Regen Testnet: Aplikiĝo

Gregory Landua
Regen Network
Published in
9 min readFeb 1, 2021


Welcome to Regen Network’s final incentivized testnet. Out goal is to test the worlds first public ecological ledger and blockchain marketplace for ecosystem services, to grow community, to have fun, to learn, and to grow our capacity as a community to boot strap a decentralized network into existence together. Our community is a mix of blockchain OG validators who are among the most prominent validators in any proof of stake ecosystem, as well as new validators, farmers and other community members. Remember we are all in this together. Thanks for taking the time to participate, to learn, and to help us build a better world using decentralized technology in service to ecological health.

Useful links:

Regen Network’s ethos:

Out Cooperate the Competition. Testnets are opportunities to test software for production. Expect bugs.Help each other. Submit PRs when you see something is missing. We are building open source software, in public. We are building something for the health of the planet and invite your full collaboration.

Testnet Overview

We are testing our production software and are doing our best to release a stable version of Regen Ledger! For a glimpse of what we will be testing check out Of course as we uncover bugs we will patch our code, but by phase 2 of the testnet no new development work will happen for the final launch version of Regen Network.

To begin with, this testnet will focus on running the blockchain through its paces with normal performance and security tests. New validators, you will learn commands and get used to the coordination required to run upgrades and govern a blockchain. For those validators who have been with us for a while, this will be smooth and easy. Get your cosmovisor tool up and running, just program the upgrades and keep your node infrastructure healthy while the network is active during testing.

Key Dates for KYC and GenTX

GenTX submission window, Feb 5th — Feb 7th, 2020.

Feb 10th is the final date for KYC applications to be accepted by the team. (This was modified from March 8th)

All KYC applications will be processed AFTER this date and results published to the leaderboard. The requirements of passing KYC

Participant selection process and criteria:

125 people will be accepted into the testnet and only addresses that are included in the genesis file (who submit the gentx) will be considered to recieve rewards.

If there are more than 125 gentx submissions the submissions will be included in the genesis file for the testnet with the following prioritization:

  1. Past participants who have earned points and completed kyc will be given first priority.
  2. New participants who have completed kyc will be given extra consideration
  3. New participants who have a validator ID running on the dev net that matches KYC will be given extra consideration.
  4. Further criteria for prioritization will be github activity (github accounts with open source code published and a history of contribution will be given priorities over submissions with no github or no code history).

Once the Gentx process is over and the testnet launches, validators can come and go out of the active set, but only the initial validators in the genesis file will be valid addresses to receive testnet points and rewards.

If there are less than 125 gentx submissions (which at this stage seems unlikely given there are more than 400 KYC applications), people can still join the testnet by getting tokens from the faucet. However, if you have not gotten your KYC in by Feb 10th, you won’t be eligible for this round of rewards.

These rules will allow us to test the production readiness of Regen Ledger and optimize rewards for community members, while making the administrative overhead of processing KYC, issuing rewards, as outlined in the blog, all achievable within our given launch timeline.

Aplikiĝo Testnet Phases and rewards structure:


  • 3 Phases
  • 4 governance proposals, 2 Upgrades, 2 community spend proposals
  • Rewards: 1800+ points possible per participant with a total of 500,000 Regen tokens available for winners.
  • Schedule: 1 month from Feb 8th — Mar 8th

Testnet Team

The following plan was co-designed by Gregory Landua and AnilKumar Kammari. Support was given by Chris Remus of Chainflow, Joe Bowman of Chorus One, Dan Pittman of Regen, and of course a lot of work from the Regen Network core engineering team, especially Cory Levinson.

Testnet Focus

The Aplikiĝo testnet will focus on testing the custom functionality of Regen Ledger: the ecological data module, the eco-credit module, as well as the first production testing of the groups module, coming soon to the cosmos-sdk. As always, Regen Network prides itself on a built in public approach that battle tests and shares upstream with the SDK user community functionality that can be adopted to make a stronger cosmos ecosystem. This testnet will be no different!

In addition to testing specific functionality that will be shipped upstream into the cosmos SDK, we will also be testing functionality that will be shared downstream into the OpenTEAM community.Regen Network will have specific activities and engagement geared towards this excellent community of Open Source AgTech legends.

We will also test the CosmWasm module, and the interaction between CosmWasm and the custom go-modules. Special points during phase two and three will be given for advanced testing scenarios. Extra incentives for validators and developers participating in the testnet who can design and implement uses of Regen Ledger’s functionality and that are focused on Regen Network’s mission of regenerating ecosystems through market mechanisms will be announced as well.

Changes in Testnet Plans

As always, we will provide more details about future phases as we approach them. We may also shift points and incentives before, and during the testnet (but not after). So stay tuned for updates. We will keep the list updated and make announcements of changes to points system if those changes are made during the testnet.

Testnet News Sources

Stay tuned to the Discord Validator Announcement Channel for announcements which we guarantee will always have up-to-date information. We will do our best to keep up with our other channels such as telegram, but the github testnet repository followed by the discord server will be the ultimate sources of truth.

All dates are subject to change! Tune into the discord validator announcement channel for updates.

Phase — 1: Genesis Phase — max 400 point

Phase — 2: Regen Times — max 800 points [TBD]

Estimated Date: Feb 18th — March 1st

  • Run oracle
  • interact with groups module
  • interact with data module
  • Deploy token contract
  • Deploy CosmWasm (?) contract
  • Upgrade proposal to enable IBC transfers

Phase — 3: Internet of Regeneration — 600 points

Estimated Date: March 1st — March 8th

  • Run solo machine and send token to Regen Ledger
  • Run Small PoA PoS chain and transact with Regen Ledger

Bonus Challenges

Uptime — 4000points

  • 2000 points will be distributed among who never misses a block (max 200 points per validator)
  • uptime >= 99% 1000 points will be distributed equally among all the eligible validators (max 100 points per validator)
  • 99% <= uptime >= 98% 1000 points (max 60 points per validator)

Never jailed validators — 2000 points

Max txs in a block (min 5000txs/block) — 100 points

  • If multiple blocks have the same number of txs, only the txs from a single or list of accounts owned/organized by the validator will be counted. Txs from others in the block will not be considered.

Max msgs in a transaction — 100 points

If multiple blocks has same number of messages in a tx, first 2 teams will share the reward (50 points each)

  • P2P/Mempool attacks — Bringing 60% nodes down (Should publish a blogpost with details and possible proofs) — 300 points
  • Exploits/bug bounty for x/groups and x/authz modules (Regen team will review and categorize the criticality into following categories)
  • Low — 20 points
  • Medium — 50 points
  • High — 100 points
  • Critical — 200points

Community reward

  • Top — 10 teams/individuals will receive 50points each for their contributions for the community. technical docs, helping/resolving community issues, etc.

Photo by Matheus Bandoch on Unsplash

Validator Eligibility for Delegation from Network Founders:

RND Inc, the genesis org, and Regen Foundation, the community governance and open science focused Not for Profit, will both publish their delegation criteria before main net launch. Testnets serve to show the community the competency and commitment of the validators. Performance in the testnet will be used as one of the criteria for selection of validators to delegate to by Regen Foundation and RND Inc, two of the main orgs helping boot strap Regen Network. There are only 50 validators seats at network launch, so competition will be fierce for those spots. We also want to encourage validators that may not initially have enough stake to get into the top 50 validators to continue working with the community, as we feel confident governance will vote to expand the validator pool once that makes sense.

Code Of Conduct

  • Testnet tokens are limited and valuable assets for the testnet. It is restricted/not allowed to receive external delegations. One should not try to increase their voting power by spamming the faucet. But it is encouraged to increase their stake by re-staking their rewards. There are no incentives related to the number of tokens you attain. The faucet should be used as a utility.
  • We expect formal and professional behaviour from the participants and encourage a healthy competition, as well as healthy cooperation. Any misbehaviour will potentially disqualify one from the contest. This includes trolling channels, and being dismissive or rude to team members or other testnet participants.
  • Participating as a group or running validators from multiple accounts should be strictly avoided and any evidence of such activities will disqualify participants. Everyone involved would get ZERO rewards. We are not running this testnet to encourage cartel behavior. There are testnets where that is perfectly acceptable and encouraged as a part of the adversarial game conditions. Find those testnets if you are interested in this strategy. This testnet is explicitly to test Regen Ledger functionality and performance and create an opportunity for a livelihood helping to secure and govern the world’s first public ecological ledger.
  • If a user is flagged or blocked on Discord/Github/Twitter will be considered ineligible from participation.
  • The same account/name should be used throughout the testnet. It’s not allowed to raise PRs from different github accounts.

Past Testnets

Have a read through past testnet plans and post-mortems to learn more about how things might go:

Test 1001

Our first testnet was us getting to know the community, and run a series of upgrades to bring our upgrade module up to production readiness.

Test 1001


Testing Cosmovisor and the upgrade module for the entire Cosmos Ecosystem:


Post Mortem


Taking out CosmWasm for a testrun! This was the first community CosmWasm testnet in the cosmos ecosystem and we had over 84 validators take it for a spin. The extraordinarily competent Confio team has produced a fantastic smart contract option for cosmos blockchains that is already being widely adopted.


Post Mortem



Gregory Landua
Regen Network

Gregory Landua dwells humbly at the intersection of ecology, economics and technology.