Scribe Already Shines in 2023!

How nice to see you again for this first newsletter of the year!

Thomas Gaudex


Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Dear Reader,

I hear we have all of January to do it, but since I’m here for the first 2023 edition of our beloved newsletter, I wish you all a wonderful year, which I hope will be full of love, writing, and exciting reading, as well as good health, of course! Sometimes the weeks after the new year are a bit gloomy, so if this publication can bring some fresh air and poetry to everyone, it’s mission accomplished!

On January 1, I published this story to officially announce that Scribe’s year 2023 will be a creative one! And I must say that since the last newsletter, the great writers around here have been particularly creative! It’s been a while since the weekly digest has been so full, and it’s quite pleasant! I’m thinking in particular of Sylvia Wohlfarth’s and Carolyn Riker’s poems, Gliding Into 2023, and Her Imperfectly Quirky Sensitivities, which bring us a sweet warmth to start the year with a lighter heart. I also think of Caroline Mellor’s haiku, where love is born from a pink sky. I won’t mention all the other gems to read at the end of this newsletter, as always.

As promised, I also published last Wednesday the article dedicated to all the wonderful writers of the publication, in which you can already…



Thomas Gaudex

Writer | Poet | Editor of Scribe | Literature and Nature help me breathe |