Top Stories published by Redpoint Ventures in 2013

How to Analyze Your Startup Like a VC in 15 Minutes Or Less

By Tom Tunguz

When I first started in venture capital five years ago, I wanted to create a programmatic way to analyze companies well. My goal was to be able to step into a meeting with an entrepreneur…

The 10 Most Important Metrics in a Startup’s Financial Statements

By Tom Tunguz

Financial statements are a Rosetta Stone for startups. They reveal the strategies and the tactics of how to bring a product to market. These are the ten metrics I look at when…

The 10 Most Important Metrics in a Startup’s Financial Statements

Financial statements are a Rosetta Stone for startups. They reveal the strategies and the tactics of how to bring a product to market. These are the ten metrics I look at when sifting through a startup’s operational…

CEO Playbook for Early Stage Board Meetings

Geoff Yang

Generally, board meetings of early stage companies tend to resemble staff meetings. There are too many people in the room (try someone from every function?) and much of the discussion is around operational issues —…

The Developer Economy: Power to the Coders

By Tom Tunguz

During the past week, I’ve been tapping out letters a 1921 Underwood portable typewriter that my wife gave me as a present. Sitting in front of it and watching the letter hammers pound ink onto paper reminded me that…

These were the top 10 stories published by Redpoint Ventures in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.