Sentinel Chain Progress update #1– 4 May 2018

Moving forward with energy, excitement and enthusiasm

Anne Riana
Sentinel Chain
Published in
6 min readMay 4, 2018


It has been a successful month of April for Sentinel Chain. Our project and mission have been recognized by several big players in the fintech, blockchain and financial inclusion space.

On 2nd April 2018, Sentinel Chain Token (SENC) was successfully listed on Sentinel Chain project has been presented as a financial inclusion use case at the SUSS Global Inclusive Blockchain Conference in Singapore and to MBA students at the Agroeducation University in Argentina. We have signed new partnerships, strengthened our team through new advisors and strategic hires as well as introducing interesting new dialogue sessions on Telegram.

A big thank you to the Sentinel Chain community, without whom our success would not have been possible. It’s truly inspiring to to see a community who strongly believe in our mission towards inclusive finance.

Here’s the latest roundup of our recent progress.

Project updates

The team has confirmed Myanmar to be the first market for the deployment of CrossPay. The team has begun their preparation for deployment to Nay Pyi Taw, the capital city of Myanmar for livestock tagging trial as Phase 1 of implementation.

The team has also been invited to discuss collaboration strategies with Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Maybank on how the Sentinel Chain model can be extended to the region through bank partnerships.

Technical development


We have integrated new enhancements onto the CrossPay mobile and network:

· Identity attestation. CrossPay makes use of MultiChain private blockchain platform as the underlying immutable storage mechanism for local data. The time-series nature of blockchain makes keeping track of chronological events and attestation of identity highly reliable. Previous design of CrossPay handles attestation using a scoring mechanism by increasing the weightage of identity attributes based on the number of attestation, the current design keeps track of the time of individual attestations to provide a score weighted by the reputation of the attestator.

· Upgrading of stream data format. The previous design relies on the use of binary for storage on MultiChain. The design has been upgraded to support JSON data and makes it easier to perform JSON merging to derive identity attribute scores.

· File storage. The previous design makes of use MultiChain for binary file storage using a blocksize of 8mb. The current design has been refactored to contain the hash with the binary file on external blob. The design is also refactored in preparation for the coming feature of MultiChain called “off-chain stream items” which makes use of protocol level peer-to-peer file sharing.

· Architectural redesign. CrossPay Mobile architecture is undergoing a redesign to clear some of the technical debt prior to the token sale. The new design provides a segregation of the logic to include SDK layer versus business logic layer in preparation for future open source of CrossPay Mobile.

Community, Team, Partnership and Listing

Sentinel Chain thought leadership

We have invited thought leaders to join our Sentinel Chain community and inspire our community to be curious — to research and discuss the issues that really matter such as financial inclusion and impact investing (to name a few). Through online events such as SENConversations, panel discussions, and live interviews, we hope to bring in fresh perspectives and ideas which will shape the mission of the company.

New advisors, new country representatives and new hires in Tech and Marketing

We are proud to announce multiple new talents in the company.

Joining us as our Blockchain Advisor is BokkyPooBah. As one of the most prominent Smart Contract Developers in the Ethereum Community, BokkyPooBah brings on board his extensive development experience within financial markets instruments and blockchains. His supervision will be instrumental to the technical development of Sentinel Chain.

Joining our team are: Tang TF (Business Development Manager), Samuel Lay (Head, Business Development), Xifeng Fang (Blockchain Developer), Vittorio Joosten (Marketing Strategist), Darryl Lo, (Social Media Manager and Community Manager, Asia), Logan Spindle (Community Manager, U.S.), Christopher Craig (Community Manager, UK and Europe).

Sentinel Chain is growing at a phenomenal pace, with an industry veteran in our Sentinel Chain advisory arsenal and new hires in our team, we’re excited to move forward with the project’s progress.

New partnerships with IoT Chain, Banyan Network and FintruX

We have signed new partnerships with IoT Chain (ITC), Banyan Network (BBN) and FintruX (FTX).

IoT Chain (ITC). Our strategic partnership with IoT Chain will explore and implement the application of blockchain technology in inclusive financial services through the use of wireless mesh technologies.

Banyan Network (BBN). Our partnership with Banyan Network will advance our goal of financial inclusion through the use of big data blockchain technology with livestock collateralisation.

FintruX (FTX). Our partnership with FintruX will bridge the unbanked farmers to the network of FintruX loan providers who can provide loan services on the Sentinel Chain platform.

Growing our SENC Community

Since our ICO, our community of Sentinel Chain supporters has been growing strong. We have more than 27,000 supporters and followers in our Telegram channel, WeChat groups and Twitter. Post-ICO, we ran marketing campaigns in our various channels to grow and increase our community engagement — of which, our WeChat channels have garnered significant community growth.

We’re very excited with this organic community growth after our ICO — this has given us the strength and confidence to move forward with our mission.

To welcome our new supporters, our CEO and Founder had an interview session with BlockArk to explain InfoCorp, CrossPay, blockchain technology — and how they co-exist in the Sentinel Chain ecosystem. In the interview, Roy took some time to discuss the company’s plans moving forward into 2019.
Read the interview in Mandarin
Read the interview in English

SENC Tokens unlocked

SENC tokens for our Public Sale buyers were unlocked on 1st April — you can withdraw your SENC to an ERC20-compatible wallet. The first and second tranches of SENC tokens for our Pre-Sale buyers have also been unlocked. listed SENC has been selected to be our first exchange partner. SENC has since been available for trading on on April 2. We would like to thank our community for bringing SENC to the highest volume in in the past month and doubling the value of our Token since our launch.

Coming next

We’ve got a very busy month of May ahead of us, so here’s what you can expect from our next progress update.

First Reddit AMA. We will have our first Reddit AMA this month! Our Blockchain Advisor BokkyPooBah will be conducting a Reddit AMA to answer questions on blockchain, smart contracts, Ethereum and more. Stay tuned for more details.

Project Progress. We have begun development work for Sentinel Chain on the first unbanked market with the official announcement to be released soon.

New Partnerships. We have two major technology partnerships in the pipeline that will explore the extension of Sentinel Chain ecosystem to other blockchain ecosystem via EVM bridge technologies.

Exchanges. We will have new updates on our next official exchange partner.

Sentinel Chain is a blockchain-based international marketplace for cross-border financial services and the world’s first platform to accept the use of livestock as collateral. Taking a unique approach to the last mile problem of financial inclusion, the Sentinel Chain model establishes livestock provenance through the creation of livestock insurance on blockchain — the registration of livestock provenance on blockchain provides the unbanked with a new opportunity: the real possibility of accepting livestock as ‘collateral’ for loans. Sentinel Chain is a project by InfoCorp Technologies


