This is a safe place for your confessions, struggles, and thoughts. All in the name of acceptance, love, and support. Writers and readers come together in this close-knitted community of ours. Be part of us. 👐
Note from the editor

All articles feature real life experiences and thoughts. No fiction to be found. Just genuine connections.

Go to the profile of Sarah Lau Parker
Sarah Lau Parker
I offer 100% self-proclaimed expertise in these areas and more: life hacks, healthy living, parenting, relationships, and how to be the craziest Crazy Cat Lady.
Go to the profile of Aleksa Georg
Aleksa Georg
Yoga teacher, traveler and wildlife photographer who loves to write about adventures, spirituality, health and mindfulness
Go to the profile of Chelsey K. Burden
Chelsey K. Burden
★Self-help & Sociology★ Freelance writer and proofreader. Creative Writing MFA. Sociology + Women's & Gender Studies B.S.
Go to the profile of Michael Grimes
Michael Grimes
I be. I write, teach, parent, and play. A modern mystic and Light Sherpa, enjoying the journey, sharing as I grow. www.lightsherpa.world
Go to the profile of Morena
NO LONGER UPDATE HERE! FIND ME HERE! https://morazima.blog/
Go to the profile of Deeksha Agrawal
Deeksha Agrawal
programmer | love literature | space of inclusive perspectives | acceptance for all thoughts that could possibly exist in the Universe
Go to the profile of Rob Janicke
Rob Janicke
Former indie record label owner currently writing my first book, SLACKER - 1991, Teen Spirit Angst and the Generation It Created. Follow me on IG @rob_janicke
Go to the profile of Deirdre Barry
Deirdre Barry
Passionate about spending all of my money, flat whites, the Eurovision, and dancing to 80's disco music.
Go to the profile of Frankie Faunet
Frankie Faunet
French-American exploring the intersection of humanity & tech: cultural critic, AI enthusiast, & author of forthcoming "99 Ways to Survive the AI Apocalypse".
Go to the profile of Amit Chauhan
Amit Chauhan
Data Scientist, AI/ML/DL, Azure Cloud
Go to the profile of Laura McDonell
Laura McDonell
I am a wife, mother, educator, writer, reader and marathon runner. I blog at https://findyourformula.blogspot.com/ Follow me on Twitter at @lmcdonell14
Go to the profile of Amber L.
Amber L.
Just a girl trying to navigate through life.
Go to the profile of Jessie London
Jessie London
Full-time Author & Writer of fiction & fact. British lady who loves tea with milk and bland biscuits.
Go to the profile of Katie O'Grady
Katie O'Grady
I love my writing to be healing for readers. I write from the heart and am told my work is authentic.
Go to the profile of Brinda Koushik | Copywriter | Mom | Avid Reader
Brinda Koushik | Copywriter | Mom | Avid Reader
Tech Content Marketing Writer | Download 366 powerful quotes on writing for free -> https://wealthwithwords.gumroad.com/l/366quotesonwriting
Go to the profile of Amen Naqvi
Amen Naqvi
Software Engineer| India
Go to the profile of Evelyn Lim
Evelyn Lim
Transformation Life Coach. Emotional Healing Therapist. Author. https://linktr.ee/evelynlimcoach
Go to the profile of Art Bram
Art Bram
Top writer in self-growth and inner child. I love to write because it gets me in touch with myself. Hopefully, it’s also helpful to others. So far, so good!
Go to the profile of Lens of Rose
Lens of Rose
Low-budget cinematic filming in search of life's difficult answers. Designing for bills, filming for thrills. 🎢 [ Ep1 "Happy" Pills? - now filming ] 🎥
Go to the profile of Peter Middleton
Peter Middleton
Slow, sustainable, interconnected growth; living from an authentic heart.
Go to the profile of Denise Vitola
Denise Vitola
Writer, reader, lifelong rebel. Learning things the hard way since 1963.
Go to the profile of Make Money with Ab ✨🔑💰✅
Make Money with Ab ✨🔑💰✅
Conscious niche content writer - Digital investor + Software Engineer 📩 intriguework@gmail.com💰
Go to the profile of Andari Raycene
Andari Raycene
Scholar, traveler, cat mom.
Go to the profile of Ebenezer kalu
Ebenezer kalu
I write to get you off tight corners. Your breakthrough is in an unread, or untold story.
Go to the profile of Agnes
Slow runner, fast walker. I have dreamed in different languages. I read a lot. Yes, my curls are real.
Go to the profile of Claire Kelly
Claire Kelly
MEMBER SINCE FEB 2021. Spirituality and poetry are my passions by night, and I'm a content writer under daylight. I'm a boost nominator at Write Under the Moon
Go to the profile of Katie
Self-starting UX writer & web designer, writing about user experiences, system design and the digital world. Follow me on https://www.twitter.com/therealcowlord
Go to the profile of Jairam R Prabhu
Jairam R Prabhu
Blogger|Podcaster|Student|Engineer|Content Writing. Writes on Science, Elections, Technology, Politics, International Relations|Runs Journal of Knowledge
Go to the profile of rach
Go to the profile of Bob Dumont
Bob Dumont
Writer. Programmer. Dad. Husband. Concerned. If I knew, I would know.
Go to the profile of Connie Song
Connie Song
Reader | Writer | Poet | Medium Top Writer | Editor of Purple Ink | Coffee Fanatic | Twitter Connie Song 10.
Go to the profile of Deborah Weir
Deborah Weir
Unnervingly passionate about the minutiae of life | 4X Top Writer: Satire, Parenting, Humor, Music
Go to the profile of Ian Wachira
Ian Wachira
Ian is a Freelance writer and a Frontend Developer. I love to research and write Contents, both creative and technical articles. F I also have experience in SEO
Go to the profile of Mwanikii
Writer. Techie. History buff. If it changes the world I’m on its case. Open for gigs… freddynjagi@gmail.com! Published by the Writing Cooperative.
Go to the profile of Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi
Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi
Stay-at-home-dad who "retired" from a 12-year career in finance at the age of 35. Curious thinker with an opinion on nearly everything and is here to share it.
Go to the profile of A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
Poet, Author, Editor, Blogger, Freelance Writer & Book Reviewer @ arusticmind.com/
Go to the profile of Naouress Akrouti⭐
Naouress Akrouti⭐
🌻💛Love life🏖️summer🍉 📝Linguist ✨ content writer ✨copywriter
Go to the profile of Terra Shae
Terra Shae
Writing is my first love. And currently also my therapist.
Go to the profile of Shivi
Weird and Awkward but Authentic nonetheless. That's me !!!
Go to the profile of LuluParadise
I’m a Canadian-based aspiring YA author and an alumna of the University of Toronto. Follow me to read more about the stories and ideas that keep me up at night.
Go to the profile of Sahil Patel
Sahil Patel
3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.
Go to the profile of Marie F. Jones
Marie F. Jones
Librarian-turned-Business Professor. Curious human. Random thoughts, leadership, photos, memoir, books. messydeskconsulting.com
Go to the profile of Mikae Yagi
Mikae Yagi
Panda Lover, Noodle Enthusiast, Finance/Investment follower, Born and raised in Japan
Go to the profile of Victoria Jane | Astrologer & Shadow Worker
Victoria Jane | Astrologer & Shadow Worker
Past Dietitian | Founder of Plutonian Soul Evolution | Using astrology & shadow work as a tool for self-awareness & personal development
Go to the profile of Staecy Cruz
Staecy Cruz
22 Years Old|Chemical Engineer|Cat Mom|Reader|Writer|Spiritual|Fitness Enthusiast|Random Facts Lover|Coffee Addict|Whiskey Explorer|Tea Drinker|Foodie|🧡🌸👻
Go to the profile of Tansy Bradshaw
Tansy Bradshaw
Tansy is a neurodivergent writer living and working in Melbourne. Over her decade of writing they have written reviews, opinion pieces and feature articles.
Go to the profile of Dylan Chia
Dylan Chia
A creative space for me to transform my thoughts into words
Go to the profile of Anonymous
Go to the profile of JW
Got this pen name while having a juice on a windy day. Most of the time on IG: juicywind for now
Go to the profile of Asher "Zach" Neuman
Asher "Zach" Neuman
Writing about creativity, authentic marketing, and unlocking potential. Support my work here: https://asherneuman.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Sarah Courtney Burry
Sarah Courtney Burry
5X top writer. I love to use satire and humor. I write about travel, politics, family, feminism, sports, health & music. So, basically everything.
Go to the profile of Sarene B. Arias
Sarene B. Arias
Hands-on healer and author of Compassionate Divorce. Support me by being a paid member: sarene.medium.com/membership 👋🏼 sarene.arias@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Tser Dennis
Tser Dennis
Career Coach ▫️ Christian Author ▫️ 8x Top Writer ▫️ 850+ Medium Articles
Go to the profile of Myriam Ben Salem🦋
Myriam Ben Salem🦋
A fur Momma, animal lover & advocate, lifelong learner, storyteller, edutainer, and published author. I write personal stories and essays.
Go to the profile of Tracy Stengel
Tracy Stengel
Writer and freelance fiction editor. Find me curled up w/ a blanket of metaphors or at www.tracystengel.com. You can buy me ☕️ at https://ko-fi.com/tracystengel
Go to the profile of Samantha Radefeld
Samantha Radefeld
RV Life • Traveler • Poetry, Adventure, Short Stories, and Mental Health
Go to the profile of Markus Skårnes
Markus Skårnes
I write about Writing, Self-Improvement, Music, etc. Not writing as actively here as I used to, but I might publish something once in a while.
Go to the profile of Toya Qualls-Barnette
Toya Qualls-Barnette
*Top writer in This Happened To Me| Writing about the impact of relationships|Contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul| Dreamer|Mother|HSP in drag
Go to the profile of Kevin Johan Wong
Kevin Johan Wong
A professional tinkerer 💡 aspiring writer ✍ pragmatic dreamer ⛅ creator of Dino 🦖 & OFLO📻.
Go to the profile of Shaynne
Freelance Copywriter, Email Marketer, Web Developer, and Social Media Manager.
Go to the profile of Reo
HR Professional with a forever passion for writing.
Go to the profile of Christopher Kokoski
Christopher Kokoski
Endlessly curious| proud word nerd| Don’t miss my next article — sign up to my Medium email list: https://bit.ly/3yy18Bc
Go to the profile of Ben Shelley
Ben Shelley
Someone who has no idea about where their place is in this world, yet enjoys writing about books, education, entertainment and videogames
Go to the profile of Olivia Marlene
Olivia Marlene
A law abiding non-conformist. A lawyer by profession, a mom by nature. Her hobby is to challenge the norm. Reach her at: missoliviamarlene@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Kiera McCoard
Kiera McCoard
Australian psychology student with a passion for article writing & free verse poetry. When psychology meets poetry, there is a profoundly beautiful mix.
Go to the profile of Aabye-Gayle F.
Aabye-Gayle F.
Editor & Writer https://afavilla.wordpress.com/ | Dog person with cats.
Go to the profile of Warren Brown
Warren Brown
Warren Brown is an Author, Writing Coach, Artist. Warren has written 3420 stories. http://ko-fi.com/warrenwriter, http://substack.com/@warrenbrown
Go to the profile of Ashley Tavares
Ashley Tavares
World traveler and content creator. Writing about solopreneur endeavors, traveling and digital nomad lifestyle, and how to boost your online presence!
Go to the profile of Ching Ching
Ching Ching
I am a Malaysian discovering ways to write about my life and my encounters with people. Nature is my inspiration.
Go to the profile of Niharika Chhabra
Niharika Chhabra
4x Top Travel Writer/ SEO Content Writer/ Copywriter/ QA/ Published Author
Go to the profile of Adam Deitsch
Adam Deitsch
Adam is an Atmospheric Science PhD student with a background in Environmental Science. His Medium writing has taken a temporary hiatus while he does research.
Go to the profile of Karen Downton
Karen Downton
🏆Curated writer for RESONATES From Sydney Australia 🇦🇺
Go to the profile of Rosy Gee
Rosy Gee
An author working hard towards becoming a full-time novelist. You can find out more here: http://rosygee.substack.com
Go to the profile of Shubham Goel
Shubham Goel
25 | Driven by kindness & curiosity | Ex-Software Engineer | Writer | Bibliophile | Newsletter: soulletter.substack.com
Go to the profile of Mari Sherret
Mari Sherret
Writing mostly about parenting and childbirth.
Go to the profile of Angelique Palenzuela-Cruz
Angelique Palenzuela-Cruz
Among other things, I am a partner, a friend, a teacher, a learner, a wanderer, an artist and a writer.
Go to the profile of Shireen Sinclair
Shireen Sinclair
Artist, mother, writer, immigrant, nurse, seasoned struggler, struggling my way here to motivate others to accept change and start afresh at any point in life.
Go to the profile of Jennifer Jones | Certified Empowerment Coach
Jennifer Jones | Certified Empowerment Coach
Therapy, Me, & the 38103: Stories about life, trauma, and finding a way in this place from a girl who’s finally getting her sh*t together.
Go to the profile of Jack Road
Jack Road
Writer on the move. Vagabond, visiting the world and exploring everything. Journeys are happiness in motion. Let’s break the 9-5 hustle.
Go to the profile of Allison Cecile
Allison Cecile
I write so that my dog can live a spoiled life of luxury || 8X Top Writer
Go to the profile of Jade M.
Jade M.
Jade is a Louisiana based author who loves video games and usually writes about experiences she has. https://linktr.ee/jmcculloch120
Go to the profile of Élan Loves Expression
Élan Loves Expression
© Élan-writer || Follow an art admirer || Shop: lan-6.creator-spring.com; Treat: medium.com/gift; Tip: ko-fi.com/luvelan
Go to the profile of Manas Bhardwaj
Manas Bhardwaj
SEO Content Writer | Let’s build a robust connection on LinkedIn ➡️ http://linkedin.com/in/manas-bhardwaj-seo-content-writer
Go to the profile of Katie Brozen
Katie Brozen
Professional chef. Sharing stories, secrets, and recipes from behind the line of a professional kitchen.
Go to the profile of Roger Skibowski
Roger Skibowski
I Learn I Think I Create - rogerskibowski.com
Go to the profile of Kate Warrington
Kate Warrington
Writing about mental health, sexual wellness, OCD and other musings. Columnist of Overthinking Everything at She Explores Life. Follow @warrington_kate
Go to the profile of Ranah Moreno
Ranah Moreno
I refuse to fit myself into 160 characters. Join me, let’s explore…
Go to the profile of Ashley Clayton Kay
Ashley Clayton Kay
Writing with heart, humor, & humanity = what I do in theory. Writing while eating ice cream out of coffee mugs = what I do in practice.
Go to the profile of Maja Savic
Maja Savic
Holistic Coach & Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Vocalist and Motivational Speaker based in Paris. https://qinspiredlife.com/
Go to the profile of Catrina Cowart
Catrina Cowart
A professional writer and illustrator with over a decade of experience, a published book series, and interesting work-from-home experience.
Go to the profile of Stacey B
Stacey B
Natural born healer. Holistic health therapist. Intuitive, empath sharing compassionate, creative stories offering perspective. Proud single mama to one.
Go to the profile of Barbara Borzi
Barbara Borzi
Author of LIVING THE SKY LIFE, flight attendant, runner, lover of dogs, nature, reading, and travelling
Go to the profile of Creative Toddler Mom
Creative Toddler Mom
👩‍👧‍👦 Exploring the world of toddlerhood one DIY activity at a time! 🎨📚
Go to the profile of Melissa Steussy
Melissa Steussy
26 years sober, health nut, supplement junkie, and all-around fantastic gal. Wrote a book called, Let Your Privates Breathe-Breaking the Cycle of Addiction....
Go to the profile of Vidhya
Writes about product management, lifestyle, work culture & technology
Go to the profile of Rowen Quinn
Rowen Quinn
I am a nature lover, US explorer, and photographer. I love to help, and entertain people with my words. Spread love, not hate!!! Be kind…
Go to the profile of Hana.I
Hana is a freelance writer.She is passionately interested in ways in which kindness makes the world a better place and believes in the power of words.
Go to the profile of Alice Unknown
Alice Unknown
Just a girl writing about whatever crosses my mind.
Go to the profile of Sofia Duarte
Sofia Duarte
⚀ Uma mulher afundada em letras creativas! ⚁ A woman deep within creative words!
Go to the profile of Josephine Crispin
Josephine Crispin
Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.
Go to the profile of Aria Dailee
Aria Dailee
Research geographer whose mind is full of too many thoughts to keep to herself. ➽➽ Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3qyllEM ➽ My Socials: https://linktr.ee/ariadailee
Go to the profile of Sushmita Singh
Sushmita Singh
Writer || Coder || Book Lover. Helping you evolve into the ultimate version of yourself. https://sushmitasingh.carrd.co/
Go to the profile of Kimberly Carter
Kimberly Carter
Life coach, riding instructor, writer, I was raised in a barn and now spend my time figuring out how farms heal us. bio.site/bramblewood
Go to the profile of Calista
Little by little, we grow, to be our best self 🌱|| Life-time learner
Go to the profile of Justiss Goode | F😄M
Justiss Goode | F😄M
Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writers and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!
Go to the profile of Broni Glez
Broni Glez
(She/her) Top writer or one-hit wonder? I like venting and confessing things. I take myself too seriously or not at all. Editor of The Bathroom Confessions
Go to the profile of Sara M
Sara M
Digital Marketer|Blogger|Freelance Writer #Mindfulness #Self-Improvement #Mentalhealth #MarTech #Entrepreneurship #DigitalMarketing #Technology #SaaS #AI
Go to the profile of Alisa Khieu
Alisa Khieu
Sharing my learnings in pursuit of "the good life". An adventure for self-determination and financial freedom through the lens of philosophy and game design.
Go to the profile of The Unconventional Social Worker
The Unconventional Social Worker
Personal snippets on family, friendships, society and life learnings.
Go to the profile of Zach Klebaner
Zach Klebaner
Writer, poet, actor, filmmaker, & comedian.
Go to the profile of Krista Na
Krista Na
Featured on Illumination, Illumination Mirror, Write to Inspire and Resonate. Buy me a coffee on https://ko-fi.com/kristenna
Go to the profile of Doran Lamb
Doran Lamb
Top Writer in Mental Health + Psychology + Love. Acute observer of the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction. https://doranlamb.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Catherine Oceano
Catherine Oceano
old but not dead, mother, partner, grandmother, writer, Canadian Become a Medium member and support great writers like me.
Go to the profile of Eleanor Annay
Eleanor Annay
Writer who seeks her niche. Get your copy of Planner for writers on Medium https://eleanorannay.gumroad.com/l/planner
Go to the profile of Nadja Scarlett
Nadja Scarlett
“Witchy, not wicked” | Hodgepodge of stories from spooky fiction to nonfiction, and ALOT in between with a mix of quirky for extra fun!
Go to the profile of Tessa Char
Tessa Char
(W)righting the wrongs in the world in justice, feminism, dating, self-help, travel, mental health, and well-life. https://linktr.ee/tessachar
Go to the profile of Priya Tandon
Priya Tandon
Connect @ Facebook.com/thesoulsutras Instagram.com/thesoul.sutras Twitter.com/SutrasThe
Go to the profile of Shoily
Loves reading about psychology, technology, neuroscience, philosophy, and everyday musings and opinions from people. Open to feedback and criticism.
Go to the profile of Anu Kumar
Anu Kumar
I write about books, culture, behaviors, and practical self improvement. Words + Fiction @ par-desi.com.
Go to the profile of Joni Seeto
Joni Seeto
Somatic Psychotherapist
Go to the profile of Joanne Leigh McKann
Go to the profile of Eliza Lita
Eliza Lita
ADHD, books, writing, fitness, lifestyle. | Founder and editor: Coffee Time Reviews. | Library Mouse | Language nerd.
Go to the profile of Laura Williams-Burke
Laura Williams-Burke
Cat mom. Philly transplant, now residing in New England. Lover of coffee, books, and Bruce Springsteen. LauraWilliamsBurke.com
Go to the profile of Sabah Ismail✨
Sabah Ismail✨
A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.
Go to the profile of Phoebe Kirke
Phoebe Kirke
Feminist, activist, sister, but above all, hurt. Writing is my path to living life to the fullest.
Go to the profile of Doreen Barker
Doreen Barker
Creator of Stories of Food Production, Farm Girl, Writer of Life and Mental Health, Abuse Warrior and Mentor
Go to the profile of Rosalind Pagan
Rosalind Pagan
Feminist, mother, science nerd, worrier, thinker.
Go to the profile of Natalie B. Kemp
Natalie B. Kemp
Community enthusiast and outdoor educator, passionate about connecting with people of all ages and helping them to connect with nature.
Go to the profile of Christina
Inspired by family; passionate about community. Doing what I can to make someone else's day a little brighter.
Go to the profile of Rachella Angel Page
Rachella Angel Page
Lifestyle and creative non-fiction writer. Wife. Momma of two dogs: Maxwell and Lady. Obsessed with road trips, poetry and Kickstart. IG: @pagesofrachella
Go to the profile of Mulan
Storyteller, traveler, and yoga lover, on the way to finding a place to rest my heart. Join me by clicking the link below https://mshe8092.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Jillian Enright
Jillian Enright
She/they. Neurodivergent, 20+ yrs SW & Psych. experience. I write about mental health, neurodiversity, education, and parenting. Founder of Neurodiversity MB.
Go to the profile of Rami Dhanoa
Rami Dhanoa
Re-thinking human potential with meditation & Indic philosophy.
Go to the profile of Jodi Marie
Jodi Marie
ADHD writer, gig worker, psych student. Follow All Things ADHD: https://medium.com/all-things-adhd
Go to the profile of Cody Hamilton
Cody Hamilton
#BillsMafia, @Tagthebard on Twitter ko-fi.com/tagthebard
Go to the profile of Jeanette C. Espinoza
Jeanette C. Espinoza
Mom of 2 amazing humans | Author of 3 books, including Rock Your Crown - Amazon.com| Speaker | Activist | Creator of Jeanette’s Jewels www.jeanettecespinoza.com
Go to the profile of Alexandra Ruzycka
Alexandra Ruzycka
Filmmaker on Hiatus.
Go to the profile of Shari Walker, MSW
Shari Walker, MSW
Personal Growth Coach, Tech Copywriter, mom, and former foster kid. Writing about life, growth, and harmony. Founder of GROWTH Goals. ✨📚💻 heyshariwalker.com
Go to the profile of Ademola
Penman. Storyteller. Wordsmith. Neologist. Arsenal. Neurology. Christian. Medical doctor. I am your organic reminder of the beauty of this one life you got!
Go to the profile of Elaine Degale
Elaine Degale
Fire Breathing Air.
Go to the profile of John Villablanca
John Villablanca
1 x Top writer in Short Story | Introvert | Storyteller | Read up on my stories so you know what I’m about | ✉︎ Mistervillablanca@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Tammy M
Tammy M
Please read. My anxiety thanks you.
Go to the profile of Ana-Maria Caplea
Ana-Maria Caplea
Freelance writer, digital creator, sunset enthusiast. I try to find answers to my questions through writing. http://journalofwanders.com
Go to the profile of Melissa Chanthalangsy
Go to the profile of Cat Strav
Cat Strav
Yogi. Wordsmith. Hutch Pup. Diagnosed with I.O. (idiotic optimism) since an early age.
Go to the profile of Pam Winter
Pam Winter
Christian, Wife, Mimi and animal lover. Owner of ‘Boomers, Bitches, and Babes.’ 3X Top Writer, Humorous, snarky and blush proof.
Go to the profile of Pius Adejumobi
Pius Adejumobi
Believer, Father, blogger@breakyourice.com. I want to encourage people to maximize their potential. Join https://breakyourice.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Amanda Laughtland
Amanda Laughtland
Poet, teacher, & zinester. I started The DIY Diaries because I love to read about DIY ideas and projects; I invite you to send us your stories!
Go to the profile of Nikki Kay
Nikki Kay
Words everywhere. Fiction, poetry, personal essays about parenting, mental health, and the intersection of the two. messymind.substack.com
Go to the profile of Steven Rensch
Steven Rensch
Attorney,, teacher, counselor, coach; maverick in most groups; lots of kids and grandkids; reliefforlawyers.com; linkedin.com/in/steve.rensch
Go to the profile of Lil' Ms. Mess Spills The Beans
Lil' Ms. Mess Spills The Beans
I'm a free spirited, deep thinking, Mom Blogger, and Content Creator. Hope you Enjoy what you read here <3
Go to the profile of Donna Knight
Donna Knight
US Navy veteran. Animal lover in general; kitty mom for now. Budding writer/ ghostwriter about life, and short stories, fiction/nonfiction--in various genres.
Go to the profile of PJ Sherman
PJ Sherman
Founder @ BlackBee Group 🐝 & SkilldUp 🍃| Winning the battle against the UK’s skills gap crisis | Helping You Optimise your LinkedIn to make more money
Go to the profile of Lesley Dewar There's always another story to tell
Lesley Dewar There's always another story to tell
I love writing on lots of topics. Get to know me. I love cats, wine, tech, family and humour https://medium.com/@lesleydewar/about-me-lesley-dewar-d53791b899b5
Go to the profile of Cyn BehindMind
Cyn BehindMind
Simple life, Husky & Coffee Lover. Proud Mom. Future Psychologist figuring out life | Writing about mental health, life & wellness! Join me on this journey!
Go to the profile of CW { CHRISMATIC WOMAN} * LIFE FIGHTER
Go to the profile of Cheryl Benadie
Cheryl Benadie
I write about how to free your true self and to live, love and work from wholeness. Relationships, career and finances are interconnected.
Go to the profile of Anthony Hinko
Anthony Hinko
Various topics with a consistent voice from a free thinker/pizza eater. Themes of authenticity, stoicism, gratitude, and taking action.
Go to the profile of June A. Wambui
June A. Wambui
I write for impact, to share Jesus and to create a world where we don't feel so alone in our cages of sin and shame.
Go to the profile of Candace Afia
Candace Afia
Multi-passionate creative inspired by everything from the mundane to the absurd
Go to the profile of Lyndsy Alex
Lyndsy Alex
Content & Copywriting. Chronic Illness. Cats. Cathartic Personal Essays. Candid Stories. Casual Tales :)
Go to the profile of Hannusedit
Sharing life hacks, insights into life, and emotional stories, accompanying more people for better growth.
Go to the profile of Kat Bertsch
Kat Bertsch
creating content that makes humans feel better inside - HCI Health and Life Coach/ISSA CPT & NS
Go to the profile of The Product Blog
The Product Blog
Inspiring growth in the tech through articles on product mgmt, certifications, and data analysis. Written by Petra Dubravcova. Join me on the journey!
Go to the profile of Amelie D. Phoenix
Amelie D. Phoenix
Documenting my journey on Medium, as I recover autonomy, resilience and a sense of purpose through self-care and positive life changes.
Go to the profile of Robin Shannon
Robin Shannon
Life is too short to eat vanilla ice cream, watch reruns, and debate the Oxford comma.
Go to the profile of Jamel Hendley/Greenviool
Jamel Hendley/Greenviool
Hi all, I'm Jamel I write about all types of things from resilience to dogs. I write whatever comes to mind. Please follow me greenviool.medium.com/subscribe.
Go to the profile of J Mercer
J Mercer
Writer/Editor/Content Strategist. Specializing in Psychology, Mental Health, Healthcare, Patient Advocacy.
Go to the profile of Simple Joy With Ann
Simple Joy With Ann
Founder of the Dooley Method that combines positive parenting and KonMari home organizing to strengthen family connection through tidying. simplejoywithann.com
Go to the profile of John Herrin
John Herrin
Writer and Teacher - @NarrativeDude on YouTube
Go to the profile of The Black Yogini
The Black Yogini
Exploring the meaning of emotion regulation every day.
Go to the profile of Asha Shahinian
Asha Shahinian
Writer, Filmmaker, Overthinker.
Go to the profile of Linda A. Moran
Linda A. Moran
Artist, Author, Activist; truth-telling in history; redefining myself as a widow for a new decade. lindamoran.org
Go to the profile of Deirdre ("Writer in the Abyss" )
Deirdre ("Writer in the Abyss" )
FOM (Friends of Medium). BSc (Hons) Psychology(🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)/IT Graduate (🇮🇪) - (https://github.com/Deirdre18). https://ko-fi.com/deirdrewriterintheabyss
Go to the profile of Austin Petti
Austin Petti
Simple thoughts on life, the good the bad the rude the distasteful chaotic life of a guy through writing and poetry. <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https:/
Go to the profile of Piscean Dreams
Piscean Dreams
Just a girl who feels too much.
Go to the profile of The Dark Side of Douglas Wayne Goff
The Dark Side of Douglas Wayne Goff
Father. Veteran. Federal Agent. Author. Risk Grandmaster. Dungeon Master. I describe myself as 50% genius and 50% idiot with the latter being more dominant.
Go to the profile of Charles McDonald
Charles McDonald
Award winning journalist, dog rescuer, husband, dad. If we met at Woodstock, I apologize for memory lapses.
Go to the profile of JoJo M
JoJo M
I know what you are thinking.