Top Stories published by Redpoint Ventures in August of 2013

CEO Playbook for Early Stage Board Meetings

Geoff Yang

Generally, board meetings of early stage companies tend to resemble staff meetings. There are too many people in the room (try someone from every function?) and much of the discussion is around operational issues —…

Announcing Redpoint’s $16M Investment in Looker

By Tom Tunguz

Big data technologies like Hadoop, HBase, Redshift, Vertica and others store ever greater quantities of data. As the capacity to store this data increases, so does the importance of extracting value and…

The Seed Investment Patterns of Billion Dollar Startups

By Tom Tunguz

Over the past few years, there has been a pronounced shift in the seed market. VCs now participate quite actively in the market. As a result, seed investment volumes have roughly doubled in the…

The Fundamental Challenge of Your Startup’s First Hire: Leading and Learning at the Same Time

By Tom Tunguz

A team of founders who had just made their first their first hire asked me about culture and on boarding. How do they go about…

AOL Acquires

By Scott Raney

We are thrilled to announce AOL’s acquisition of

We first invested in in 2007. At the time, online video consumption was accelerating but monetization of these video views lagged behind. It was clear to us…