More vision, fewer problems

David Rock, in his book Quiet Leadership, explains a model to help you focus your discussions and thoughts. I’ve found it very useful so I’d like to share it with you.

The areas of focus are:

  1. Vision (e.g. What do we want to…

Helping kids learn systems thinking

I recently wrote a short blog post about the The 14 habits of a Systems Thinker. It’s a poster by the Waters Foundation. The foundation’s goal is to make systems thinking accessible and practical. The poster is essentially a reminder of 14 ways of looking at the…

Uninterrupted flow considered harmful

Flow is a mental state in which a person becomes fully immersed in an activity. It’s when everything just seems to flow naturally like water. You may have experienced flow while doing sports, while absorbed in your favorite hobby, or on the job when working on…

Blog by Sami Honkonen
Blog by Sami Honkonen
Sami Honkonen writing on how the nature of work has changed and how the governing principles must change with it.
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