Starting a new company

I’m leaving Reaktor after 11 years and starting a new company that focuses on creating digital products that automate…

10 000 employees. No managers. Great results.

Buurtzorg is one of the companies studied for Fredrik Laloux’s book “Reinventing Organizations”. I and Panu Liira visited Buurtzorg in November 2015 to see what it was all about.

Helping kids learn systems thinking

I recently wrote a short blog post about the The 14 habits of a Systems Thinker. It’s a poster by the Waters Foundation. The foundation’s goal is to make systems thinking accessible and practical. The poster is essentially a reminder of 14 ways of looking at the…

The most surprising thing about starting a podcast

I recently started a podcast called Boss Level. Boss level is the status a person or an organization achieves by making a better quality of life for themselves and others by doing what they need to do regardless of all the haters and…

14 Habits of a Systems Thinker

The Waters Foundation has released a new version of their Habits of a Systems Thinker poster. The Waters Foundation aims to make “systems thinking accessible and practical, both for children in classrooms as well as executives”. Their mission sounds similar to Systems…

Blog by Sami Honkonen
Blog by Sami Honkonen
Sami Honkonen writing on how the nature of work has changed and how the governing principles must change with it.
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