Re Human — Week 14 Reflections — Day 98

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2018

We are what we repeatedly do. I’m reinventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time.

This process post is part of my Re Human project.

Poster by NASA.

Something cool I did today: I wanted to see how many push ups I could do in 20minutes. I didn’t set a goal or an expectation for how many I’d do, I just started doing them. I ended up doing 913. I was sooo surprised. I think that with some more practice I’ll be able to do 1,000 in 20 minutes. I don’t usually share “day process” things on Sundays because writing takes time and I prefer replacing Sunday’s day process writing with a “weekly reflection”, but I thought this was something cool to share.

It’s almost a “new year”, which prompts people into reflection/goal-setting mode. I recognize it’s an arbitrary time, but I did come home and am setting aside a bit more time than usual for reflection and writing about things I’ve learned about the year. Something I definitely want to reflect and write about is what I have learned through this Re Human project so far.

Some questions I started asking myself as I’m writing this weekly reflection post now:

How to best convey what I’ve learned and experienced these past 100 days?

What are the most interesting things I’ve learned and experienced these past 100 days?

How will I choose what’s “most interesting”? Is it purely about “interesting” or is it also about “valuable” or “authentic” or “enjoyable”?

What process will I use to remember and compile this content?

Maybe these questions are useful to more people than just me.

This Week’s Breakthrough Realizations

Lots of these are usually things I already “know”, but that I saw again this week and realize have the potential to change someone’s life (mine or others).

Here’s this weeks’:

Habit/exercise: 30 Second Takeaways

People underestimate the value of writing things and overestimate the value of reading things.

“It is better to be approximately right than to be precisely wrong” — Warren Buffett

Formula for suffering I had seen/thought about before but hadn’t written it down before: Suffering = pain * resistance

You can only have intentions, and things will happen by themselves.

Shift of perspective: we don’t have any problems. We have puzzles.

5W: Who: Identity. Why: beliefs and values. How: skills and tools. What: choice. Where and When: environment.

Identity is the strongest driver of behaviors. If you’re able to shape your identity you can do anything.

The reverse of “I’ll believe it when I see it” → “I’ll see it when I believe it”.

Greatest fear in modern times is FOPO: fear of other people’s opinions.



Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.