Sensual Highlights From the Week Of August 21, 2022

Including a new writing prompt

Elle Beau ❇︎
Sensual: An Erotic Life
3 min readAug 21, 2022


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Sensual: an erotic life would like to hear from you on the topic of a memorable erotic experience — memorable in either a positive way or even because it didn’t go as planned. This could be a date, a relationship, a time you tried something new in bed, or anything at all that is related to sex, sexuality, and erotic relationships. It can be funny, reflective, poignant, or just sharing an experience.

The deadline for this writing prompt is Saturday, October 1, 2022. At that time, Sensual will select some of the best submissions of either poetry or essays to feature in the October 2nd Newsletter. We look forward to seeing what you have to share. Please add the kicker Memorable if you wish to participate.


Essays 🧠

Size Only Matters When It Comes To My Toys and That’s Not Always by Demeter Delune
Sex, in heterosexual relationships, has looked the same for so long, that it’s become a meme. With so many types of toys on the market to choose from, we can be having a different adventure every night of the week! So why aren’t we? Because so many people are afraid to add these bonus features to their relationship — they think of them as replacements rather than bonuses, friends, comrades.

You Should Talk About Sex Before Marriage by Rachel
Well, a relationship is a conversation. If you don’t like something your partner does, go there and talk to him; If you want to try something new in bed, go out there and articulate — it’s all about the conversation. If people talked more, maybe many fights and intrigues wouldn’t happen. So learn to put your feelings into words and speak to the person you like. This is a big step towards a good coexistence. How do you think couples who have been married for more than thirty years maintain a good relationship? Talking.

We’re Designing a Sex Room by Elle Beau
In most of Melanie Rose’s designs, she either uses plush wallpaper that is a bit reminiscent of a classic bordello (not our style) or she creates dark, dramatic walls using either paint or textured wallpaper. Right now our bedroom walls are yellow. Not bright sunshine yellow, but although they aren’t nearly as bad as they sound, it’s not what I would have picked. Plus, it’s not a very opulent or elegant color. The more episodes we watched, the more I realized that this was an important aspect of making the space more intimate and sexy.

Poetry 🧝‍♀️

Sensual Rain by Mark Tulin
She was a rainstorm happenstance
She stole my heart in the sensual rain
Together we crossed the universe
The salty ocean flowed through us in waves

Is It a Crime by Patrick M. Ohana
Is it a crime that I still want to taste your skin
Where it tends to matter, specially at the end?
Is it a crime compared to being dumped within
And without with explicitly nothing to mend?

Pump Me Up With Pleasure by Margaret Sitawa
I lose myself
to the beauty of your movement
in the morning
under the bright, soothing sun
I hear the birds chirp

One Hour by Patricia Pixie
One more hour without him.
Every inch of her body craved it.
A sweet fire devouring her loins.

The Wet Dessert by Alloyce Lugoma
Her love for me was seasonal
But with the depletion of our communication links, it became optional
Her breasts are young and active
Ready to jiggle and raise my cock
Not forgetting her smooth touch



Elle Beau ❇︎
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Social scientist dispelling cultural myths with research-driven stories. "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge." ~ Carl Jung