Top Stories published by Redpoint Ventures in 2012

Systems thinking for startups

By Tom Tunguz

Peter Senge has been called the most influential business strategists of the century and in my view Senge is the successor of Peter Drucker, the management visionary. Senge published a book in 1990 called The Fifth Discipline which I…

Four technology trends in the public market

By Tom Tunguz

Every once in a while, it’s nice to look retrospectively over the past 20 years to see how technology has evolved. I’ve prepared four charts to demonstrate the evolution of technology.

Where We’ve Been & What’s To Come

By Tom Tunguz

Venture capital appears to be defying reason. On one hand, early stage fund raising has declined 48% year-over-year. On the other, there’s a start-up boom. Everyone, it seems, is starting something. And in Silicon Valley valuations…

The 3 kinds of startup metrics

By Satish Dharmaraj

Clarity is everything in a startup. That’s why metrics can be such a great help. But not all metrics are created equal.

One of my CEOs recently shared with me the way he thinks about metrics. I thought it…

Distribution partnerships for startups

By Tom Tunguz

When a startup is approached by an established company about partnership, it can be a very exciting time.

Sometimes partnerships change the trajectory of a startup. Other times, the weight of…

The key to freemium monetization

By Tom Tunguz

Nir Eyal posted on TechCrunch about Encouraging Users to Work for You

Several studies have shown that expending effort on a task seems to commit us to it…After a user has been triggered into action and duly

Financial planning for startups

By Tom Tunguz

Over lunch last week, I asked a Redpoint entrepreneur, who had recently sold his company, how his board could have been more helpful to him. His answer surprised me.

Announcing our investment in Zendesk

By Satish Dharmaraj

Today Redpoint is pleased to announce that we are leading a round of financing at Zendesk. Zendesk is one of those companies that has re-defined the SaaS landscape. Not only did it dramatically simplify a complex and old…

Redpoint invests in Big Switch Networks

By Satish Dharmaraj

Redpoint Ventures is proud to announce our investment in Big Switch Networks. We have been looking at data center architectures and how they are changing for a while now, being first exposed to that through our…

End of the year startup checklist

By Tom Tunguz

I call the last working week in December Board Week because it’s packed with board meetings. These board meetings are often the most important of the year. By virtue of their place on the calendar, everyone in the room is thinking…

These were the top 10 stories published by Redpoint Ventures in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.