Week after the half marathon

Last week I completed 5 week half marathon training and half marathon. Here are my trainings from the week after.

Henri Heinonen
Runner's Life
3 min readDec 11, 2019


This week I took running super easy. On week 5, I had my first issues with Achilles tendon and wanted to be careful with it. First 2 days, I healed my Achilles tendon with cold gel, doing stretches, and rolling. As Mark Perry mentioned in comments last week, I should be careful to avoid chronic issues with my Achilles tendon. More about that after we see the runs or run of week 6. Yeah, I told you, I took the running super easy this week.

The Runs, or Run of Week 6

Photo by Oscar Söderlund on Unsplash

Tuesday 3, 2019

4km walk

Wednesday 4, 2019

54min super easy running + 5min walking + 150 steps in stairs

Thursday 5, 2019

6km walk

Saturday 7, 2019

Swimming 40 min

Softly but firmly

This week as I trained softly, I didn’t get the pain to my Achilles tendon. If the pain comes back, I will search for professional advice, though. It’s not smart to play with these types of issues. They might become serious otherwise.

I also did swimming as it is soft and doesn’t cause pressure for the tendon.

I was searching for information about how to heal the Achilles issue. However, I’m not a doctor, so the best advice is to go to the doctor if you have pain. Below are some of the ideas.

The general advice on the internet seems to be that you shouldn’t stop moving because of it, but you should ease up. If the pain is serious, a couple of days rest is smart, but as soon as you can, start moving softly. Give it small pressure and move even if it hurts a bit.

Below are some of the pieces of advice which I used to heal from different sources on the internet. Achilles tendon seems to be a common challenge for runners so, someone might be right now suffering from it. I thought a little list of tips might help. Read the sources for more information.

  • reducing your physical activity — Healthline
  • gently stretching and later strengthening your calf muscles — Healthline
  • icing the area after exercise or when in pain — Healthline
  • Immobilization may involve the use of a cast or removable walking boot to reduce forces through the Achilles tendon and promote healing. — Foothealthfacts

Right after the run, the best trick for me was to add cold gel and let the leg rest for a while. Otherwise, I was gently stretching and moving it during the day.

Stretches and Treatment for Tight Calves — Healthline

Here are some of the resources I read through about Achilles Tendon:

Achilles Tendon ProblemsUW Health

Achilles Tendon Disorders Foothealthfacts

Achilles TendonitisHealthline

Remember to check out my earlier stories about my 5 week half marathon journey:

Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5



Henri Heinonen
Runner's Life

Entrepreneur | 1 x Founder | Passionate tech guy from countryside. Internet is value. I like to challenge my mental and physical muscles in various activities.