Getting to sit down and role-play with your gaming group isn’t always easy. Even when you move game to virtual platforms, just getting your friends…
We’ve written about the importance of NPCs in role-playing games a lot. They serve as a barometer for the players, they…
I recently finished reading a book that made me take a long look back at my role-playing experiences…
During the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone’s stuck inside. While Erica and I can play as many ironic rounds of Pandemic as…
Another week in quarantine has passed and I think it’s time to jot down a quick update on what we’ve been up to.
Sure, the ideal is beginning and ending a campaign with the same group. But sometimes you need to bring in new players, and it can be a lot of fun to add to the existing cast! Geek & Sundry has some tip for how to smoothly fold in the new player and their character:
Until recently, I’ve always role-played in person. We’ve hosted many campaigns in our living room, or driven out to a…
Monsters are the bread and butter of most table-top RPG campaigns — goblins on the road, the orcish army marching toward the PCs’ home kingdom, or just the betentacled horror that lurks in the dark, murky waters of a lake that your…
Campaigns tend to spend a lot of time in the open road or wilderness, tacking down monsters and the like. But just as important are the cities of your RPG world. These are the places where people coalesce and come together, and making urban centers feel…