Go to Rotten Roots
Rotten Roots
Whether we want to admit it or not, everything we are started with our family. Family dysfunction is the root of societal dysfunction. We need to start making it okay to talk about all that is NOT okay. Please join me in exploring our ‘Rotten Roots’.
Note from the editor

Whether we want to admit it or not, everything we are started with our family. Family dysfunction is the root of societal dysfunction. We need to start making it okay to talk about all that is NOT okay. Please join me in exploring our ‘Rotten Roots’. Feel free to reach out to the editor to join our team of writers.

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Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife
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Pam Lokker
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Shirley Laffa
Top Writer in Humor, Life Lessons - sharing funny true stories/what I’ve learned from mistakes. My book: https://amzn.to/3s01fDv Twitter: @shirley_laffa
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Sobiyah Faheem
Copy writer | content writer | Blogger |