Top Stories published by Reporting History in June of 2024

June 21, 1861 — A Skirmish

Montgomery County Sentinel, Rockville, MD

A little fight occurred near Seneca Mill, which is on the Maryland side of the Potomac, some 28 miles above Washington. Lt. Col. Everett in command of three companies of District volunteers, about 200 men, being a…

June 10, 1861 — The Encampment of the Second Regiment

The Daily Green Mountain Freeman, Montpelier, VT

But little of importance transpired at “Camp Underwood” yesterday, the day being spent entirely in the routine of army duties. The dress parade at 6 30 P. M. was…

June 24, 1861 — Harbor Defences and Coast Guard

Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, IL

The merchants and capitalists of New York city are moving for a local artillery battalion, to be commanded by experienced officers, and held in readiness under the pay of the State for…

June 11, 1861 — The Skirmish at Phillppi

The Richmond Enquirer, Richmond, VA

Lewisburg, Va., June 6th, 1861.

Messrs. Editors : We have just received special message from the seat of war in Barbour county. Our informant was dispatched for the…

June 15, 1861 — The Capture of the Privateer Savannah

Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN

From the Charleston Mercury, June 11.

Almost everyday now brings us news of importance, yesterday brought us the intelligence of the capture…

June 8, 1861 — The Manassas Junction

Keowee Courier, Pickens Court House, SC

As this is this locality near which the command of Cols. Gregg and Kershaw are posted, all information from that point will be read with interest by their friends. A correspondent of the Richmond…

June 19, 1861 — Spunky Girls

The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL

At a flag raising at North Plato, Kane County, after the stars and stripes had been duly hoisted, the assembly adjourned to the village church, where some speeches were made by patriotic gentlemen and an opportunity was…

June 13, 1861 — Departure of the Guards

Centre Democrat, Bellefonte, PA

On Thursday last the “Centre Guards”, the first company from this place, which went into the three years service, left for Camp Curtin. It was composed of sound, hardy and loyal men such as are found at…

June 12, 1861 — An Exchange at Harper’s Ferry

The Evansville Daily Journal, Evansville, IN

The St. Joseph Valley Register is responsible for the following:

The Harper’s Ferry soldiers sent word to Washington by travelers that they hoped the…

These were the top 10 stories published by Reporting History in June of 2024. You can also dive into daily archives for June of 2024 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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