Re Human Day 16

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

I’m re-defining my lifestyle — I’m developing myself in 15 areas at a time. This post is part of my Re Human project.

Daily Habits

Re Human Extended Activity: Tuesdays is Music Production.

Spent most of my time in Logic Pro — adding sounds I had found in Splice and learning how to change the BPM of audio files. I watched 3 youtube videos before I could find something that actually worked — this is the video that actually worked. I also learned that all the videos and results were about changing Tempo, not BPM, even when I was searching “BPM”. I learned that it’s because Tempo is the speed of the Beat, usually expressed in Beats Per Minute (BPM).

Fitness: Today I started with “do as many pull ups as I can”; did 40. There’s been times I’ve done more (record is 42) but in my mind I have this mental anchor to 40 that usually makes me do 40 when I “do as many as I can”. The mind is very powerful. Also was able to hold a handstand (by a wall, but without touching it) for like 3 seconds, which feels like a personal record.

Writing: This post, code, and a daily thought that I also published on Medium. It’s about the best productivity hack.

Piano: Today in Flowkey I learned about the A, G, F major chords and how to switch between those and the C major chord.

Books: Currently reading “How to fail at almost everything and still win big” by Scott Adams (Dilbert). Pretty smart, unconventional advice, such as “goals are for losers, passion is bullshit, and if you can choose only one metric to optimize for, make it personal energy”.

Meditation: 20mins in morning.

Soccer trick juggling: Every day I feel the improvement, even if it’s a little bit.

Media Influencer: recorded myself doing the 40 pull-ups, but it turned out to be not from a great angle.

Connections, takeaways and Ideas for tomorrow

I’ve been going through books pretty fast — I love it. Thinking of incorporating more re-reading, but there’s so many books I haven’t read I really want to read. Do you have a system for choosing what book to read next? Let me know if you have a great, simple system for that. Right now I just think “what book would I benefit more from, now and in the long run “— and combine that with whatever I’m feeling like reading. I think it’s good and pretty simple but I’m curious about other people’s ways of going about this. Comment in this post with your thoughts on this or send me a message.

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.