Anatomy of an exit: Terrascale

For my first exit example post here on Real Exits, I thought I’d go back to the first exit I went through as a CFO.

In 2006, I ran Finance for Terrascale Technologies. Terrascale was in the data storage space, feeding massive amounts of data into…

Why you need to talk to corporate development

Paul Graham, co-founder of YCombinator, is a smart dude. Founders rightfully listen to what he has to say. One of his many pearls of wisdom is that founders should NOT talk to corporate development groups. Having spent the last 3 days in SF doing…

A look at Canadian SaaS Exits

I spoke at the inaugural SaaSNorth event in Ottawa last week. It was an extremely well run and curated event bringing together 800 founders, investors and operators in Canadian SaaS.

Real Exits
Real Exits
Demystifying the art of achieving profitable exit strategies for technology startups.
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