Top Stories published by Segnale Rumore in December of 2008

PC/OS, un altro linux per il desktop?

“PC/OS aims to be an easy-to-use Linux distribution right out of the box. Being Ubuntu-based, it has a head start on being user-friendly, but PC/OS goes above and beyond Ubuntu’s measures to ensure ease of use by having common third-party non-GPL software included

Al via la “YouTube Symphony Orchestra”

YouTube Symphony Orchestra: la prima orchestra online del mondo: “Il nuovo, ambizioso progetto di YouTube apre la community video al mondo della musica classica e lo fa con un’iniziativa senza precedenti, che prevede la creazione della prima orchestra online del…

Aspettando Linux Mint

Linux Mint Blog:

“It’s been a little more than two weeks and you’re probably wondering where exactly is the stable release of Linux Mint 6 Felicia.

I was away for two weeks in Florida (great country by the way, I had never been to the US…