the protocol and distribution framework gain adoption.

If this sounds familiar to you, we’ve been trying to think of how to manage our DAO. We know this might not even be in the right direction. but we are experimenting with a token permissioned forum inside of Substack.

Permission will be granted to the Substack if your Binance Chain or Binance Smart Chain Wallet holds 100,000 RAVEN. Your wallet must hold 100,000 RAVEN at all times. Failure to do so will result in having your permission revoked.


There is a lack of a focused and organized place for the true stakeholders of a project to come together. Bad actors and scams are proliferated all over Telegram. The constant interruptions of messages shouting “wen moon” aren’t productive for having deep conversations on the applications of machine learning. We felt there was an extremely strong need for a place for people to organize. We want to enable networking and communications that follow certain values. We want people involved in the ecosystem to continue to be helpful to others and to contribute value to a greater community. Some of this is already happening on our Telegram, but it could be 100x better if we filtered out all the noise.

How it Works

To enter the newsletter/forum/DAO, one must hold at least 100,000 RAVEN tokens in their Binance Chain or Binance Smart Chain wallet.

One must then prove ownership of the wallet by sending 1 RAVEN to one of the designated addresses.

For BEP2 (Binance Chain):

For BEP20 (Binance Smart Chain):

Once you have sent 1 RAVEN to the designated address, submit this form with your transaction ID from above and you will be automatically invited to the token permissioned newsletter on Substack:

We use the dual chain structure of Binance Chain/Binance Smartchain, a simple Google Form, and your Substack account to verify ownership of the tokens.

Goals of the DAO

This will be a safe place to discuss all things Decentralized AI, project updates, exciting partnerships, latest developments on Github, and everything else we can’t share on public channels. Additionally, any public announcements we do make will likely be shared to the private Substack first. No longer do token holders need to race and compete against the general public to have an information advantage.

Decentralized AI is in its infancy and this DAO is an experiment kicked off by the Raven Protocol team to bring key stakeholders together to scale. Strap on tight!

Join Us

We hope that with the entire industry’s participation and help, we can create a strong community around the research & development of Decentralized AI/ML. There are certainly areas around AI ethics and safety that we need to commit to solving as a community.

In the rare chance that the technology Raven Protocol is building scales, becomes a Unicorn, and AI/ML training is put into the hands of billions who has a desire to use it, we need to be able to ensure those pesky killer robots don’t endanger humanity.

Thus, we need to hold ourselves to super higher values and a code of conduct. We will be defining these together as a community and we have support the brightest minds who aspire to build such an organization.

Why you should join too:

  • Raven is pulling the power of AI/ML out of the hands of large corporations and putting it into the hands of the community. We’re decentralizing and democratizing AI/ML which has never been done before!
  • Fully Open Sourced project and our code is on Github:
  • World’s first IDO on Binance DEX. One year before Uniswap and Defi Degen became a thing :)
  • Grant Funding from Mozilla Builders and Award Winner at the Fix-the-Internet Showcase

Thank you Andrew Lee who pioneered Token Permissioned groups on Telegram with Karma DAO, Spartan Protocol for their support in taking Decentralized AI to the masses on BSC, Binance for their dual chain infrastructure and speed, and the entire Raven Protocol community for the support since day one.

Love ♥️,
The Raven Team

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Raven Protocol: Q3 2019 Tech project development Update:

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Raven Protocol: Q2 2020 Development and Community Update:

Raven Protocol: Q3 2020 Development and Community Update:

Raven Protocol: Q4 2020 Development and Community Update:

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Raven Protocol White Paper:

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Raven Protocol
RavenProtocol is a decentralized and distributed deep-learning training protocol. Providing cost-efficient and faster training of deep neural networks.