2020 in Retrospective

What we did and what it did with us

Semjon Becker
6 min readDec 31, 2020


Header. Image: © senseering | Semjon Becker

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Let’s face it: 2020 was a difficult year for everyone but it also showed us that we have to throw the lever if we want to change it to the good more than anything. In review, it is a burning glass for the industry that focuses on the shortcomings of the recent years and exposes how Industry 4.0, Digitalization, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence not only are good ways to comply with these shortcomings but rather display the only real solution to the future economy. A review on how we do things at senseering to create the tools for every other challenging year to come.


Senseering is selected as one of the winners of the Spin-Off-Award by RWTH Aachen University, highlighting the university’s support for new and innovative start-ups in digitalization. R&D, education and innovative start-ups have to go hand-in-hand to benefit from each other and to grow sustainably.


Senseering now offers a fast and straightforward service for setting up home office systems, especially for SMEs. Digitalization is not all about digital products — in the end it’s about people and how they create, work with and for these products and how their environment is changing rapidly and continually.

Homeoffice. Image: © Pexels | Serpstat

The COVID-19 crisis now shows the full potential of remote operations for the resilience management of businesses. We are fighting recession with manufacturing data and digital services and the deployment of remote operation is the crucial step for a company to achieve resilience against a crisis such as the spread of COVID-19.

Develop a new or improve the existing? The competitive environment of manufacturing companies is characterized by high dynamics and uncertainty, which inhibits the willingness to invest in new production machinery. At the same time, diverse customer requirements lead to a high diversity of products and shorter product life cycles. Tool or machine subscription business models in the sense of pay-per-use or subscription concepts in combination with distributed ledger technologies (DLT) such as blockchain technology represent a promising approach to solving the described challenges.

How can existing procution sites and established workflows follow these concepts? With the digital factory and Azure IoT Edge we are building a framework for an Industrial Service Bus. Together with more than 30 participants such as Intel, HPE, Zeiss and many others, senseering was able to contribute to both the central requirements and the concrete implementation of a proof of concept.


Senseering is joining forces with SPAICERScalable Adaptive Production Systems through AI-based Resilience Optimization, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi), based on a resolution of the German Bundestag. The awareness and support of the government is the gamechanger to making the difference in the future and we are proud to be a part of this.

With persistently growing digital services there is an increasing complexity in the economy of trust. Together with the Blockchain Reallabor für das Rheinische Revier, funded by the Ministry of Economics, Innovation, Digitisation and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, we present the Blockchain Audit Cloud — The secure shifting of corporate audits to the cloud and how Blockchain/DLT can automate the certification of companies.

On a bigger scale and with the same team we make a specific approach on how a data economy can transform the industry in NRW.


Putting a Price Tag on Your Data — senseering’s MyDataEconomy Platform Welcomes First Pilot Members. The MyDataEconomy platform is senseering’s interpretation of a digital value network or a digital data marketplace, not exclusively for, but especially developed for industrial data sources and large data volumes. The goal is to ensure secure, cross-network data availability for all players in order to optimize their own processes using digital twins.

The MyDataEconomy ecosystem digitizes, in a very simple way, very complex and still difficult to network (industrial) data sources with and among each other. The special design of the MyDataEconomy platform enables the secure and efficient exchange of data across network and company boundaries. With one mouse click, the participants of the MyDataEconomy platform are enabled to develop disruptive innovations in unprecedented collaborative networks and to design their own digital transformation. Now!

MyDataEconomy teaser. Image: © senseering


Senseering now benefits from Microsoft’s resources to further grow in infrastructure. Microsoft for Startups is a support program by Microsoft that enables upcoming startups to benefit from Microsofts software infrastructure as well as guidance and network. Applicable startups can apply for the program and -if selected- immediately make use of the premium benefits that Microsoft for Startups provides. Senseering has successfully applied and is now participating in the Microsoft for Startups program.

How to make the most of your data? In a comprehensive article published by the Industrial IOTA Lab Aachen (founded by senseering and the WZL) different steps of data exploitation from knowledge generation to monetization of this data are conceived, technical basics are presented and resulting potentials, obstacles and their solutions are discussed and illustrated by means of practice-oriented use cases. Finally, recommendations for companies in the manufacturing industry are derived and a potential monetization strategy for manufacturing data is designed.


We embrace the playful approach to new insights and ideas and support the “Integrate Everything with IOTA” hackathon hosted by IOT2TANGLE (I2T). The goal is to generate high quality, real-world, open-source integrations between popular IoT Devices and the IOTA Protocol. Decentralized protocols are deemed essential for the IoT to securely scale to tens of billions of devices globally in the next decade. Without a central service or server as a bottleneck, DLTs can provide data provenance, secure updates, and immutable audit trails from the edge. Waiting until data reaches the cloud introduces many security risks, including data theft, manipulation and single points of failure.

In order to make the vision of a digital economy in NRW tangible, the State of NRW systematically promotes start-up culture in relevant key technologies. Senseering joins as Day 1 member NRW’s Blockchain Masterclass and enters a program that is perfectly tailored to the needs of startups.


Senseerings pioneering product MyDataEconomy is open for further Beta testers and allows you to connect your data to a growing platform of Data Monetization and Data Distribution. We show you how to register, start your node and find/upload data. 🚀

That same MyDataEconomy becomes one of the first federated, decentralized IIoT-Datamanagement platforms with senseering joining GAIA-X as Day1 Member. With the GAIA-X concept, the German federal government, among others, has drawn up a proposal for the design of the next generation of a data infrastructure. The goal of GAIA-X is a secure and networked data infrastructure that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty and promotes disruptive innovation. In an open and transparent digital ecosystem, data and services are to be made available, brought together and shared with confidence. This now ensures and officially certifies that the development of senseering’s MyDataEconomy already meets the values and goals of GAIA-X and will continue to do so in the future. We are very proud to contribute to the GAIA-X movement with our solution.

We are grateful for the opportunities, changes and challenges that this year has brought us. We want to thank all our partners, clients and the supporting community of MyDataEconomy beta testers for your endurance and wish everyone a confident start into the year 2021!

senseering Logo | © senseering

About senseering

The senseering GmbH is a company founded in September 2018 that was awarded the RWTH Aachen University Spin-Off-Award. The core competence of senseering GmbH is the development and implementation of systems for the digitalization and networking of industrial and production facilities. Likewise, senseering GmbH advises on strategic corporate issues, in particular digital transformation, distributed-leger technologies, edge vs. cloud computing architectures for AI-based real-time control of industrial processes, digital business model innovation and the introduction of digital business processes such as home office, Azure or Microsoft365. Senseering is one of the winners of the first and largest AI innovation competition of the BMWi with the project www.spaicer.de.

Daniel Trauth (CEO) | www.senseering.de | E-Mail: mail@senseering.de



Semjon Becker

Design Engineer / Product Developer / Scientist / Musician