RightMesh Weekly Update: February 2, 2018

Brianna MacNeil
Published in
7 min readFeb 2, 2018


The public pre-allocation phase of the RightMesh TGE is quickly approaching on February 15th! The team has been gearing up to ensure everything is prepared for the TGE. We’ve been working hard on testing the entire smart contract flow to ensure the token creation and distribution works well and that the process is smooth, integrating our payment channels with the mesh network to allow for purchasing and selling of micro amounts of data through RightMesh, and building experimental apps to be released for open source usage. We even tested a RightMesh enabled drone which can search for people in natural disasters!

We are overwhelmed by the positive feedback from the community and industry at large about our project. Thank you everyone for taking part and for your support. Please make sure you check out the new Smith + Crown article as it provides a thorough and thoughtful overview of RightMesh.


“Dissatisfaction with the way the world currently connects motivates the project, along with a vision of what true internet decentralization could look like. This is particularly relevant with Web3 infrastructure–encrypted data can be shifted throughout a network and accessed peer-to-peer, computation cycles could be done by a machine in town rather than a server by a cloud provider, and payments can be done peer-to-peer. RightMesh sees itself as enabling users to share relevant data with each other instead of everyone querying the same place for the same data and for routing peer to peer data (like messages) directly to each other. The mesh network can utilize multiple parts of the wireless spectrum for higher latency. Ultimately, RightMesh expects this to lower data costs — a barrier to tech adoption — and to provide connectivity alternatives to areas with limited internet coverage.”

Tech Progress

  • The development team in Vancouver continued work on integrating payment channel functionality into the protocol — both at the library level and at the superpeer. This will allow the superpeer to establish payment channels in their mesh networks and facilitate to micropayments to be made for the purchasing and selling of micro amounts of data.
  • Development and design work is proceeding well on our flagship app and our mobile wallet interface.
  • The development team in Bangladesh has been making good progress on several RightMesh apps they have been working on — including Flare, an app to stream music between devices on the mesh, mobile games, a voting app, and a number of others.
  • The team in Bangladesh even tested a RightMesh enabled drone which can search for people in natural disasters:

UX Progress

Continued refinements to the designs and functionality of Flare are being made based on user testing. We’re excited to share the following screenshots with you! We are currently iterating on these designs and changes are expected in the weeks to come as we learn more about our users.

Overview of Flare features

  • In Range — displays anyone available on the mesh network around you.
  • Flare — activating a Flare sends an emergency distress people to anyone in Range. This will optionally allow you to share your location, and add details to describe your emergency.
  • Resources — this feature is aimed at coordinating relief efforts. Users can post and view Resources — items or information that they are needing, or are capable of sharing with others.

We would love to hear your feedback about the designs and possible use cases we should consider — please join our Telegram channel to chat with the UX team about Flare!

Token Generating Event (TGE) Process

  • TGE Smart Contract Test Run: On Wednesday, we conducted a successful test run of all of our TGE smart contracts on testnet. We had members from our technical teams as well as our partners FirstCoin, who we’ve been working with to design the TGE process and our smart contracts. We will be conducting several more in the next two weeks leading up to the TGE to ensure the process is smooth.
  • Smart contract audits in progress by CoinFabrik. Our smart contracts are now in external audit. In last week’s update, we announced that after extensive research, we partnered with CoinFabrik as our external smart contract auditor.

CoinFabrik has more than 20 years experience building and reviewing security applications, and have been heavily involved in the cryptocurrency field. Notably, they helped create the merge mining code for Rootstock, and helped Jaxx integrate with different cryptocurrencies. They have audited smart contracts for many of the world’s leading blockchain projects including Status, Bancor, Monaco, and many others. We’re looking forward to publishing their results for community review after the audit is complete.

Excerpt from our January 26 update.

Our very first AMA

We’re currently collecting questions for the first RightMesh AMA on Reddit. We wanted to ensure that all of your questions were answered before the pre-allocation phase of the Token Generating Event (TGE) begins on February 15th. Please submit your questions on the following reddit post until 8:00am PST on Monday, February 5th.

Community & Events

  • PSA — Be on the look out for Telegram scam attempts: There has been an increase in scam attempts on Telegram where users are impersonating RightMesh admins and requesting funds via direct message.

PLEASE NOTE: Contributions will only be accepted through the Bitcoin Suisse platform. RightMesh will never solicit contributions via email, Twitter, Telegram, direct message, or any form of social media. Anyone who contacts you with a special offer or asks for you to send them crypto directly for the RightMesh TGE is trying to scam you.

  • PSA — Double check domains: Please also ensure that you check the email address and domains you are accessing in relation to the RightMesh TGE. Official domains include rightmesh.io and bitcoinsuisse.ch
  • 5,000+ Twitter followers: We exceeded 5,000 twitter followers! Thank you everyone for following along with our progress.
  • 4,900+ Telegram members: Our telegram grew by 1,200+ members this week! Your support for our project has been overwhelmingly great. Due to increased activity in telegram, we hired international community managers for overnight coverage. Say hi to Obi (@Obi2024) and Mathias (@Lisyhave) if you see them in Telegram.
  • Dr. Jason Ernst attended the Improve Life Challenge Hackathon at the University of Guelph starting January 26 followed by a trip to Goose Bay for the eNuk app project in Rigolet. The team who won the hackathon built a mesh app which allowed people to sync health records which could be shared with ambulance drivers and hospitals in emergencies.
  • John Lyotier and Chris Jensen attended and gave a keynote speech about their journey from domainers to cypherpunks at NamesCon in Las Vegas from January 28 — 31.
  • 12 people from the RightMesh and Left teams attended the Women in Tech Regatta in Vancouver through January 29 — February 2. Our attendees included Saju Abraham, Tracy McDonald, Amber McLennan, Precious Omoruyi, Jenna Mortemore, Caryl Longden, Rachel Cheng, Lindsey Matthews, Joe Deobald, Ryan Kirkbride, Marinna Lachapelle, and Sri Kirsh.

Upcoming Events

Our team will be travelling around the world over the next few months to international conferences, hackathons and meetups. Here’s our travel schedule for February. Please reach out if you will be in town! We’d love to say hi and meet up 👋

Stay in Touch

To stay up to date with RightMesh, please join our social channels:



Brianna MacNeil

₿ the change you want to see in the world. Global Development Studies @ Queen’s University. Manager, Global Partnerships & Strategy @RightMesh.